Is a very good buy, only at 20% of peninsular land price and the payback only 4 years, FFB production will increase by 26% very good management decision
i on board already. The 2nd quarter result in FY2016 mentioned that 3rd quarter is peak crop season and led to significantly increase in production (is true as i have do the comparison). 2nd point is the log price increased 19%, CPO price increase 26%, Kernal palm oil price increased 71% and FFB increased 42% compared to 3rd quarter result in FY2015. Hence, it come out a conclusion with the revenue in 3rd quarter result will have a minimum increase of 50m compared to 3rd quarter result in FY2016.
By adopting the Comparison Method of Valuation, the Lands are assessed by an independent valuer, VPC Alliance (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd (Registered Valuer V-141) to have an aggregate market value of RM365,300,000.00 on 19 October 2016. 2) Elaboration of Basis and Justification of Purchase Price (Item 5 of Announcement) In negotiating with the Vendors on the Purchase Price, Ta Ann took into account various factors including the size of Agrogreen’s land bank, planted area, age of palm trees, quality of the estate and estate management practices, infrastructure of the estate, locality and proximity to CPO mills as well as recently transacted market prices, which included raw land transaction in nearby area at over RM60,000/ha. Furthermore, Agrogreen’s brownfield plantation is strategically located (unlike other plantations situated in the interior region of Sarawak) about 30km or less than an hour drive (75km by road) to Kuching city and the palm oil refinery. Please refer to the locality map attached. Its close proximity to the city (which is shorter distance than from KLIA to Kuala Lumpur City) presents a great potential for future development after one cycle of planting. The plateau located in the unplantable area of the plantation, overlooking the sea, has huge potential for development into a tourist attraction spot/eco holiday resort. In addition, there is a scarcity of good quality estates/plantation of sizeable area in Sarawak. The State Government of Sarawak has repeatedly emphasized that no new plantation land will be made available in the near term (titled state land) and all new developments will have to be carried out on NCR land through joint ventures with NCR land owners. This adds further value to estate/plantation on titled state land.
- Inventories osed only slightly higher due to lower production. Malaysia’s inventories rose for a second straight month, osing at 1.57m mt. The October number was lower than the nsensus estimate of 8.8% increase. Inventories are likely to remain tight until 1Q 2017 as production are going to slow down after peaking in Sept.
-CPO exports ntracted 1.4% MoM. Palm oil exports softened second straight month, down 1.4% MoM after seeing a sharp decline in the previous month. Exports to all major nsuming untries, namely, China (-5.2%), India (-22.3%), Pakistan (-4.0%) and US (-10.1%) were lower except EU (+31.2%). As Chinese New Year lebration is approaching, we expect to see a pick-up in demand from China.
-Production likely peaked in Sept. CPO surprisingly fell in Oct, down 2.2% MoM. Both Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia dropped 1.7% and 2.6%, respectively. Production is likely to head downtrend again beginning this month, as we believed production has peaked in Sept.
- Buy ahead of winter period. For the 1 st ten days of Nov 2016, Malaysia’s CPO exports fell 13.8% from a month earlier, according to Intertek. Based on the MPOB reference price from 10 Oct to 09 Nov 2016 of RM2,761/mt, the CPO export duty is likely to drop from 6.5% to 6% for the month of Dec
-Highest average CPO price recorded since 2014. Oct’s 2016 average CPO price fell from RM2,854/mt in Sept to RM2,735/mt. YTD, CPO price averaged at RM2,577/mt, which is higher than our full-year forecast of RM2,500/mt. As CPO supplies are expected to remain tight over the next few months, we expect to see CPO prices trading in the range of RM2,700-2,900/mt
for the record CPO today traded touch the high of 3089 , due to a freefall of the ringgit .ringgit touch a low of 4,52/usd, and then revover a bit to 4.32/usd.
Malaysia will lower its crude palm oil export tax to 6% in dec, down from 6.5% in nov. according to a circular on the Malaysia palm oil Board website on Tuesday
Revenue achieved historically high of 349m, will be further increase more due to increased in CPO price and log price. Next quarter will be better again.
In the coming quarter, we expect TAANN to maintain or improve on 3Q16 results, as quarter-to-date (QTD) USD/MYR has strengthened 4% to 4.20 which bodes well for Timber segment margins. Meanwhile, we expect TAANN to see higher CPO prices as well, given the QTD increase of 14% to RM2,750/MT
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
517 posts
Posted by super888 > 2016-10-28 07:39 | Report Abuse
l thought TA ANN had very good future after purchase the Agrogreen plantation land in kuching.