Sslee blog

An open letter to the incumbent Kepong MP Dr. Tan Seng Giaw and Penang CM Lim Guan Eng (RCI on 1MDB)

Publish date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018, 07:23 AM
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This is my blog

Dear YB Dr.Tan Seng Giaw,

Let me refer to The Star report below regarding your feeling about being dropped from defending your Kepong seat.

As  a concerned and grateful Malaysian,  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent service to your Kepong Constituency and your promise to continue speak up and assist the Kepong folks the best you could despite your exit from politics after serving eight terms as Kepong MP.

I would also like to thank you for your commendable service given to your DAP party all this while where you always speak your mind and heart. It is understandable your sentimental and passion for the DAP Rocket logo which embodies all the struggle for the past 52 years.

I am very sorry to hear that your view on 1MDB earned you the brickbats from social media users, with many branding you a “traitor” and a “running dog” and some even went as far to insult your ancestors (I appeal to all please stop such insults). I could empathize with your feeling from my past experience when I was seeking help in i3 investor public forum. I received many comments some are helpful and some are hurtful but I thank them all as that experience has strengthen my resolve and toughen up my determination.  

I am glad to hear that you had move past (Ops Lalang) and did not hold any grudges against Dr Mahathir for detaining you under the now abolished Internal Security Act (ISA) during 1987. I respect your principle that a person is innocent until proven guilty and the need for rule of law.

Titled: A letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir and all Malaysians; “Rule of law: Rule of man: Rule by man”

I refer to the above blog on the rule of law.  Is BN government affirmed and practicing the rule of law? Or more draconic laws had been enacted by the BN controlled legislators to abuse rule of Law? Is Gerrymandering rule of law?

I zoom-in to The Star report Highlight as below:

“If you want to prove the person guilty, find the evidence,” said Dr Tan on Tuesday (April 10).

He said that when he was the PAC deputy chairman, he had read through the Auditor General's report many times.

Dr Tan said during the time when the PAC met, it was difficult to tie Finance Minister and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to the issue.

“At that time there was no DOJ (US Department of Justice) report yet. It was the Sarawak Report, and that is not evidence. That is just perception reportage,” he said.

I can imagine how difficult it was with limited information given and many more not given, major players were not called to testify, time limitation and many obstacles you need to overcome to complete the PAC report. I believed that you have done your best to find out the truth and nothing but the truth.

Highlight: Of the PAC’s recommendations, it is the investigation of 1MDB’s former CEO that carries the most significance. A comprehensive, unbiased investigation may throw some light on issues such as why the 1MDB management acted without approval from the board of directors on several occasions or why it did not adhere to directives from the board. Perhaps a forensic analysis of the decision-making process may reveal aspects of 1MDB governance which hitherto have not surfaced. (Is this recommendation followed up by the Malaysia Authorities?)

The public would also like to know why a state-owned company chose a business model which relied almost totally upon debts to finance its investments. As a result, 1MDB accumulated massive debts to the tune of 50 billion ringgit as at January 2016. Though assets were marginally higher, it was an unsustainable model in which, as the PAC noted, “The level of debts and interest is too high compared to the cash flow of the company.”

Highlight: Guess how many countries investigating 1MDB?

Highlight: If there is any scandal worth a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) now, it must be the 1MDB scandal. The rest of the world is taking action, but Putrajaya appears to fantasize an Arabian nights’ tale that all is well. – July 12, 2017

Highlight: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Friday (Mar 23) that the Public Accounts Committee's (PAC) report on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had concluded that he did not commit any offence.

Highlight: Second Finance Minister Johari Abdul Ghani was reported to have said that 1MDB would fight the case and would never settle. He further said: “We want to see them in court. Let the arbitrator see our documents.” But that was in 2016. In 2017, the government seemed to make a huge and drastic U-turn. Although it was previously confident of winning the case, 1MDB suddenly agreed to settle the dispute. And, in fact, it paid the first payment in the sum of US$ 602.725 million to IPIC sometime in August this year as part of the terms of settlement.

Highlight:  Last year, Deloitte Malaysia had withdrawn its endorsement for the March 2013 and March 2014 financial statements, which it had prepared.

