Sslee blog

HENGYUAN: Second week update on Notice of Requisition received.

Publish date: Sat, 07 Apr 2018, 03:50 PM
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This is my blog

Dear Hengyuan Shareholders,

I received the following WhatsApp message from Mr. Surya this morning:

Hi Mr. Lee,

We are still waiting for the Company Secretary to validate and verified all Notices received.

On our part, we can only confirmed non redundancy of submission and validated the 53 Notices based on our shareholders record which may be obsolete.

Company Secretary will only revert to us and the board sometimes next week.

I recommend that you still encourage other existing shareholders to keep on sending the Notices

Thank you.

My heartfelt thank to Hengyuan shareholders for sending in their Notices. Please existing Hengyuan shareholders who yet to send in their Notices kindly do so. We need some safety in numbers to make sure we shall be the first group of minority shareholders to able to achieve such feat. I was pleasantly surprise with Hengyuan Corporate Affairs and Legal department professional advice, quick respond and going all the way to help me. I thank and grateful to them, they really make me feel welcome and this is the hallmark of great company.

For this week I prepare some poem to share with you

  • To be, or not to be, that is the question:
  • Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
  • The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
  • Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
  • And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
  • No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
  • the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks
  • that Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep,


  • 'Tis Hengyuan!
  • To buy, or not to buy, that is the question of risk and reward.
  • To sell, or not to sell, that is the question of investment strategy.
  • To take profit, cut win, or cut loss, that is the question of TA indicator.
  • To sell low, or to buy high, that is the question of fear and confident.
  • To buy high and sell low, that is the question of margin call.
  • To chase high and sell higher, that is the question of greed.
  • To sell low and lower, that is the question of panic sale.
  • To buy high and higher, that is the question of panic buy.
  • To die-die, dumb-dumb or brave-brave hold, that is the question of putting up a brave fight.
  • To buy low sell higher and buy lower sell high, that is the question of business sense.
  • To love or hate self and others, to forgive or unforgiving self and others, to live in hateful past or forgiving present, that is the question of living happily or living death.
  • “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none”- William Shakespeare


  • Oh my beloved Hengyuan!
  • She fell,
  • She crashed,
  • She broke,
  • She cried,
  • She crawled,
  • She hurt,
  • She burnt.
  • But she never surrendered,
  • And never will.
  • She shall rose again like a phoenix from the ashes.


  • Oh my beloved Malaysia!
  • Once recognized as Asian Tiger,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once the roar of our Harimau Malaysia Football team will send fear down the Japan and Korean team,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once recognized as largest producer of Palm Oil,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once recognized by our high caliber professionals, scholars, administrators, researchers, diplomats, politicians and etc,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once respected and sought after in leading various international organization,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once recognized as model of multi racial cultural and religion country with religion tolerance and racial harmony,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once inspired to be a fully developed country by year 2020,
  • No more, no more.
  • Once a functional democratic government of the people by the people for the people with one man one vote and services above self,
  • No more, no more.
  • What we have now is politicians helping themselves to the cookie jar and a Kleptocratic government.
  • Change must come at GE14, it is now or never. Let’s us right-minded Malaysians irrespective of race, religion, creed and gender unite as one and hand in hand come out in full force to vote for PH and reclaim our country. Malaysia tiger shall roar loud and clear again to reclaim his rightful place in international stage and rebuilding Malaysia for the benefit of his citizen.


Dear Mr. Koon Yew Yin,

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”- Voltaire

I respect you as an elder. I said before, “All our elders deserved our respect because we do not know what they have gone through so that we can have a better life.” I refer:

In my mind you had failed the test of Integrity yardstick you and your wife use to measure Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Integrity is doing the Good Thing and the Right Thing even when no one is watching. Mr. & Mrs. Koon condemns Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, only saying the Right Thing for camera and political one-upmanship and did not honor his word when the nation need him the most to do the Right Thing, he failed miserably and disappointed all of us.

I refer a comment in i3, “Stock market, with ability to reflect, 85, still strong and agile”

My advice; At 85 please do a reflection away from stock, what is life about?

Thank you

Yours truly,



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2 people like this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


and what is that all about?

2018-04-07 18:14


Thanks for the help...... SSLee and Probability....

2018-04-07 20:38

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