1qtr results are known…. internally, let’s see if we get a purposeful rally….otherwise more impairments will suddenly emerge from somewhere. Impairments by the way are arbitrary and subjective…most auditors don’t get too concerned as impairments reduces profits and can be seem as being conservative as opposed to lifting a provision or write back of impairments…..
By the way…..Genting is a classic shortlist counter as it is in long term downtrend since 2011 peaking around 11 + and it stages rally within a range….so please don’t be fooled investors who shorted have made money for sure ….Shortist is one who sells shares they don’t own …they hope to buy back cheaper ….so if you say there is a pattern between 4.40 and 5.20 than you would sell at 5.20 and buy back at 4.40 or any where between this range. Only Robles is a catalyst like TauRX can blow the shortist or a take over.
@Riaz1954 They wouldn't keep their position open for so long, likely already made their money along the way. But at the expense of someone else. Will the someone else be enticed to buy again? :p
Just read the 2023 annual report. Couple of things stand out. On page 26 it clearly states investments held by chairman and ceo compete directly with Genting! Conflict of interest. This is no no! Secondly the deputy CEO is CEO’s son….so much for governance! I had not realised this, father and son and yet the report goes on about how governance is managed, risk management culture and so on, full of bull shit. This is why the wider investment community lack trust in Genting and this has been covered by some of the analysts as well.
Chairman cum CEO is Uncle Lim KT and deputy CEO is his son. There is nothing wrong with this as Lim KT's father founded the Genting Empire and passed it on to his son. Now Lim KT is preparing and training his son to take it over
TauRx was founded in 2002 in Singapore, with primary research facilities and operation based in Aberdeen, UK. The company has dedicated the past two decades to developing treatments and diagnostics for Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases due to protein aggregation pathology.
Initial investment during series B fundraising round has been compounding at 16% annually for the past 20 yrs. I really cannot complain here. I can liquidate some shares now, but will miss out more upside coming.
@neohts if you can investment in something that can give you 16% compounding annually, you wont complain while waiting for grand jackpot also. Only warren buffett/ peter lynch class of investors can beat this type of return.
What is the compound return of Berkshire Hathaway?
Today, it owns several private companies and 47 publicly traded securities. Berkshire stock has delivered a compound annual return of 19.8% since Buffett took the helm in 1965, which is twice the return of the S&P 500 index.
At age 33, Peter Lynch was appointed to manage the legendary Magellan Fund at Fidelity. The fund earned an annualized return of 29.2% during his time running it, more than twice what the S&P 500 earned during that time. After 13 years managing the Magellan Fund, Lynch retired in 1990 at age 46.
Unlike some ppl here in i3 who promote their stock when already up 20% 30% 50% or more, speakup admit bought Genting at 4.80. Speakup sitting on paper loss. Who want to buy cheaper than speakup? This is Your chance!
Comparing west & east. West, less fathers appoint son to takeover West, less corrupt ceos. West, more open, regulated, transparent. West, shareholders more rights. West, can exercise rights, > vocal, > powerful.
West innovated & invented most prod/svcs.
That's why west higher std living, richer, etc.
That's why west stk mkt leads Asia. West leads, Asia follows. Dow, S&P, Nasdaq higher than Asia indices.
Taurx will take quite some time to happen. No point asking every few days, again & again. It won't happen even if you ask 1,000 times. Buy-wait patiently or else sell, buy back later. If so easy to make money, everybody buy GB.
GB not a good stk bcos reasons you know. But Taurx is good & GB owns part of Taurx. So, that makes GB worth buying. Only problem is you have wait a few years. Can't wait, don't ask, don't buy, don't complain.
1,000+ stk in Bursa. Many stks offer higher capital gains. Many stks offer higher dividends. Many stks offers both.
So, why buy GB when it's clearly not good. Buy GB only bcos Taurx is jewel in crown.
If can't wait patiently for some yrs for Taurx Then buy other stks now to make more $$$.
Our investments in life sciences companies such as Genting TauRx Diagnostics Centre Sdn Bhd (“GT Diagnostics”), TauRx Pharmaceuticals Ltd (“TauRx”), Celularity Inc and DNAe Group Holdings Limited are at various stages of research and development for new treatments and ways to improve our health and lifestyle. TauRx is pursuing regulatory interactions and submissions for its oral anti-tau product, hydromethylthionine mesylate to seek regulatory approval in the US, UK and other territories. GT Diagnostics announced in July 2023, the release of HiPAL, a well-being app that empowers people to conveniently monitor their cognitive health in the comfort of their home. HiPAL is downloadable via Apple Store or Google Play and is available in the US, UK, Malaysia, EU, Singapore and Australia. HiPAL Pro was released in August 2023 and is available in the US market. This is a self-administered assessment tool that aids the diagnosis and monitoring of dementia in particular, Alzheimer's disease. HiPAL Pro was officially listed with the US Food and Drug Administration as a computerised cognitive assessment aid in July 2023.
The recent formalisation of the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone and the revival of the High-Speed Rail project augur well for the property market in Johor and present good opportunities for our Group to further realise the value of strategically located landbank through well-executed property development activities.
New casinos means more cap investment. GB will use its cash to finance expansion. Will take years to build. Will take years to recoup investment. ROI take take years to reflect. Share price uptick take years to reflect.
All these take years bef you enjoy high profits.
Boss can wait bcos he's majority shareholder He handover to son when game over. Son handover to grandson when game over. Continue generation after generation. Retailers don't have this privilege.
Where is GB price going ? Down. No matter what good news, No matter what new developments, No matter what new casino licenses, No change. No new continued stable growth in stk price.
Bcos boss Highest paid plc CEO in Asia. Impairments, Insider trading Manipulation RPT, etc.
Keep posting non-stop every day good news. Bcos bought high - now stuck in penthouse. Now keep buy lower & lower to avg down. Keep posting non-stop good news to influence others to buy. Hope others buy to share burden, pain, sorrow Hope others buy enough to push up price.
This tactic to get others to buy to loose money and suffer together won't work.
@keyman, you are right. He bought high, so, keep promoting hoping to influence others to buy. And hoping that others buying could push up prices. But alas, retailers here are so few and volume bought also too low to push up prices. Never mind, they have an excellent view from the penthouse.
We are in this forum because we invest in Genting and want it to do well. However, it is frustrating we know it is undervalued theoretically based on book cost and fair valuation using cash flow, earnings per share etc metrics. The boss major shareholder is not interested in promoting the company to shareholders….as he has no incentive whats so ever, as he can generate profit / earnings just by doing nothing, there are no roadshows to analysts in countries where they operate etc…very low key. Even TauRX, I am surprised Genting was used to invest rather than boss private investment vehicle? Reason, probability of success is low at least at the onset. For TauRX, the US scientists still don’t believe, there is sufficient end point data and the placebo issue to conclude on TauRX. I will remain invested despite all this. We need to be positive despite the tough reality.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
1,350 posts
Posted by Riaz1954 > 2024-04-23 16:50 | Report Abuse
1qtr results are known…. internally, let’s see if we get a purposeful rally….otherwise more impairments will suddenly emerge from somewhere. Impairments by the way are arbitrary and subjective…most auditors don’t get too concerned as impairments reduces profits and can be seem as being conservative as opposed to lifting a provision or write back of impairments…..