Dear YB Dr. Tan Seng  Giaw,

With the hindsight of current evidences produced above, I hope you can now view the PAC report in a different light and be truth to your principle and declare that you withdraw your endorsement for the PAC report and admit that the only way to find out the truth and nothing but the truth is to hold a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on 1MDB. I will be very grateful if you are ready to do so and help to introduce your successor to Kepong folks. I thank you.

I had to tell you the truth that I am no fan of LGE, LKS and NKM who come across as arrogance fighters, everyday challenging people to a fight as if they have no wrong and their supporters will support them no matter what? This has scared off many Malays and causes DAP to be seen as a Chinese chauvinism party. They lack the soft touch, the human skill, the humility, the empathy that can feel people’s heart and touch people’s soul and readily assist people to solve their problems the best they could.

Dr. Tan Seng Giaw had reminded me of another former DAP stalwart Lee Lam Thye, both of you are the working ants for DAP where both of you have the soft touch, the human skill, the humility, the empathy that can feel people’s heart and touch people’s soul. Both of you would have been excellent leaders in time of peace. But in time of war, we do need leaders like LGE, LKS and NKM to plan and strategize how to fight and win the war.

Chairman Mao of China was a fighter, a revolutionist and a military strategist. He was able to defeat and win the war against Chiang Kai Shek of KMT but his reign as the Chairman of the Communist party having absolute power over People’s Republic of China almost starved his own people to death and push back the development of China for many decades. Fortunately Deng Xiaoping was able to take over the leadership as President of People’s Republic of China. Deng have the attribute of the soft touch, the human skill, the humility, the empathy that can feel people’s hardship and pain. With Deng’s open policy and wisdom, China had caught up with its lost decades and is on its way to become the new world superpower, a fully developed country and the world biggest economy. My hope is the current President Xi has the wisdoms of Deng in how to deal with his neighbor countries.

Note: Another DAP leader whom I admire and respected most is the late Karpal Singh who I am sure will be a great leader in time of War or in time of Peace.

Title: HENGYUAN: We make history: GE14 will we make history? A tribute to the late Karpal Singh.

My hope if PH mange to win GE14 and to form the federal Government the PH leaders must have the wisdom of choosing leaders with above attribute in the cabinet and not dividing the war bounty among the warlords which will make PH no different from the BN.

I am hoping that LGE can walk the talk of two term limit for CM and announce it before GE14 that he will not resume the post of Penang CM and will let a local Penangite to take over the CM post if PH manage to form the next State government.


Dear YB Mr. Lim Guan Eng,

Please learn humility and be humble and showed some respect to the veteran DAP HEROES and for god sake please stop your supporters or opponents to call you “tokong”. We are all human beings with our share of weakness and could have done something wrong or hurt someone without we even knowing it. Please also walk the talk and tell the Penang people that you are ready now to hand over the CM post to Penangite otherwise BN will attack your credibility and most likely Penangite who long for a local Penangite to lead them might spoil their vote in your state seat to show their displeasure.


Dear BN Supporters,

If you chose BN, I respect your choice.  But please insist on your BN candidates that if they manage to form the federal Government they must set up RCI on 1 MDB. 1MDB scandal had gone worldwide and as expatriates working oversea, we have had endured enough ridicule from our local or international visitors when the topic of discussions turns into politics and 1 MDB. It is almost like a rope over our neck that we feel like we cannot breathe anymore. Only RCI can tell the truth and nothing but the truth which will even vindicate MO1 if he had done nothing wrong and hopefully that RCI can restore the good name of Malaysia in the eyes of the whole world and save us Malaysians from been ridiculed from every corner. To whom going back to their kampong to vote please explain the 1MDB scandal to your Kampong elders and tell them if they want to vote BN then the BN candidate must make firm promise of RCI on 1MDB otherwise vote PH. I thank you.

Lastly I include the below blog for your perusal.

