Sslee blog

My reply to qqq3 and John_Lee comment.

Publish date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018, 07:51 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Please allow me to reply to qqq3 and John_Lee with reference to their comment in below blog:

Posted by qqq3> I am not wrong...This SS guy is weird.

Stock market very easy one...... any stock also can trade...good bad ugly also can trade as long as price and situation is right.
Good management, good business and good numbers in that order...... if it does not look right, don't get involved...much easier than analysing KYY comments....... the next question is....u want to be contrarian or you want to join the crowd..... see....its easy....but this ss guy is weird because he doesn't seem to have a he goes off talking about anything everything except stock market........02/12/2018 21:11

Posted by John_Lee >qqq3
I dont always agree with what you write but on this statement, I concur.
I will always relate Sslee with his foolish Hengyuan dividend resolution and laughable list of AGM questions which obviously went ignored as they were mostly petty. He describes himself as someone of a certain management level but his actions make him appear as though he has not 'seen the world'. And very naive too.
I lay partial blame of Hengyuan share price fall on him as a way for the major shareholders to teach minority shareholders a lesson. Put it this way, I strongly believe he insulted them and they didnt like it one bit.
------Posted by qqq3 > Dec 2, 2018 09:02 PM | Report Abuse
I am not wrong...This SS guy is weird. 03/12/2018 12:27

My replied: I have this inner calling to fight for justices, to voice for voiceless, to stand up for the weak and oppressed. At the same time I believe in the goodness of people and everybody deserves a second chance, because life is too complicated to get it right the first time.

My heart does not have hatred nor were my actions motivated by my anger or wants of revenge/publicity/reward but more in seeking justice and truth. I am very mean and cruel to qqq3 in order to be kind to all the i3 community by exposing qqq3 for what he is. qqq3 is a fake accountant, a fraudster, a backstabber, a bootlicker, an ass-kisser, a shameless manipulator and good for nothing low life parasite feeding newbie and even super-investor Mr. Koon with manipulator information and brought a lot of people to Holland with his sailing and margin finance call on JAKS while he profited from it again and again refer: Posted by qqq3 > Nov 2, 2018 01:43 AM | Report Abuse
kc u fail to understand, Jaks and Sendai are the 2 counters I made the most money...and why not? when I know the chong ker.....and I have the killer instinct.........

I felt the pains and at time the helplessness of minority shareholders when dealing with Major shareholder/CEO that only looked after their own interest and ignore and bullying the minority shareholders. I believe our actions, inactions or omissions today will have a consequent in the future thus I just do what I can today without expecting any immediate result but deep inside me hoping my action today will somehow have an impact to make a different in influencing the future in a positive way.

I believe in asking questions and even not shy in asking stupid questions in order to clear any doubt from my mind. I have travelled the world and had met with all sorts of people when carried out my official duty. I consider myself a newbie in investment and the first AGM I attended was Xingquan AGM in 2016, which had a very profound impact on me and leave me with many questions??? How can CEO lies through their teeth and get away with murder? Why auditors are so gullible in signing off the financial account when there are so many red flags? And what can I do to mitigate such situation?

If you feel that I am partially to blame for Hengyuan share price fall I accept it with an open minded and open to suggestion how can I do better the next time round (Next AGM). I will be there again asking less questions but important questions to auditor and board because basically what I needed to know about Hengyuan operation had been answered by the board as per written answers given to me on my long list of questions submitted to the board before the last AGM.

Note: I seek to improve myself on how to improve my questioning during AGM below link are my latest attended INSAS 56th AGM:

I had received this question: “How to know or find the good guy or bad guy in Bursa?”

My replied, “Very simple just attend company AGM yourself and ask the tough questions and make your own judgment is the top man running the company trustworthiness.”

I think everyone has to ask: “How to know or find the good guy or bad guy in i3? And are we good or bad?

My take: We all inherit both the good and bad inside us. Some have a better self control over the bad thus they become good. Some succumb to the temptation of the bad thus they become bad. Some constantly battling the good and bad inside them hence they can be good at one time and bad at another time (depend on where their vested interest is). But for sure everybody needs a little help, support, encouragement, good faith and motivation from others to pull themselves up and become good. Will we then unconditionally support each other to be good?

