PWRWELL Weekly Pivot Point Uptrending Momentum! S: 0.44. PIVOT: 0.48. R1: 0.525. R2: 0.565. R3: 0.610. Database Services n Renewable Energy...positive catalyst spotted! Mr. Market is unpredictable! Dis: Trade at your own Risk!
Stock: [PWRWELL]: POWERWELL HOLDINGS BERHAD. 1 month ago | Report Abuse Positive Momentum!? PWRWELL: Added...@0.36...🤓 Added Average...@0.38.🤓 Nowadays Mr. Market is so volatile, more like a casino, everyone trying to win big n fast...💸
This year international super theme is AI. AI needs a lot of power. TNB and YTLP at historical high. This stock should do well. Buy before too late as current price is still low...
hahaha Paktua now i crying as i choose to invest in DNEX as volume bigger. against your advice of PWRWELL is a better choice. serve me right for not listening to your swinging advise
Hi Powerwell, since you got so many project on hand, can you outsource some to Cabnet? Cabnet order book will be finish soon, and urgently need a big contract, appreciate if you could outsource some project to Cabnet, low margin also nevermind, Cabnet just need a contract to build up its order book.
EPS went from RM0.0077 to RM0.028 in just one year breakout improvement EBIT margins have grown from 5.4% to 11% in the last 12 months and revenues are on an upwards trend as well. many more green or red factor to consider,. overall..i like it.. so i come..i see.. & i kongkorrrr
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
110 posts
Posted by necessity > 2024-05-07 12:23 | Report Abuse
sitting on reserved cash, new contract secure, future contract (indonesia) in good progress order, current project on going great..i ll add more