Titled: Dear all Malaysians, a letter to Tun Dr. Mahathir KARMA & GE14


Thank you

Yours truly,


1 person likes this. Showing 32 of 32 comments



2018-04-15 08:02


Dear Flintstones,
Just my personal political views pent up inside me that I feel I need a communication channel to vent out (in i3 investor) my feeling to the whole world. It’s nothing to do with investment as I know my limit as I had very little experience or in-depth knowledge to write anything useful on investment.
My apology if I had irritated you.
Thank you

2018-04-15 08:26


No problem. Cheers

2018-04-15 10:09




2018-04-15 10:30


LGE 2 term now,jibby also 2 term already.if LGE out jibby also out lah,be fair to all

2018-04-15 12:28


i agree with thestar's Wong Chun Wai, that future of Malaysia will be detemined by voters in the rural heartlands and not the educated elites in the big towns and cities of Malaysia.
The battle is already won for the most part of urban Malaysia, but the war will be detemined in the rural heartlands, and these are voters, that must be the focus of everyone's sincere efforts for a better Malaysia.

2018-04-15 16:07


Dear all,
A poem to lift our spirits:

Oh Malaysians!
We were once sprayed with tear gas,
We were once cannoned with water jet,
We were once beaten by police baton,
We were once handcuffed,
We were once lockup,
We were once betrayed by the law,
We were once framed by the power that be,
We were once forced to make false confession,
We were once jailed for fighting injustice,
We were once forced to leave Malaysia for better future.
We fell,
We crashed,
We broken,
We cried,
We crawled,
We run,
We hide,
We camouflage,
No more, not anymore.
We never surrender,
And never will.
Upcoming Ge14, We shall rose up like a phoenix from the ashes and kick out the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, Kleptocratic Government.

Thank you

2018-04-15 20:44


I will not vote for a govt that tax the rakyat more than 40 bil a year and give a bit back on brim,makan banyak keluar sikit.everyone also know lah how to manage the govt like this

2018-04-16 01:16


a big storm is brewing, will it manifest will determined on the will

2018-04-16 01:26


i'm trying to figure out how to support or create this will based on the so called reality shift , not much is known about this

2018-04-16 01:27


so in the mean time i try to figure it out, plz support by using your prayer power, no need touch religion, just go pray, even no religion ones can pray. I heard from some , they mentioned that pooling up the prayers can create reality shift and there are individuals who may be able to do it better than others.

2018-04-16 01:32


pray everyday, BELIEVE

2018-04-16 01:33


Dear Mr SSLee, are you from Kepong or Jinjang? How much you know about Tan Seng Giaw? People in Kepong and Jinjang voted for DAP and not Dr Tan. He is lucky because all these while the people given votes to him is because of the party. You can put anyone from the opposition and I can 100% say the person will win with huge majority. Dr Tan is more interested in his clinic business rather than his constituency. His service centre in Jinjang is unmanned and once became drug addicts hideout. Did you actually read what is his stand from the 1mdb issue? It doesn't matter if at the point of time there is no DOJ charges. Can he be so naive that he actually believe someone donated RM2.6 billion to MO1?

2018-04-16 07:16


Not enough info shd said cannot conclude due to not enough info not simply concluded as ok

2018-04-16 08:18


DAP too slow and too late to get rid of TSG. He had long time deviated from DAP party principle of transparency, accountability and trustworthy.
May be his balls are in somebody hand so cannot speak the truth.

2018-04-16 09:44


@nagachan, its sad to see people vote for party not for the person. I know its unavoidable, but sad to see Malaysia now is in this situation.

2018-04-16 14:09


Dear nagachan,
I am a register voter for Kapar, Selangor constituency. I am an opposition supporter but not a member of any opposition party. I like politic and read up political blogs and news during my spare time. My above write up is my personal opinion base on what I read in the news and blogs. I had never met or Known both Dr. Tan Seng Giaw and Penang CM Mr. Lim Guan Eng personally.
I believe there is always a better way to get the result without offending or hurting someone.
If my assessment of the situation is wrong and offended the Kepong or Jinjang residents, I offer my apology as local residents know best and I thank you for continues support PH.
I refer above blog and highlight:
We are living in a very complex society where one can't even predict what others are thinking and life is full of endless worries, going through endless tribulations and bittersweet moments, encounter endless hurdles, at times feeling hopelessness, haunted by memories of the past, have to endure a busy and taxing today, worry about unpredictable tomorrow and the irony of all is not knowing when our lives will come to an end. That is life!