I wish all have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. May the light of festive season shine brightly with Hope, Peace, Love, Joy and Prosperities to all.

Thank you


Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;

And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.

— Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 7th Century BCE

1 person likes this. Showing 50 of 66 comments

Jon Choivo

in the intelligent invester, ben graham used to have a chapter on shareholder activism.

But he removed out the chapter because he just didnt see how investors will ever be motivated to see their holdings as actual stakes in the company, and take on the required responsibility.

When just selling the shares, or not buying is so easy.

2018-12-04 09:28


ss...can an engineer have the same deep understanding of financial accounts and accounting matters and audits as I do? I don't think so.....

2018-12-04 09:32

Fabien Extraordinaire

what sslee did is admirable. the investment community needs people like him, to raise awareness, to keep in check the management has their priority right and aligned to shareholders' interest, to create value situation for shareholders etc.

perhaps,what can be better, given sslee's limitations in certain areas, he can share his draft of questionnaires that people can chip in with comments or share their views.... to improve the quality of questionnaires for it to remain effective. of which sslee actually did that last year prior to Insas AGM..

2018-12-04 10:14

Jon Choivo

I met him. His name is cheoky.

There are 10 million john lee's. Put down your full name, along with linkedin and hp number lah?

Really is head grow in backside one.

Posted by John_Lee > Dec 4, 2018 01:15 AM | Report Abuse


I strongly suggest that you be man enough to write using your real name and not hide anonymously when you call other forumers derogatory terms.

2018-12-04 10:16

Jon Choivo

Well the boss of IOI knows his oil palms in and out, what fertilizer is best, how best to grow and maintain, the maintainence schedule and the most efficient mix.

At the end of the day, if you think like an owner, you need to know the details.

The Agm is the only time a shareholder get to meet the ceo and board face to face and get their questions heard.

I don't see what is the problem here.

Unless of course one is an IB, with zero curiosity towards the business, but masturbates thinking about their wonderful 5 year projection that will be shown to be absolutely pointless when compared to the actual results.

Posted by John_Lee > Dec 4, 2018 01:12 AM | Report Abuse


There is nothing wrong in asking questions. But one has to understand what is relevant and acceptable questioning taking into the context of the event/environment. Simply, different lines of questions for different time and place. The questions you listed for the Hengyuan AGM were not suitable for an AGM. They were more like questions a manager will ask his support personnel during department meetings.

You have to understand that posing such petty questions to Board of Directors during AGM is not only annoying, it may even be seen as disrespectful towards the BoD and also towards the event. Also, do know that it was within the rights of the BoD not to have answered you and they have been graceful to have provided you a written reply later.

Another point that I wish to highlight is that the powers of shareholders are much limited by the Companies Act 2016. Many seem to miss this point. It is hence crucial that you also seek to know the integrity and capabilities of the BoD of the company you invest in.

2018-12-04 10:20


what SSlee is doing is commendable. But like what many have pointed out, it is better to do it professionally. Asking naive questions like a Boy Scout in AGM is unproductive.

2018-12-04 10:23

Jon Choivo

Jho Low and Najib

QQQ3 and KYY.

For a person whose only profit from the market, comes from front running KYY with maximum margin in JAKS and Sendai.

You sure talk alot.

Cost to KYY for listening to QQQ3, at least RM70mil if include sendai.

2018-12-04 10:29

Jon Choivo

He lost more money that you can ever make in the market or fd, even if given 3 lifetimes.

You should consider a career as an investment banker.

2018-12-04 10:30


Jon Choivo insulting people again. Rude person.

No wonder he was so unpopular when he was at BDO Binder.

2018-12-04 12:00


sted by Jon Choivo > Dec 4, 2018 10:29 AM | Report Abuse

Jho Low and Najib

really meh? I not so powerful one....

I just a trader, traders collect tips from big investors normal and smart.....

2018-12-04 12:03


I just a trader, traders collect tips from big investors normal and word of got to be reprocessed. Big investors are also humans and to err is human,......

