singinvestor sifu,here so high class, kenot chitchat one meh? Only big man like you can tok one arr? Who decide what can tok what kenot tok? you arr? can list down or not?
it is like that, when share price shooting up, you will start to see a lot of monkey traders jumping out shouting for peanuts. once share price settling down for a new high level, peaceful life will be restored.
Banyak yg berlegar di sini walaupun tengah malam. Ini pasti banyak semut semut dah masuk gelanggang. I rezeki sudah dapat walaupun kena tunggu 6 bulan. Tapi i rasa amat berbaloi
Ini saham adalah pesanan terakhir oleh unclez. I langsung tak ragu. Saham saham beliau pesan memang ada betul ada oomph. Yang penting kena bersabar and steady. Bukannya jual beli jual beli tak habis habis
Gadang, always give angpao for me, not only on ShareMarket, I earn some from their Property Project as well...Trust on TanSri.Kok, VERY humble & intelligent Man! Price below 1.8 for Gadang definitely are cheap to hold...
Also contruction counter,they are bidding the engineering project of MRT3 this year end. Even though last QR is loss money,but it was improved compare with last year same QR.
Of course no. Before Gkent-mrcb took the PDP(project delivery partner) of LRT3,I expect they will win,thus I buy Gkent at low fact,my decision is right.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
12,996 posts
Posted by tksw > 2015-11-03 15:39 | Report Abuse
gadang time time like that one, very paisi.