Jaya Tiasa double the capital size of Taann, but provide more or less,same or less monthly crop production figures, estates must be due immatured/ young age,so no interest in this stock.past year dividen only 1%.forget it.
as most investors are not palmoil market/ expert analysts, they prefer to view the co.quarterly reports in order to decide to buy for to sell.Some may see higher Cpo could be only temporary due to seasonal factors, thought we know ,it is not.May be Cpo touching 3000Rm could make news headlines and then people start chasing for the stock.
so enning22, you are not FA and you are not long term investor as well, FGV do not fit any of the criteria to warrant the share investment but purely gambling and speculative in nature. At the end of the day sama juga la.
Generally, dry weather is good for cpo, coz no matter how hot, ppl still like to eat goreng food, fast food.
But raining is bad for cpo, if oil palm soak too much in water, the ffb would not be nice, juz like Durian, and the muddy road make it very hard for transportation.
Luckily we havent had a raining flood season this yr so far
if you think cpo price will reach to 3000, then you should sell your car, sell your house and dive into TAAN, mr market will eventually reflect the TAAN price at 3000 cpo. look at it as oppotunity. no point blame mr. market ineficiency.
for investment , you must take into account of probability,not absolute certainty. without this understanding ,and merely thinking in one dimentional way,like 007 did, well,u could be mentally paralysed in complete sense, for a lack complete imformation about matter of concerned.3000 is just a figure of possibility, not absolute certainty;other factors still involved , like weather, consumers behaviour , they got a choice of switching to other substitute products, etc.This is a complex world , not a simple one .
007 or others loved to demonised stock not in his favour,FGV is true has many inperfection,that is why market price is so low,1.39-2.30 , more or less,adjusted value. In fact , if everything is in perfect order as you demand , the market price will not be this low, instead may be KLK or Welma is your choice, price differ very much,and you are looking at wrong counter.
90% of retail investors loss money because they are arrogant, self centered and very brilliant to buy FGV and the like. if you think I talk rubbish, you can go ahead be self confident
@kakashit, Aiya, how can dry weather good for CPO, january, feb, and march dry season the ffb output are the lowest in a year. Palm trees need water and sun, of course not too much like flood, The best for trees are slight raining at night and strong sun during the day
@Kakashit, so what would be the estimated taan share price after 20% growth of production? common sense question right? if not like enning22 said who care... very arrogant and confident
A blind man act like blind he will be safe, but a arrogant and over confident blind man will died without reason being known to him. This we call died standing
you are right, wait for QR is cleverer than blind man eat sour grapes with poisonous vitamins, will see another round of panic selling in the making, don't loose your under wear again
We had seen Sarawakian stocks last Q results during election were not during well. Personally I believe they were forced to donate money to Sarawak ruling parties for their campaigns.
Anyhow, they will be paid back by having more Sarawak gov contracts. As such their coming quarter result will go back to normal track and increasing better.
who care , i got full basket load at 3.16rm, may be waiting to further do averaging at 2.00 as some dummy fantasied. as it ever comes in their childish silly dream .
enning22, current basket i have is at 3.56, bought at various prices including 4.50+ a year back, some at 3.8, some at 4.10. But i got to agree with you, my dream is for it to go down to 2, would be glad to do some averaging around 2.50 to 2.80 for at least 3 to 5 years play. Dividend yield at around 2 is a few more times more than FD =)
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 22): Crude palm oil prices are seen averaging at RM2,678 per tonne in 2016, up nearly 18% from last year, boosted by demand from top consumer India and replenishment of stocks by China, according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC).
using palm oil to substitute diesel or petrol with crude oil so low, you think the CPO price will improve? we have chicken brain minister here. Talk just for the sake of he need to talk and give speech.
you get everything wrong , it is not a substitute, it is a mixing, product mixture,so call M20(20%mix), implemented in Indonesia, and B7(7%mix) , we have here in Malaysia.
who don't know, it's very old technology. you think by doing so CPO price will increase because demand increase? brain damage Biofuel is outdated and obsolete, some companies even convert CPO into burning fuel and lubricant cheapskate biotech is new technology where the real money is generated with smart brain. not what the minister trying to priest stpd
u got everything wrong again, the purpose of B20 is to reduced the massive over-hanging carry -over stock, that plague the industry.with supply and demand return to balance, CPO price will adjust to reasonable level, that is exactly wat is happening now.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,947 posts
Posted by enning22 > 2016-08-17 14:15 | Report Abuse
Jaya Tiasa double the capital size of Taann, but provide more or less,same or less monthly crop production figures, estates must be due immatured/ young age,so no interest in this stock.past year dividen only 1%.forget it.