btw I have owned some dnex since the last Q, imho, im looking at CAGR angle, which determines the future value estimation of the company before deciding to average upcoming tradings.
If one wants to dismiss the profits as a mere one time goodwill due to the energy acquisition, just ask yourself, why was ping acquired - to bring future losses or to improve the future bottomline? This statement is very true - “the market is forward looking”. I’d say don’t dwell on the QR which only shows past events.
Qtr with hundred millions profit, although with one off goodwill also not happy.. Negative comment bla.bla. I think this people miss the boat to buy cheap..haha......Ping and siltera not yet contribute in this qtr. The future is bright for dnex.... very good if siltera make a turnaround
I would be cautious or negative if the one off was due to a disposal of assets, especially of a money making one. But this one off came with an acquisition. Think about that.
Some proudly announced selling at 77 and were planning to buy back at 74. This was just a few days ago. Interesting and daring strategy under current circumstances.
We dont have to call others s t u p i d, dont have to show off how many million shares you have, dont have call others kids...dont have to show off what car you drive..... dont have to shout the shares price will 70c...50c la...... be careful, nanti others curse back, u jatuh longkang 7 ft deep...
tiada ribut tiada taufan. kecoh holding 1M share and keep telling other people s tup1d. if you all can imagine, this kind of people who watching a football match by sitting outside the pitch, keep complaining and barking like a pro. satu sen pun tak guna. pity.
The real Profit is FY22, which is June-2021 to June 2022. So Nov-21, 2 months time will be the real show. This one time gain just a warm up. I think all looking good.
No need to know so much where the RM millions come from... If you take of the cents(or sense), the dollar will take of itself...
..... as long as there's net cash, more productive assets (more Ping) and a billion-dollar wafer foundry.... come together with a shortage of gas, coal, oil and chips....
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,552 posts
Posted by chl1989 > 2021-09-24 20:22 | Report Abuse
agree with uncleJL. Next quarter = judgement day