Sslee blog

GE14: Dear all Malaysians, a letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir KARMA & GE14

Publish date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018, 11:07 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A letter post on Tun’s Blog, “PAKATAN HARAPAN”

Repost to i3 Investor Blog. (With some minor revised)

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Thanks for the most inspiring quote, “KAMU UNTUK KAMI, KAMI UNTUK KAMU” --You are for us, we are for you- May I add, always and forever…

It inspired me to response to uipnky comment titled “Cronyism, Corruption, Favoritism and Autocratic Governance”. Uipnky implied that all the above happened during Tun’s premiership and thus whatever happened now including the 1MDB scandal, GST,  Felda and Government Agencies Mismanagement, Cronyism, Corruption, Favoritism, Autocratic Governance, Kleptocracy, Blatant Disregard for Rule of Law, Gerrymandering, Money politics, Abuse of Power, Injustice, Human Right Violation, Run away National Debt, Failing International Reputation, Failing Malaysia Currency,  High Cost of  Living, Low Salary, Suffering of Malaysians and all the wrongs done by the current government are excusable and acceptable. And if you want to blame someone then blame it on Tun for our current predicament. Many even suggest that what is happening now in Malaysia is the result of Tun’s bad Karma.

I Googled Internet for the meaning of Karma:

Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause), influence the future of that individual (effect).Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future sufferings

Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;


And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.

— Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 7th Century BCE

I am aghast and saddened by those using karma, divine providence or fate to explain what is happening to OTHERS, THEMSELVES, WE, US, MALAYSIANS and MALAYSIA. Many of Tun’s detractors, BN politicians, bloggers and cyber-troopers argued that Tun Dr. Mahathir is suffering now because of his own Karma and Tun deservedly reaped what he has sown.  My heart bleeds for, Tun whom at the ripe age of 92, can easily chose to relax, tour the world and live an easy retirement life, just like Pak Lah (Who seem to be indifferent to what is happening in Malaysia, unconcerned with 1MDB scandal and Malaysia failing reputation in the eyes of whole world when he is our Ex-PM and once a Minister of Foreign Affairs par excellence). Instead Tun took up this gigantic fight believing his action is needed to bring a better tomorrow for our beloved Malaysia for which he was PM for 22 years. So, please respect Tun’s choice. Tun must have a very strong reason, conviction and insight that if he does noting; our beloved Malaysia will be ruined.

I believe we are collectively living in the consequence of our past action, inaction or omission. And whatever action, inaction or omission we take today will have a consequence in the future. We cannot change history but together we can help to shape the future that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will live in. So what kind of future you want to leave behind for them will depend on what action you do NOW! Please do not let a 92 years old Tun fight this GE14 alone. For the sake of our offspring’s and Malaysia future, please stand up, join hand and take up our responsibility for our beloved Malaysia. Please join me in offering a silent prayer to Tun, “Dear Tun, please take care of your health in this final lap of your gallant ‘WAR’ against corrupted BN. We promise you that on the Election Day 9-5-2018 (Spelled Doomsday for BN-end), come rain or shine, far or near, flood or drought, mountain or river we will surely overcome whatever obstacle and carry out our responsibility to vote for PH and kick out the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, kleptocratic Government”

Karma symbols such as endless knot (above) are common cultural motifs in Asia. Endless knots symbolize interlinking of cause and effect, a Karmic cycle that continues eternally.

We can end this endless knot in GE14 and create a new Karmic cycle where quality leaders with true patriotism, ethical, selfless devotion to duty, complete willingness to dedicate his/her lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living shall raise up to replace the corrupt, arrogant, thuggish, selfish, self-enriching, liar, immoral and unprincipled BN politicians and save our beloved Malaysia from being ruined. The choice is in your hand, vote wisely at GE14 and put this in your mind …. “It is either now or never.”

Tun, I have come up with this tagline and short message in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese for all Tun’s & PH’s supporters and fence sitters to ponder on before casting their votes. For those readers who feel it will help our cause in the pending GE14, please feel free to use it and circulate among all your Whatsapp’s groups.

It’s Now or Never.