2018-12-04 12:07


Qqq is more like a promoter...asked by master to promote jaks at high price encouraging to sialang with margin evetyday in i3

In return he got tips yo buy jaks earlier n mafe some peanuts

2018-12-04 12:57


Dear fake accountant qqq3,
qqq3 posted>ss...can an engineer have the same deep understanding of financial accounts and accounting matters and audits as I do? I don't think so.....
04/12/2018 09:32

LOL please read again your article below and tell me what are your understanding of financial accounts and accounting matters on Hai Duong IPP?
Jaks....emerging jewel
Author: stockmanmy | Publish date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 02:35 AM

So stop your talk 3, talk 4 and cock on business sense, flexibility, good luck, random walk theory, skill, attitude, practices, habit, character, chicken trading and etc. Use your X factor, Dynamic investing, Game changer, Super investor, pivotal moment, “Sailing” and “Margin Finance” all into JAKS a one of the life time opportunity to become richer than Mr. Koon otherwise I repeat: qqq3 is the lowest of the low, the worst of the worse, horrible, distasteful, insane, disgusting, despicable, wicked and shameless person i3 have ever come across. Shame on you after you had promoted JAKS share with “Sailing” and “Margin Finance” and profited from it again and again from your “chong Ker” you still have the gut to show your face in i3, go and hide you face is some shithole.

Thank you
P/S: stockmanmy comments;
Hai Duong IPP - FCF NPV at 12% equity cost is RM 1.096 billion
value to Jaks @30% $ 329 million (or 75 sen share)
gains from EPC Contract US$ 91 million or $ 409.5 million
discounted value to Jaks $ 298 million (or 68 sen per share)
discounting a cash flow at 12% has factored in some risk elements.
The real gain is more than 75 sen and 68 sen respectively.
so, if you add current NTA $ 1.20 + .75 + .68 + X factor.,
the worth of the Company share is $ 2.63 plus X factor
14/01/2017 17:53
Super investors has 3 characteristics.....they receive new information, receptive to new ideas and confidence in own abilities.................................and also buy Jaks. lol
14/01/2017 19:30
IPP at matured stage is for retirement funds
Jaks at this stage is for dynamic investing.
A game changer
Like it changed Francis Yeoh's life.
14/01/2017 19:35
Indian IPP?
Indians all talk.....
But Vietnamese will go places, and this will be successful.
14/01/2017 19:59
the bankers think it is bankable...and indeed signed the financing already...
skepticism is good...but inability to take risks, you will never be super investor.
gains always come from taking good risks...and all in when you got good hands.
14/01/2017 20:20
13 chapters of Dynamic Investing....
Now, put all to good use in Jaks.
14/01/2017 20:23

2018-12-04 13:56


but not bad....I promote at $1 and $ 1.40...all on the way up to $ 1.80.....I never promoted on the way down....See...I chun chun....

2018-12-04 15:27


but not bad....I promote at $1 and $ 1.40...all on the way up to $ 1.80.....I never promoted on the way down....See...I chun chun....

traders can make a lot of money...I never promote buy and hold....Last 18 months, all buy and hold all mati mati.....not just Jaks....

2018-12-04 15:29


but now 52.....52 can promote again........

2018-12-04 15:31



accountant or not...I must admit I am pretty good...if no good, long ago lost back every thing I earned on the way up.......

2018-12-04 17:29



but never 52 u can buy even cheaper than KYY......

2018-12-04 17:30


Dear fake accountant qqq3,
qqq3 posted>
CharlesT> Dec4, 2018 12:57 PM
Qqq is more like a promoter...asked by master to promote jaks at high price encouraging to sialang with margin evetyday in i3
In return he got tips yo buy jaks earlier n mafe some peanuts
quid pro quo...Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favour for a favour".
04/12/2018 15:25

