US and China hold ‘useful’ talks

Publish date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022, 10:19 AM

The United States and China held “constructive” talks, Washington’s top diplomat said, after an unusually long meeting aimed at preventing bilateral tensions from spiralling out of control.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday held their first talks since October on the Indonesian island of Bali as the two powers stepped up interaction at a time when the West is focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Despite the complexities of our relationship, I can say with some confidence that our delegations found today’s discussions useful, candid and constructive,” Blinken said after five hours of talks.

“The relationship between the United States and China is highly consequential for our countries but also for the world. We are committed to managing this relationship - this competition - responsibly,” he said, promising to keep open channels of diplomacy with Beijing.

The meeting, in which the pair held morning talks and then a working lunch, largely focused on preventing competition spilling over into unintentional conflict but also Washington’s opposition to Beijing on a range of issues including human rights.

He also voiced concerns over Ukraine, pressing Wang on Beijing’s tacit support of Moscow’s invasion of its neighbour and calling for it to distance itself from Russia a day after the Kremlin’s top diplomat faced a barrage of Western criticism at the G20 talks.

“This really is a moment where we all have to stand up, as we heard country after country in the G20 do, to condemn the aggression, to demand among other things that Russia allow access to food that is stuck in Ukraine,” Blinken said.

US officials have also been cautiously upbeat about China’s stance on Ukraine, condemning its rhetorical backing of Russia but seeing no sign that Beijing is backing its words with material support.

Before the meeting started, Wang told reporters Chinese President Xi Jinping believed in cooperation as well as “mutual respect” between the world’s two largest economic powers and that there needed to be “normal exchanges” between them.

“We do need to work together to ensure that this relationship will continue to move forward along the right track,” Wang said in front of US and Chinese flags.

It was Blinken and Wang’s first in-person meeting in months, and they are expected to prepare for virtual talks in the coming weeks between Xi and President Joe Biden as both powers increase engagement and moderate their tone.

China’s state-run Global Times, wrote that the growing diplomacy “underscored the two sides’ consensus on avoiding escalating confrontation”.

 - AFP

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Let me break the news first! Biden will remove China tariff! All of them! Yeah, there goes 1 trillion annual tax from China!
Why Biden doing it now, because he thinks it will help Democrats in November election!

2022-07-12 21:01


And been China, i am very sure, China will hike prices of goods going to US! Basically, no difference at all! In the end, US lose! Good move Biden!

2022-07-12 21:02

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