  • Kita Berdosa.
  • Bukan kerana kita membuat perkara dosa sendiri.
  • Tapi kerana mendiamkan diri semasa Kleptokrasi, Rasuah, Sandiwara, Penyalahgunaan Kuasa, Ketidakadilan dan Pencabulan Hak Asasi Manusia bermaharajalela.
  • Bertaubatlah.
  • KatakanTidak kepada Kleptokrasi.
  • Katakan Tidak kepada Rasuah.
  • Katakan Tidak kepada Sandiwara.
  • Katakan Tidak kepada Penyalahgunaan Kuasa.
  • Katakan Tidak kepada Ketidakadilan.
  • Katakan Tidak kepada Pencabulan Hak Asasi Manusia.
  • Katakan TIDAK kepada MO1 dan BN.
  • Undilah mengikuti kata hati anda yang murni.
  • Undilah PAKATAN HARAPAN dan,
  • Berikanlah kepada kami sebuah kerajaan yang Bersih, Jujur, Bertanggungjawab, Berkemampuan, Adil dan Menghormati Hak Asasi Manusia.”


  • We are Sinner.
  • Not because we commit any sin ourselves.
  • But by being a bystander and not knowing what to do.
  • When Kleptocracy, Corruption, Fraudulence, Abuse of Power, Injustice and Human Rights Violation are happening all around us.
  • Say NO to Kleptocracy.
  • Say NO to Corruption.
  • Say NO to Fraudulence.
  • Say NO to Abuse Of Power.
  • Say NO to Injustice.
  • Say NO to Human Right Violation.
  • Say NO to MO1 and BN.
  • Follow your heart and vote with your conscience.
  • And give us a government that is Clean, Honest, Responsible, Competent, Just and above all Respecting Human Rights.


  • 我们是罪人.
  • 不是因为我们亲自做了罪恶的事;
  • 而是当贪污, 腐败, 滥权, 执政不公, 人权侵犯, 盗贼统治在横行霸道时, 我们却袖手旁观, 视而不见, 听而不闻。
  • 不要在当罪人了!
  • 跟贪污说不,
  • 跟腐败说不,
  • 跟滥权说不,
  • 跟执政不公说不,
  • 跟侵犯人权说不,
  • 盗贼统治说不,
  • MO1说不,
  • 国阵说不.
  • 请以真诚的心, 投下你手中神圣的一票.
  • 请投希盟一票,
  • 还我一个清廉, 诚恳, 尽责, 公正, 有高效率及尊重人权的政府.


Thank you

Yours truly,


PS – I am only trilingual - sorry to all my Indian friends perhaps someone can translate the short message into Tamil language.


5 people like this. Showing 30 of 30 comments


better migrate to Johor

Prince of Johor gave free groceries to all shoppers


2018-04-11 23:25


Very good writeup, Mr Sslee.

2018-04-11 23:27


PH Macai aka Red Bean Army spotted. Report to Police under new Anti-Fake New Act

2018-04-12 00:19



2018-04-12 01:02


We like to have one heart going to the election.
But will we have one heart after the election........????

2018-04-12 05:52


U still dunno what is Tun's intention? U r greenhorn in politics. And yes... whatever he is suffering right now is a karma from what he did previously. He set up all the unfair and injustice systwm

2018-04-12 06:47


Plz recall, there r alot of subsidies such as petro, sugar......during tun period. But now wat we got? Gst... Income tax.... Every businessman is suffering with income tax officers. Many r shifting their money to oversea. I don like tun previously, but once u know him, u will change ur mind. He n his wife r so discpline. I pay respect to them. He deserves to be pm again.

2018-04-12 07:34


No harm giving PR 5 years after what BN has done!

2018-04-12 08:15


We can kick them out later if they are useless

2018-04-12 08:16


Stocks across the globe fell on Wednesday as U.S. President Donald Trump taunted Russia for supporting Syria's president after a suspected chemical attack on rebels, while oil hit its highest since 2014 after Saudi Arabia said it intercepted a missile over Riyadh, according to Reuters.

As for the Malaysian market the conflict will be offset by the rise of oil price, so i don't think it will be bearish.//

2018-04-12 08:23



Let's redeem ourselves on election day.

2018-04-12 09:36


Dear izoklse
I forgive you for your ignorance and your indifferent attitude toward what is happening in Malaysia and the suffering of our fellow Malaysian and unconcerned about the truth and the future of our beloved Malaysia. Please has capacity for reflection and repent. Please also understand what is fair, honest, and sincere opinion? What is fake news? What are rumors, maliciously spreading lies and slander? What is election Campaign? What is Caretaker government?