My comment; “Coup de poing” is a French word for backstabber. “Et tu Brutus? Well, then fall Caesar…” Shakespeare’s classic line on Brutus betrayal of epic proportions who viciously stabbed Caesar to death, “Brutus will be forever remembered as the ultimate backstabber”
Mr. Koon had treated you well and yet on the other hand you had purposely setting up a trap for him to fall into and profited from it again and again. Mr. Koon fall for your PLP “quid pro quo” and not so good relationship with OTB because of your instigation and poisonous tongue attack on OTB.
Mr. Koon gets burnt in JAKS and like a true fighter; he shall rise again like a phoenix from the ashes. It is my hope that Mr. Koon can now see and realize who qqq3 is: “a fake friend, a fraudster, a backstabber, a bootlicker, an ass-kisser, a shameless manipulator and good for nothing low life parasite.” “

Thank you

2018-12-04 18:04


ss.....kyy just whatsapp me the other day...."I believe I will be able to make back some money with my tested skill"

see...he is doing only come and go....important is confidence is still there...fighting spirit still there.....

2018-12-04 18:09


ss...lets be blunt about it...u got no case to complain......this is stock market.....and of course, it would be unrealistic to expect me to write negative stuffs on Jaks and Sendai in i3...

2018-12-04 18:18


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-04 18:28


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-04 18:30


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-04 18:32


When SSLee sort of demanded the management of Insas in an AGM for payment of dividend, I was telling myself Thong would never give in to him.

Recently Insas declared an interim dividend of 2 sen, the highest I can remember so far.

As a shareholder of Insas, I must thank SSLee for his great effort.

Thank you.

2018-12-04 19:00


can I demand dividend from u then, kc.....

2018-12-04 19:02


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 06:32 PM | Report Abuse
one more thing....OTB is too greedy for performance.....a more responsible retail adviser would consider more portfolio theories........than his greedy for performance selections and focus.

SSLee has indeed done a good job for the minority shareholder of Insas as the management has finally listened, unlike before.

As opposed to the above character, what has he done except ridiculing everyone, except his master.

You can see his relentless personal attack on OTB, although OTB has ignored him for months already.

Every writer and contributor in i3investor is personally attacked by qqq, including me. Whereas the PLP thingy continues to go on wherever his master name is mentioned.

For me, I have no problem with his attack, as he has never able to rebuke any of my response to his attack. For his is just an empty tin kosong.

For his master, he has been drinking so much koolaid, as until today, he is still drunk. Wake up!

2018-12-04 19:19



what is there to wake up?

every thing that has happened in last 18 months in stock market has proven my attacks are correct and justified.....

2018-12-04 19:23

qqq3 one need to agree with me....what I write is my opinion....I don't attack people who disagrees with need.....people are entitled to their opinions as I am entitled to my opinion.

2018-12-04 19:25


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-04 19:38


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 07:23 PM | Report Abuse
what is there to wake up?
every thing that has happened in last 18 months in stock market has proven my attacks are correct and justified.....

I am asking the "super investor" to wake up from your koolaid.

Look at the mirror.

1)What quali you have to attack me?
2)you said engineer can't beat you in finance and investment? Why not you open up a separate thread so that we can debate; an engineer in me, and an "accountant" in you?
3) I have all the records of investment published in i3investor, the latest ones are here,

And many more.

What have you besides saying I bought this share at what price and sold at this price and made money? What values they give?

4)I have written and published 346 articles in value investor in i3investor so far. Yes you have also written a few. Well we can let others to judge how good you are in your writing.

5) Are you better in your investment outcome than me? Reading from what you have now, I highly doubt so.

As a matter of fact, you can even smell the fart of OTB. What are you keeping on attack him personally?

6) OTB did not recommend any stocks to sailang and margin in i3investor. Unlike you, you have been shouting sailang and margin Jaks and Sendai at RM150+ and RM1.20+ relentlessly in i3investors.

How many have lost a fortune with your behaviour? And the one who drank your koolaid have lost a bundle.

Still have the cheek to tell them that you have profit many times from Jaks?

2018-12-04 19:45



what? I cannot have my opinions?

too bad if it affects you....I am not responsible for u, u know?

2018-12-04 19:53


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 07:53 PM | Report Abuse
what? I cannot have my opinions?
too bad if it affects you....I am not responsible for u, u know?

