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Not confirm breakout ioni buy meh? Breakout ken up or down one wor.... Normally TA come out say ken buy will drop,...
1 week ago
Entry - RM0.340 - RM0.350
Stop Loss - RM0.290
Target Price - RM0.370 - RM0.430
Source: Mercury Securities Research - 6 Dec 2024
Mercury Securities Research - They want you to buy so that they get fat commission laaa
1 week ago
Dun trust Russian. See pudding invade Ukraine, lurky Ukraine ken fight with international sapot. This oso causes piludding kennot sapot syria cruel government.
1 week ago
Income sifu, yalor, see they stuck the price at 344-350 wanna make ppl interested to buy, but keep dumping 345... No intention to buy up yet. No wonder TA sifu always said wait breakout oni buy/sell.
1 week ago
Wanna be like China kar? How to be data center ? Ppl will scared stepping at the red line. One of the reasons Hong Kong is down is the freedom of speech & information is no longer there. And information is veli important in the financial centre. Ppl can't talk the real situation and share their view against communist view, else will possibly face charges of intention to disrupt country 's economy, foreign power run dogs etc. the China control on data has done big damage to its economy.
1 week ago
See thep price action AGM going to give news that affect price movement. TA asked ppl buy...hmm...
1 week ago
Bad move. CGT on company sales will hindered merger and acquisition.alreafy tax the business, ppl cash out by dividend kena tax, sell business oso tax. Haiiiii. .. + e- invoice. Make business environment more difficult, what's the effect on FDI? Trump so use tax cuts to bring back investments....
A DBKL officer knock on my door to send notice of assessment 2 days ago (wrong house number.)bje told me now DBKL on the move of collecting assessment, those not pay up DBKL will ''sita' ..that notice is only below RM100 outstanding...can't be long outstanding...
1 week ago
Raise rare, raise valuations. Like I said, some house may not be able to sell at market price...
1 week ago
Tksw sifu, this link lagi hebat。
1 week ago
Rafizi said while better performing states claimed their economic engines deserved greater financial support, less-developed states argued that they needed more investment to catch up after years of being left behind.
“If we were to go by a hard and fast rule… meaning, if states expect allocations based on GDP, I think the federation will break,” he said.
1 week ago
school base exam means r特school teacher prepare the exam questions arr.? If like that, they can train the students a using similar questions before exam. Or if need personal evaluation, then there are problem of subjectivity and favouritism. Some more hor, question designing not an easy task. A good set of exam paper need to have easy question to test normal standard, good standard and excellent standard in proper percentage so that normal student can pass, remaining is to test better learning student and last veli good student (intelligent or hardworking) and the questions must be fair that students can answer it in given time. Else for Mathis give one question can fail all the stuff already... Just give a long list of addition sudah kaw-dim
6 days ago
Developed states already developed, need money to move up further but money spend may get little improvements, but money spend on less improved State may get better return. However, need to see the suitability of the investment, else spend money on no mam land sure waste money. Just like high speed train in China. Some place just few passengers. Loss billion of RMB. I think need careful study for the allocation, GDP is just a point to consider. China a lot of state s /province in deep shit cause borrowed too much Mani to developed (got element of corruption lah,)
6 days ago
If AGM got good news, may be up, no good news most probably down, bad news sure down. 1/3 chance may be up, 1/3 chance may be down, 1/3 chance sure down and may be down kaw,- kaw.... Tough ler...
6 days ago
No Bad news......can consider good news.
The HRC mill will be in production in January'25.
MD says ESSB cost is as competitive as China.
Minimum wages has minimum effect on them because most of their worker earn above RM1.7K.
Their largest export is to Turkey and turkey has just intoduce anti dumping on China steel product ranging from 15% to 45%.
6 days ago
Tksw base on what what u write, I can see U are more knowledge than other sifus。Thank U
6 days ago
If ESSB cost is as competitive as their competitor, then the HRC mill should be a game changer for them because HTVB itself import HRC from China, Korea and Vietnam as the is no local produce. HTVB will get from ESSB help to incrrease ESSB's revenue while lower HTVB scaffolding production. Sounds like a win-win for both.
6 days ago
No need la.....as long they dun close down, meaning is ok a'dy. Like cold eye says.....buy at the rock bottom and sit & wait. This type of cyclic stock, once got theme, got wind........it goes up many fold.....
So, just make sure it won't close down or continue to ask money from u via RI......
6 days ago
Company loss 2mil plus consider veli good results compare to other steal companies lor..... Plus ESSB got good profit some more HRC is nearly broll out to play oreidi, slow slow buy when chap.... Yet to see how HRC perform, if it's good, fat tat lor. But
6 days ago
Company loss 2mil plus consider veli good results compare to other steal companies lor..... Plus ESSB got good profit some more HRC is nearly broll out to play oreidi, slow slow buy when chap.... Yet to see how HRC perform, if it's good, fat tat lor. But
6 days ago
Xi big big show his muscles... Want die oreidi if he touch apple and Tesla,. Once these 2 oso touch, especially Tesla, habiis all foreign investment in China. He think Donald scare him....but jhe never think ppl may willing to suffer to take China down.....
6 days ago
Ppl oreidi disallowed by their gov to sell certain product to China, still wanna stir ppl , wait to see ppl dun wanna sell or sell their veli expensive to you next time.... Ppl has something that you kennot make at the moment or other companies not able to supply a competitive one, those have similar products oso most luy Ama Rika punya....
6 days ago
I dunno wor.... But I dun look good China, cos now facing a lot of problem.non emak-rika ken buy a lot from them, else what they produce go no where' and has to dump to the small countries. China oso offended Europe because sell weapon to Russia to invade Ukraine,. 2 big economies in the world cut China out as much as possible, China no more got a lots of mani, how to use mani to get others to call him big brother? And they bully the Philippines and Japanese ship, and Taiwan. All his kawan are communist countries and extremist country. And they loan mani to those poorer countries to build mega infra structure and those countries now all owed huge debts. ND now China said they need to repay.... A lot of those projects kenot generate enuf returns.. and may feel kena trap by China.....
6 days ago
Next year will be a challenging year for China, especially after Trump takes office
3 days ago
Chinese intellects comment on China economy oso kena silence, nolbody dare to tok real situation...
3 days ago
See Xi wants to become bigger than um meri ka.
Now china no mani how to beat um miri ka???
3 days ago
Xi good at playing powers oni, he thing himself veli clever can teach everybody and
and want everybody to follow his way. And ppl under him all skillful satay men, and scared bof him. All praise and no criticize. Every instructions or idea he say ppl do it 100% + ++. Cos if kenot get the results he want, than must be sleep on the job. Blike that when he think of data securities, those big company that gather data for decision making nall kena slap..for nothing... One by one die kiaw kiaw..
11 hours ago
I miss phoebe sifu post AGM sharing . Now dunno 335 ken buy or not.. bili sikit sikit....
11 hours ago
income sifu, forex not gambling meh? No actual mani one wor, contract oni. You wanna play forex kasi Short itu China yuen. Ken hold 3 to 6 months sure fattat. China economy want go ICU oreidi...
7 hours ago
you already bought sikit sikit at 0.335 u said..dont tell me u q jual at 0.345 oh..😅
7 hours ago
1 week ago