@rainT ,,innature going to cambodia and vitenam...to potential is there already. Now they are growing the business in Vietnam and Cambodia. Cannot see in one QR...you need to see in long run.
Their target to completely matured Vietnam by 2025.
@RainT u are right not only Vietnam shop cannot see the customer in the shop...even u go to any BODY SHOP in Malaysia even in SUNWAY PYRAMID Macam almost tiada orang..but how they can make money in every quarter even during COVID they can be profit... other retailer close shops, BODY SHOP expanding the wing...macam mana tuuu...
I study and study and study...and also ask around and also reading JUALAN MEGA report (the famous event prior to covid) ...
TOday retailers don't only depend with day to day business, their main income comes in BULK on the event basis.
For example JUALAN MEGA HARI RAYA alone ...can keep the big retailer like PADINI floating for one year on CASH. SO thats why government limits the JUALAN MEGA to 3 yearly events only..so that retailers can see the benefit.
Similarly to BODY SHOP among their major sale come from HARI RAYA event, CNY event, Christmas and NEW YEAR are the among biggest contributor plus their OMNICHANNEL MARKETING. U can buy BODY SHOP everywhere, anywhere ,any time without going to the shop. ONLINE SALE pun ada, WHATSAPP sales pun ada, CALL AND PICK pun ada, walk to the shop pun ada, FACEBOOK SALE pun ada, thru BEUTY CONSULTANT AGENT linkage pun ada...macam macam lagi lah..
RainT, Vietnam no customer, may i know which area you saw, Vincom at Danang? Maybe during covid and lockdown time, of course no customer visiting retail shop. But as Abdulazizba said, why managed to get profit $7.7M during covid ! Online Bro !
Today successfully stand on $0.60, heading to $0.8 next week gogogo!
Recent listings...15sens to 40sens premium.. This useless ipo...its been so long....cant even trade above ipo price...whats the point of showing profit qtr to qtr....when investors who applied its shares till today...still losing money.....
the founders are not doing enough marketing for Innature. Not many have heard of this stock and many Bodyshop customers themselves are not aware Bodyshop is listed in Bursa.
the founders need to appear more on the news and social media to promote the company. or get a research house involvement to analyze this stock
I've noticed that many people have read my Blog and got to know about this stock now. Frankly I'm surprised with the number of views. I'm glad this stock is gaining some recognition.
I'm planning to create a group chat for serious Innature investors only. Do let me know if you'd like to join. In the group, we can discuss and share information more casually.
Also, in the group, I intend to: 1) Discuss / raise pertinent questions for future AGMs, enhancing shareholder activism. 2) As a platform to analyze latest quarterly earnings 3) Provide relevant feedbacks to management 4) Other random discussions eg: observing foot traffic, brand quality, etc
So funny when people act like the messiah when they find a stock, tell people to buy and it does well. Anyone who can do any halfway decent analysis can see this stock has some interesting prospects.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
24,433 posts
Posted by Mabel > 2021-01-31 18:35 | Report Abuse
Meow bro..
Well done!