In no times when we reach the end of our life journey, all the material aspect of our lives shall disintegrate and turn into a handful of yellow earth.

So we shall treat everyone with kindness as there is no next life to be kind to others.

When you are in absolute advantage position, do remember to give others a second chance; when you are absolute right, do remember to forgive others; when you have the ability, never look down on others.

These are the basic philosophy and reason behind my write-up.
Thank you.
PS: I Goggled and found both Dr.Tan and Mr. Lim email address and email a copy to both of them. I will write another article this week: What does the coming GE14 mean for Malaysians?

Thank you

2018-04-16 18:17


I laughed when I read your comments on LKS and LGE. You want a soft spoken MP to go against the big bullies from UMNO? Are you okay my friend? btw, since when they are arrogant?

Also, your statement saying that "Penangite who long for a local Penangite to lead them might spoil their vote in your state seat to show their displeasure." is laughable. I was born and raised in Penang, majority if not all of the Penangite love LGE. We support him because of his bravery to speak up against the big bullies from BN.

2018-04-16 19:25


Dear KLX10,
Is Mr. Karpal Singh soft against the big bullies from UMNO?
Sarawak Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing:
We may not be on the same side of the divide but I admire his unwavering stand on certain political issues which he believed in. He dared to be different even with his party’s stand if it was against his beliefs and principles.

St Xavier’s Institution board of governors chairman Dr Francis Loh Kok Wah:
He imbibed many La Salle values, not least our special concern for ‘the last, the lost and the least. May our students and all young Malaysians learn from Karpal’s love, service and dedication to his nation, Malaysia, and to people of all faiths and races.

Former Malaysian Bar Council President Lim Chee Wee:
As a lawyer, Karpal was polite, courteous, persuasive and clear in his submissions. He was well prepared, fearless and ethical. As a politician, the Bukit Gelugor MP was firm in his principles.

Dr K.H. SNG:
He will always be remembered as a true politician, who spoke from his heart and with guts and tenacity. May his passing on be not in vain. May his example in integrity and courage to speak up for the nation be the “seeds” that will raise many more Malaysians to do the same, for the love of our beloved country?
Karpal’s spirit was laudable as he had insisted on travelling back to Penang at midnight to prepare for a court case the next morning. He put the interest of the people that he fought for above his own interests.

Is LGE measure up to Kapar Singh standard?
Please examine why DAP was misunderstood by many Malays as Chinese Chauvinism or Christian Chauvinism party? Whose faults are these? And since where did you learn that loud and brawl is might? (I was born and raised in Penang, majority if not all of the Penangite love LGE. We support him because of his bravery to speak up against the big bullies from BN) If that is the true then any loudmouth non thinker can be CM. How about administration? How about balance development? How about principles? How about integrity? How about concerns for ‘the last, the lost and the least? How about putting the interest of the people above his own interests?

If you truly love LGE then do not spoil him with unflattering praise but keep closed eye on his shortcoming as if he is goddess (Tokong) and can do no wrong. After all we are human beings with our share of weakness and could have done something wrong or hurt someone without us even knowing it.

Thank you

2018-04-16 21:54


Post removed.Why?

2018-04-17 07:57

Jonathan Keung

whatever say and done . nothing is forever, just be a gentlemen and let a younger person take over.

2018-04-17 11:44


@Sslee thank you for sharing the comments made on another DAP hero, Karpal Singh. Totally agreed with the comments made by those people.

"Is LGE measure up to Kapar Singh standard?"
First thing first, it is karpal not kapar and the answer to your question is no! You are not comparing apple to apple. Karpal Singh is a legend so is LKS. It is only fair for you to compare LGE to the likes of Azmin, Rafizi, Tony Pua and Gobind Singh.

"And since where did you learn that loud and brawl is might? If that is the true then any loudmouth non thinker can be CM"
So you are saying that LGE is a loudmouth non thinker? LOL.. What about your beloved BN 'leaders' then? Please explain why do you think LGE is a loudmouth non thinker. Also, please do me a favor by naming one BN leader who is better than LGE.