Of course you can have your opinions. Everybody should be respected of his opinion. But as a 60+ old matured person, be responsible of what you say.

It is highly irresponsible the way you personally attack OTB relentlessly. Read the articles you wrote about him.

Of course you lack the credibility and ability to put me down although you tried very hard, as I am far ahead of you in finance and investment, in humility and anything else.

As a senior citizen, it is highly irresponsible to propagate sailang, margin to the public. Look what you have done to them in Jaks and Sendai. And worse, you profit from it by doing so. That amounts to manipulating and cheating, and all the immoral thingy.

2018-12-04 20:11


by kcchongnz > Dec 4, 2018 08:11 PM | Report Abuse

As a senior citizen, it is highly irresponsible to propagate sailang, margin to the public. Look what you have done to them in Jaks and Sendai. And worse, you profit from it by doing so. That amounts to manipulating and cheating, and all the immoral thingy.

don't be silly...people make money or lose money,...nothing to do with me.....They don't even know me.....No one should seriously expect me to write negative stuffs about Jaks and Sendai knowing my friend KYY is so heavily invested in it......

All the way down from $ 1.80...I mostly just keep quiet.....

sailang margin,...whatever...not restricted to any particular can be applied to any counter.......

how much people buy...what risk they take is habit and character.....where got a few words from me can change people one?

I where got so powerful?

2018-12-04 20:22


by kcchongnz > Dec 4, 2018 08:11 PM | Report Abuse

As a senior citizen, it is highly irresponsible to propagate sailang, margin to the public. Look what you have done to them in Jaks and Sendai. And worse, you profit from it by doing so. That amounts to manipulating and cheating, and all the immoral thingy.

don't be silly...people make money or lose money,...nothing to do with me.....They don't even know me.....No one should seriously expect me to write negative stuffs about Jaks and Sendai knowing my friend KYY is so heavily invested in it......

All the way down from $ 1.80...I mostly just keep quiet.....

sailang margin,...whatever...not restricted to any particular can be applied to any counter.......

how much people buy...what risk they take is habit and character.....where got a few words from me can change people one?

I where got so powerful?

2018-12-04 20:24


Dear all,
Repost from JAKS forum.
Dear Halite,
Sorry for the late reply I am out having happy hours with my colleagues.
You can ask qqq3 when he met Mr. Koon?
How he PLP Mr. Koon with this article:
For Koon Yew Yin
Author: stockmanmy | Publish date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016, 04:23 PM

Bad mouthing KC and OTB in this article
Come lets debate FA............KC, OTB, KYY, all welcomed
Author: stockmanmy | Publish date: Sat, 3 Dec 2016, 04:23 PM

Then Hoodwinked and trap Mr. Koon with this article.
Jaks....emerging jewel
Author: stockmanmy | Publish date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 02:35 AM
stockmanmy comments;
Hai Duong IPP - FCF NPV at 12% equity cost is RM 1.096 billion
value to Jaks @30% $ 329 million (or 75 sen share)
gains from EPC Contract US$ 91 million or $ 409.5 million
discounted value to Jaks $ 298 million (or 68 sen per share)
discounting a cash flow at 12% has factored in some risk elements.
The real gain is more than 75 sen and 68 sen respectively.
so, if you add current NTA $ 1.20 + .75 + .68 + X factor.,
the worth of the Company share is $ 2.63 plus X factor
14/01/2017 17:53
Super investors has 3 characteristics.....they receive new information, receptive to new ideas and confidence in own abilities.................................and also buy Jaks. lol
14/01/2017 19:30
IPP at matured stage is for retirement funds
Jaks at this stage is for dynamic investing.
A game changer
Like it changed Francis Yeoh's life.
14/01/2017 19:35
Indian IPP?
Indians all talk.....
But Vietnamese will go places, and this will be successful.
14/01/2017 19:59
the bankers think it is bankable...and indeed signed the financing already...
skepticism is good...but inability to take risks, you will never be super investor.
gains always come from taking good risks...and all in when you got good hands.
14/01/2017 20:20
13 chapters of Dynamic Investing....
Now, put all to good use in Jaks.
14/01/2017 20:23

Mr. Koon Bought into JAKS
MR KOON YEW YIN 16-Feb-2017 Notice of Interest 23,881,900 0.000
Mr. koon first article on JAKS
Why I Bought Into JAKS - Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Sat, 18 Mar 2017, 10:40 PM

Thank you

2018-12-04 22:40



u want to know how I made 200% in last 2 years, right?