I Googled Internet for the meaning of Caretaker Government Malaysia:
I highlight:
In Malaysian political and constitutional terminology, a caretaker government is a government of Malaysia during a period that starts when the parliament is dissolved by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong prior to a general election, and continues for a period after the election, until the next cabinet is appointed. A caretaker government is expected to conduct itself in accordance with a series of well-defined conventions that are administered by the Prime Minister's Department, although there is no law compelling the caretaker government to do so.
Major policy decisions. The Government will cease taking major policy decisions except on urgent matters and then only after formal consultation with the Opposition. The conventions apply to the making of decisions, not to their announcement. Accordingly, the conventions are not infringed where decisions made before dissolution are announced during the caretaker period. However, where possible, decisions would normally be announced ahead of dissolution

Seeking Legal Opinion:
Is the conventions infringed where law made at the last minute before Parliament dissolution and announced during the caretaker period? Can such law; Anti Fake News Law, (123 votes for versus 64 votes against) enacted for the very observe sole purpose of intimidation, putting fear to silence dissent voices during GE14 be valid and constitutional? Can public service refuse to carry out such law? Can Judges refuse to entertain such case bring before him?

I refer below:
Can we ask the PMO to re-release the official statement?
“Neither any money spent on travel, nor any jewelry purchases, nor the alleged contents of any safes are unusual for a person of the prime minister’s position, responsibilities and legacy family assets.”
So that we can make police report under newly minted Anti Fake News law to investigate PMO for maliciously spreading false news?

Any comment from the members of Civil Society and Malaysia Bar Council will be very much sought after and highly appreciated

Thank you.

2018-04-12 13:09


By watching the YouTube, I can predict new government is in the making.

2018-04-12 15:56



2018-04-12 16:29


The victory of the rakyat is neither the victory of PH nor BN. The victory of rakyat is when both parties having 50-50 seats. 111 on each side. no winner and no loser. fair and square.

After this, the rakyat can see how many monkeys in PH and how many monkeys in BN. Leader of many monkeys will be the monkeys king who can rock the heaven and rock the hell.

2018-04-12 16:45


Posted by calvintaneng > Apr 11, 2018 11:25 PM | Report Abuse

better migrate to Johor

Prince of Johor gave free groceries to all shoppers

pastor calvin,yesterday u rush to get to AEON rite,hehe.i no want 3k goodies,i want a maserati

2018-04-12 16:53


They give you 3k, GST increase to 10% which one you choose?

2018-04-12 16:56


3k cannot entice me at all

2018-04-12 17:11



2018-04-12 17:14


Agree. Stock market including today very bad last 5 years.

Posted by ohkns > Apr 12, 2018 08:15 AM | Report Abuse
No harm giving PR 5 years after what BN has done!

2018-04-12 17:55


loss in bursa,donate to the bookies,now all become beggar ar no money to eat? today pastor calvin u went to econsave or not? hahaha

2018-04-12 18:29


BN dug his 90's forex loss actually Chinese vote MCA the most then.

Posted by rogers123 > Apr 12, 2018 07:34 AM | Report Abuse
Plz recall, there r alot of subsidies such as petro, sugar......during tun period. But now wat we got? Gst... Income tax.... Every businessman is suffering with income tax officers. Many r shifting their money to oversea. I don like tun previously, but once u know him, u will change ur mind. He n his wife r so discpline. I pay respect to them. He deserves to be pm again.

2018-04-12 19:53


Dr M should keep his big mouth shut on China investment in Malaysia.
I am all for PH, but with Dr M keep on shouting he will review and cancel all China investment in Malaysia if he become PM again really has BIG NEGATIVE IMPACT on HP supporters.

Dr M.
Can you please keep quiet for time being.
Be sensitive on sensitive issues.
You are turning away HP votes especially from the Chinese voters.

2018-04-12 23:49


No matter who become PM, Malaysia should fully support OBOR initiative or we will be the one to be left out.
You will see India not to benefit from OBOR and remain Third World Country for decades to come............

2018-04-12 23:56


Dear KS55,
Thank for dropping in with your comments. I believe the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and China will remain strong and stable whether BN or PH formed the next Government but the only different is the current BN government is using OBOR initiative to benefit cronies or to settle 1MDB debt thus beholder to unscrupulous mainland China business man. By so doing they have lost the power to negotiate for a better business deal to benefit Malaysian. Many of the infrastructure projects with exorbitant price will only benefit MO1 and China business interest. If these projects end up as a white elephant then our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will forever paying for it.

