already holding shares with loss of more than 50%, right issue and i dont want to add more, gonna face max loss by holding this shares for more than 3 years, sickening !!!
Pr price is deduct from mother. Thursday mother closing price was 22sen. Friday x price 16.5sen so PR cos is 5.5sen but......... so rugi not? F...............k
Mother deduct 5.5sen free PR. Warrant A deduct 3.5sen free additional warrant a or reduce warrant conversion price from 38 to ? sen. Donno which offer we get, maybe both
14-Apr-2021 Insider MR ONG LEE VENG @ ONG CHUAN HENG (a substantial shareholder) disposed 33,999 shares on 13-Apr-2021. 14-Apr-2021 Insider MR ONG LEE VENG @ ONG CHUAN HENG (a substantial shareholder) disposed 3,900,000 shares on 12-Apr-2021.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Michael R.
4,833 posts
Posted by Michael R. > 2021-04-12 15:16 | Report Abuse
whoever not taking the rights will be at loss due to share dilution soon...