Ta Ann starts to move, collect now before it cross RM4 soon.
Three catalysts are: i) CPO price surge RM100 today to above RM3000 per tonne. ii) Still under the radar of many investors as YTD return is still negative 10% iii) Timber division will benefit from strong USD now at 4.4+ almost record high in two years.
In Indonesia, the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has mandated the blending of 20% biodiesel and established a fine of 46 cents per liter against those who do not blend as required. In an effort to ensure sufficient supplies for blending, biodiesel producers are required to register with the government, a move that in conjunction with the other new rules the producers association has applauded saying that it will help to boost consumption and support prices.
cpo futures price this morning, breaks thru 3100 rm,then retraced on consolidation,this bullish developement will keep plantation stock, price to stay firmly on the ascending path.
for recording purpose: cpo today trade at 3220rm for prompt delivery in the afternoon, look like a "squeeze" situation has developed, in the demand and supply side.
SOP also not bad, my second choice.i myself avoid FGV ,Jtiasa,Thplant ,due to bad managements and many problems existed; thought price was low for these companies. As investors , we shoud stick with good companies.
those companies ,based on setup, strickly speaking not overpriced, but undervalued, by right should be very profitable, but results are not there , so i say the management managed in " strange way". So thanks , but no thanks.
for share mkt , sometimes you do investment, sometimes you do short term speculation, you must clearly understood the distintion , and know exactly wat you are doing. I did speculate in FGV shares earlier,saw govt link funds moved in a big way to purchase , the story at that time FGV was undergoing restructuring exercise, and a new CEO had been appointed, and the new CEO, scraped the deal on purchasing Indonesian company called Grand Eagle plantation. It looked good at that time. but then suddenly the story changed, that deal with Grand Eagle are actually still carry on with further negotiation, and many corporate frauds of FGV being reported, in Star, and the Edge. i quickly disposed all Fgv,luckily no loss incurred.That was my speculative experience on FGV.For you knowledge , i never advise anybody to speculate in any share,not FGV or anything else.Whatever anybody do,they do on their own accord.and those action has nothing to do with me,PLEASE understand that. For short term speculation, I learnt one IMPORTANT principle, cut loss once the trend changed course.
Don't try to be smart when you are not. I was laughing at you when you recommended FGV in this forum. I'm not sure who is the one that eating shit from FGV, ha ha ha very good
ha ha ha this flla buy share not using his head instead use his backside with shit around, inno plantation too small, not enough to pay directors fee ha ha ha check the background la who is the MD. latest QR 17.8 mils ok. It will be the next asiatic. today GENP.
for me........... TAANN price so expensive......... if you buy RM3.79 x 100lots TAANN, you can buy 94sen x 400lots CEPAT already.......... if cepat break RM1 you got RM2,400 profit (no deduct your fees) ........... that means TAANN need reach RM4.03............ so the investor need to think which stock more better, faster and safety for their invest............ so I think CEPAT and INNO better than TAANN...........
@blacksnake ---you do wat ever you want ,this is the place,people discuss about TAANN --many people here bought in very cheap during the begin of the year,if like CEPAT OR Innoprise , plese go respective places and talk about them .Here we keep latest developement posted,for future reference.
@blacksnake Innoprise has only 9k hectare of plantation , it is a size of small holder, should not be listed in BURSA , TAANN has 90k plus hectare,almost 9 time the size of Innoprise,different class.
@enning22 , you have no power to stop me, this no your place..........and i also discuss TAANN and give my opinion to other investors who want invest to plantation can compare CEPAT and INNO first.......... so please dun act like a master..........
ai ya ,buy futures better , every month can sepeculate, up down up down ,better then go up genting casino.
@ blacksnake, didn't i say earlier ," just do whatever you want"? how is that your got such impression i intend to restrict you.or thinking i take this plase as mine ;don't simply talk nonsense,or just don't be over sensitive,please .
best opportunity for you to collect more,breaking 4rm is just a matter of time ,no doubt about it. Must have faith based on better global consumption on food stuff and higher biodessel mandate in fuel.
0120 , annual profit is RM2.1 million, not enough to pay directors fees., please kindly explained how share holders could receiving any sensible returns ." Goring stock", out to cheat.uninformed speculators
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
88 posts
Posted by kimi21 > 2016-11-22 09:29 | Report Abuse
Accumulate slowly on Taann