"Please examine why DAP was misunderstood by many Malays as Chinese Chauvinism or Christian Chauvinism party? Whose faults are these?" Goodness! Can't believe you are asking this smart question. My friend, you definitely need to read up! If not BN/UMNO (since Mahathir era), who?

"unflattering praise but keep closed eye on his shortcoming as if he is goddess (Tokong) and can do no wrong."
Did I expressly or impliedly suggest that LGE can do no wrong?? Don't put words into my mouth.

I can tell you are definitely a BN supporter. You are making yourself looking like a fool trying to be righteous but full of BS.. Try harder next time, opposition will continue to rule Penang and hopefully Pakatan Harapan will take over Putrajaya.

2018-04-17 12:06


sclee you nak pro BN you go other place....

2018-04-17 12:51


admin please backlist this sclee acoount

2018-04-17 12:53


Dear KLX10,
Sorry for the typo error, as I got mix up with my voting constituency Kapar Selangor. Error is regrettable and I offer my apology.
I am saddened that many of DAP supporters are unable to see the big picture and still maintain their mentality that you are either with DAP or against DAP. I am a PH supporter (DAP, PKR, Amanah and PPMB) and trying to give my balance and objective view on areas that DAP can further improve so that in future DAP can be seen as party of choice for all Malaysians. Regrettable to say I am in doubt now that this vision of DAP is achievable or not?
I am trying to tell you, I quote “We support him because of his bravery to speak up against the big bullies from BN” There are certain qualities the leader has to be measured up to and the golden standard bearer for DAP is the late Karpal Singh.
Your support criterion of “bravery to speak up against the big bullies from BN” is too plain and unconvincing.
I do not wish to prolong the argument with you as I will definitely try harder next time and do my best as PH supporters to convince others, fence sitters and our Malay and Indian Brothers and Sisters to Vote for PH in GE14 with my next article: What does the coming GE14 mean for Malaysians?
Thank you

2018-04-17 18:24


I am also sad to see a few of the self proclaimed PH supporters trying to look at the big picture but end up doing the exact opposite. Malaysia is a nation in dire need of change but instead of giving support to the opposition which is obviously made up of more capable leaders as compared to the current BN govt, you choose to spread lies about the current opposition leaders.

Since you are saying DAP is not a party of choice for all Malaysians, tell me which of the current parties (except DAP and PKR) you reckon is the party of choice for all Malaysians. What have DAP done wrong in their effort to make this country a better place to live for everyone regardless of race and religion?

With all due respect to the late Karpal Singh, I see a lot of similarities between him and the current generation of opposition leaders. Please enlighten me what are the qualities that set them apart.

I strongly suggest you to do more reading and make sure you know the answer for the questions that I have posted before writing any article.

2018-04-18 00:19


por lam pa.....give me 100k also no vote BN

2018-04-18 00:23


those poh lam pa just think about their rice bowl don't care about others

2018-04-18 00:24


whatever,the basic requirement is to level the playing field first. If this can't be done,then is pointless. Take one step at a time.

Harapan is moving to the right direction leveling the playing field, let's hope it can be done this time. NO need think so far, just go for the nearest objective which is leveling the playing field

2018-04-18 02:29


Dear KLX10,
I am looking for leader that able to self critical, humility and cleaner than clean.
Below are parts of the write up I intend to post when I had completed it.
: Karma symbols such as endless knot (above) are common cultural motifs in Asia. Endless knots symbolize interlinking of cause and effect, a Karmic cycle that continues eternally.
We can end this endless knot in GE14 and create a new Karmic cycle where quality leaders with true patriotism, ethical, selfless devotion to duty, complete willingness to dedicate his/her lives to the causes of nation-building and raising the peoples’ standard of living shall raise up to replace the corrupt, arrogant, thuggish, selfish, self-enriching, liar, immoral and unprincipled BN politicians and save our beloved Malaysia from being ruined. The choice is in your hand, vote wisely at GE14 and put this in your mind …. “It is either now or never.”