Remember the Red Chip companies listed in Bursa. I had written a petition letter to the former China Ambassador Dr. Huang Huikang, meeting with their trade secretary in Ulu kelang Ampang and meeting with BURSA and SC urging them to take action to no avail. I even went to see MCA complaint Bureau chief Michael Chong and what a big letdown and disappointment. I cut and paste below part of my email to Bursa and SC for your perusal:

For your information last Monday I make a visit to MCA, Michael Chong office to make a complaint and if possible trying to seek his help for arrangement to meet with the new China Ambassador. It was a totally waste of my time to seek his help, he was politically offensive telling me when you make money from Bursa, you never donate any money to MCA and when you lose money on Red Chip Stocks you blame the MCA. MCA has nothing to do with Red Chip Companies. I rebutted him then why MCA minister was shaking hand with those Red Chip company CEO during listing. He further argues he himself has been taking many photo with visiting china businessman and if that china businessman cheat you, you cannot blame him.

Are we Malaysian surrendering our sovereign right to China? Are Red Chip companies allowed to cheat us with impunity? Is our government unable to stand up to China? If China can ask our government to send the Telephone-Cheat syndicate members (Taiwanese) back to mainland China for trial then why is it so difficult to ask China to extradite the Red Chip Companies CEO to stand trial in Malaysia? Is our government not protecting our right anymore? Are we nothing but a nation of thieves? If so, my only hope is on GE14.
Thank you

2018-04-13 07:09


Bravo, SSlee

2018-04-13 07:38


I wonder why admin cannot incorporate the "like" button. I will give you alot of like for the above comment.

2018-04-13 09:19


I fully agree with Mike Chong.
We are not obliged to donate a single sen to MCA.
We are not obliged to support MCA.
Let MCA die of natural death just like PPP.

Now coming to Bursa.
You already knew Red Chips not to be trusted.
And yet I understand you love Red Chips so much based on book.
Creative accounting is any where, from US to China, singgah di Malaysia.
Forget about whether company is operating in Malaysia or otherwise, Red Chips by general rule should avoid.
How come from your previous posting, you still choose to be very involved in HYR?
Because of super operator make HYR share price moving like rollercoaster?
Because HYR super low 'PE'?
When thing burst like Xinquan, are you going to complaint to MCA?

2018-04-13 09:42


Dear KS55,
I do not have any prejudice view whether the company is run or owned by White man, Filipino, China man, Indonesian, Malay Malaysian, Chinese Malaysian or Indian Malaysian. I will do my assessment myself by attending the AGM and get to know them. That is the purpose I am now heavily involve in Hengyuan urging Hengyuan shareholders to send in their Notice of Requisition to move and vote on resolutions of better dividend and a formal dividend policy.

The red chip companies (Low PE, no debt, a lot of cash and Bank balance but no dividend. Operation in China, run by china owner/relative and Bank account in China). These are the typical Red chip companies and I agree with you totally “SHOULD AVOID”.

As of Hengyuan, I repost my previous comment:
Hengyuan Malaysia refinery is located in Malaysia and run by Malaysian and managed by professional people. Look into the board they are who and who of Malaysia. It just happen that the major shareholder now is SPHC (Shell because of their worldwide rationalization of their business assets sold Shell refinery Malaysia to SPHC after a detail evaluation) the S&P was approved by Government Regulatory body as SPHC had the technology, capability and financial standing to make the company great again.
Moreover do you think if Henyuan is indeed a Red chip company can Hengyuan secures favourable financing of RM 1.7 billion? AmInvestment Bank Berhad is the Mandated Lead Arranger, Facility Agent and Security Agent for the facilities and MayBank Investment Bank Berhad and CCB are the Joint Lead Arrangers.

Since joining i3 on 31-8-2016 with the wealth of investment information readily shared by many sifus in i3, I can say 2017 is a profitable year for me. My general rule of investment is Low PE, have margin of safety in NTA/hidden undervalue assets, dividend and had showed improved earnings. With this rule I had bought downstream and upstream of steel companies, Dnex, Insas, Bplant (Trading some for the 2017 profit) and TA Enterprise as Calvin Tan had done his homework and written a fair and objective assessment and analysis on TA Enterprise. I only bought some Hengyuan share during it severe correction recently.
Anyhow I respect your opinion on Hengyuan and the Steel companies.

Thank you.

2018-04-13 19:21

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