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0.00 (0.00%)
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1.99 - 2.01
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Market Cap
597 Million
300 Million
Latest Quarter
30-Sep-2024 [#3]
Announcement Date
Next Quarter
Est. Ann. Date
Est. Ann. Due Date
QoQ | YoY
17.24% | -7,858.60%
Revenue | NP to SH
18,751,452.000 | -638,086.000
6,251.13 Cent | 0.03
EPS | P/E | EY
-212.72 Cent | -0.94 | -106.89%
DPS | DY | Payout %
0.00 Cent | 0.00% | 0.00%
3.86 | 0.52
QoQ | YoY
-35.52% | -43.06%
NP Margin | ROE
-3.40% | -55.12%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 | 27-Nov-2024
Latest Audited Result
Announcement Date
Next Audited Result
Est. Ann. Date
Est. Ann. Due Date
Revenue | NP to SH
15,399,240.000 | -488,570.000
5,133.61 Cent | 0.04
EPS | P/E | EY
-162.87 Cent | -1.22 | -81.85%
DPS | DY | Payout %
0.00 Cent | 0.00% | 0.00%
4.68 | 0.43
NP Margin | ROE
-3.17% | -34.83%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
31-Dec-2023 | 26-Feb-2024
Revenue | NP to SH
18,309,582.666 | -484,585.333
6,103.82 Cent | 0.03
EPS | P/E | EY
-161.55 Cent | -1.23 | -81.18%
DPS | DY | Payout %
QoQ | YoY
-22.16% | -69.89%
NP Margin | ROE
-2.65% | -41.85%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 | 27-Nov-2024
Date | Financial Result | Financial Ratio | Per Share Item | Performance | Valuation (End of Quarter) | Valuation (Ann. Date) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
F.Y. | Ann. Date | Quarter | # | Revenue | PBT | NP | NP to SH | Div | Net Worth | Div Payout % | NP Margin | ROE | NOSH | RPS | Adj. RPS | EPS | Adj. EPS | DPS | Adj. DPS | NAPS | Adj. NAPS | QoQ | YoY | EOQ Date | EOQ Price | EOQ P/RPS | EOQ P/EPS | EOQ P/NAPS | EOQ EY | EOQ DY | ANN Date | ANN Price | ANN P/RPS | ANN P/EPS | ANN P/NAPS | ANN EY | ANN DY |
PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.
NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.
Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ ⃤ & YoY ⃤ figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.
All figures in '000 unless specified.
harga petrol stabil
2024-11-01 17:07
Refining margin is what matters
Not harga petrol
Refining margin is down in Q3
2024-11-10 09:16
awaiting next QR results to be out by end of this month, expecting another rally
2024-11-12 17:32
Harga petrol kekal sama
2024-11-14 16:55
QR as expected… already pre-warned to be careful and take profit when price shot up 2.9-3.0…
2 months ago
The huge loss was expected and already factored in. That's why it went to a low 2,00. Thus when many ikan bilis think it's going to be a big sell down today, it went UP. IT'S GOING TO REVERSE UP FROM NOW... next QR going to be much better
2 months ago
bad qr and price shot up... just collected a bit below 2.07, haiya thought it will slowly go up and accumulate as it goes up
2 months ago
HY is a typical goreng stock despite bad QR results announced lately. I should have collected some when the price fell below RM2.07.....
2 months ago
Crackspread is not so important anymore.
HY will still continue to bleed with the hedging strategy.
May be the undesired outcome is their intended outcome, to suck the blood out from HY.
how to check crack spread?
2 months ago
When making good profit they are stingy on dividend when making loss of course they give you nothing . Most mainland Chinese managed co behave like this la. Better cabut and invest in dividend generous co
2 months ago
Soon will fall below 2, then push up again to trap retailers and cycle repeat...
1 month ago
RON97 naik tiga sen !
1 month ago
2024-10-24 15:37