Given the choice before us in GE14, to choose between the kleptocratic BN, or PAS with its Islamisation agenda, the choice is clear for me. PH is our best hope to rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.

Leaders come and go; it is the system that will determine what kind of government we will get in future. We each get what we deserve and I desire for institutional reform to secure our future. It is either now or never as MO1 is abusing the entire institute to save him. Please think of your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren future. Please vote PH. We and our offspring deserve a better Government and a brighter Malaysia.

To whom going back to their hometown or kampong to vote,
Please tell your Hometown or Kampong elders (Pakcik dan Makcik), MO1 had abused the entire institute, bribed and blackmailed entire UMNO members to pledge their blind royalty to him. UMNO is beyond saving from inside as there are no more good men in UMNO that are not under MO1 controlled or his evil spell. The only way to break the MO1’s spell is for all of us to rise to the occasion and cast our sacred votes to PH and free our beloved Malaysia from the grabbed of evil and reclaim and rebuilding our beloved Malaysia.

MO1’s & BN’s Kleptocratic Government had lost the mandate of haven to govern Malaysia again as had been foretold in R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy. It did not happen in GE13 even though opposition wins the majority votes. It is destining to happen in GE14 because the missing stars in GE13, the Tun Dr. Mahathir factor, PPBM, Amanah replaced PAS, PR became PH (Prophecy ) have arrived to complete the jigsaw. All the stars are now on alignment and it is our destiny to fulfill the prophecy as mandated. I now call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region to carry out their sacred duty and responsibility to cast their votes.

Thank you.

2018-04-18 07:26


Totally agreed with @hollandking

2018-04-18 16:41


Dear all,
- The BN has proudly proclaimed that it has fulfilled 99.4 per cent of promises made in the 2013 general election (GE13), to be precise. (Should BN be charged under anti fake news bill for maliciously spreading false news or false claimed of an outrageous 99.4 % fulfillment?)

-From what is pledged in the PH manifesto with regard to institutional reform, I believe that the pact offers hope for real reform, which our country so badly needs. The proposed reforms will restore good governance, provide for the effective separation of powers between the branches of government, and guard our nation’s wealth.

- Given the choice we have in GE14, to choose between the kleptocratic BN, or PAS with its Islamisation agenda, the choice is clear for me. PH is our best hope to rebuild our country, and set it on a course towards unity, justice and prosperity.

- Leaders come and go; it is the system that will determine what kind of leaders we will get in future. We each get what we deserve and I desire for institutional reform to secure our future. It is either now or never as MO1 is abusing the entire institution to save him. Please think of your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren future. Please vote PH. We and our descendants deserve a better Government and a brighter Malaysia.

- To whom going back to their hometown or kampong to vote,
Please tell your Hometown or Kampong elders (Pakcik dan Makcik), MO1 had abused the entire institute, bribed and blackmailed entire UMNO and BN component parties members to pledge their blind royalty to him. UMNO is irredeemable from inside as there are no more good men in UMNO that are not under MO1’s controlled or evil spell. The only way to break the MO1 spell is for all of us to rise to the occasion and cast our sacred votes to PH and free our beloved Malaysia from the clench of evil and reclaim and rebuild our beloved Malaysia.

-MO1 & BN’s Kleptocratic Government had lost the mandate of haven to govern Malaysia again as had been foretold in R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy. It did not happen in GE13 even though opposition wins the majority votes. It is destining to happen in GE14 because the missing stars in GE13, the Tun Dr. Mahathir factor, PPBM, Amanah replaced PAS, PR became PH (PropHecy ) have arrived to complete the jigsaw. All the stars are now on alignment and it is our destiny to fulfill the prophecy as mandated. I now call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region to carry out their sacred duty and responsibility to cast their votes.
Note: It was the 1MDB money that saves MO1 and BN in GE13 and it will be the same 1MDB scandal that causes the downfall of MO1 and BN in GE14.This is Karma at work: Actions of individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).
If you feel the above article will help in getting more vote for PH in GE14, please feel free to use it and circulate among all your WhatsApp groups
I will repose the above articles in I3 investor this coming Friday afternoon.
Have a profitable and productive day.

Thank you

2018-04-19 05:43

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