That is why I started the live up dates on my trades.

nothing to hide...I very transparent one......

2018-12-04 22:41


this SS guy really a bit weird...I not kidding....

KYY is my friend......I think we got along well....I don't see why it should be a big thing with u......

2018-12-04 22:43


Dear fake accountant qqq3,
Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 07:38 PM
OTB is a retailers' adviser....
OTB is a not a stock God.
My son is an IB analyst writing for institution clients.
Those who write for institution clients have to be more responsible, ...there is a fundamental difference.
an IB analysts cannot just wag here wag there....without a retailer adviser.

JAKS RESOURCES - Powering-Up Earnings
Author: PublicInvest | Publish date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017, 10:09 AM
So now you are saying or would you like to confirm that your son is the one that wrote all these article on JAKS for PublicInvest?

Thank you

2018-12-04 23:19


no no no....that would be wrong conclusion....My son got nothing to do with Jaks.....

2018-12-04 23:22


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-04 23:36


liang....they say life starts at 60....maybe mine really starts at 60......some more live updates......

2018-12-04 23:38


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 10:41 PM | Report Abuse
u want to know how I made 200% in last 2 years, right?
That is why I started the live up dates on my trades.
nothing to hide...I very transparent one......

How does those two stupid articles of yours show you make 200% in the last two years? Those two articles are talk cock rubbish.

Did you see how I show the return of my stock picks?

They were published long before, with the date the prices and then compared with the prices years later. Those stocks even come with investment thesis, complete with valuations etc.

Have you shown what shares you bought, the price you bought before, and the price you sold, in your stupid day trading, besides just talk cock? You talked anything you like.

Amazing, such naive claims!

But tell you what, nobody gives a damn if you make or lose money in your stupid trading.

2018-12-05 00:15


sted by kcchongnz > Dec 5, 2018 12:15 AM | Report Abuse

But tell you what, nobody gives a damn if you make or lose money in your stupid trading.

not true nobody care...I care....and I will update it as long as I am happy with my profits keep far so good ...don't know why.....I do well in markets others cannot do well.....Last one year have been very good for me.

2018-12-05 00:20


Sslee, whoever correct whoever wrong, you can attack qqq3, he can attack you. No need bring family in

2018-12-05 00:58


like I say...that SS guy is weird and getting weirder....don't even know what troubles him.

2018-12-05 01:03


Dear i3Value
Posted by i3Value>05/12/2018 00:58
Sslee, whoever correct whoever wrong, you can attack qqq3, he can attack you. No need bring family in.

Please read carefully it was fake accountant qqq3 who brought in his son to simply attack OTB with his nonsense:
Posted by qqq3 > Dec 4, 2018 07:38 PM
OTB is a retailers' adviser....
OTB is a not a stock God.
My son is an IB analyst writing for institution clients.
Those who write for institution clients have to be more responsible, ...there is a fundamental difference.
an IB analysts cannot just wag here wag there....without a retailer adviser.
You can read above link again and tell me is IB analyst writing more responsible or more irresponsible compare to any of OTB analysis report?

Thank you

2018-12-05 06:39


Dear fake accountant qqq3,
I refer to calvintaneng posted >01/12/2018 20:59
My respect to Uncle Koon
Failure is ok if we learn from it
I think it was qqq3 who wanted me to contact Uncle Koon to goreng jaks
The culprit is qqq3
I want to take this opportunity to say sorry to all i3 forumers if i have led anyone astray. Calvin is sorry

Can you now tell us when did you met Mr. Koon and what had you discuss?
You don’t need to pretend that you are just a small time trader anymore and you only able to turn your 100K investment to 300K. You had planned this trap for Mr. Koon to fall into since 2016 and had admitted profit from it again and again. So tell us how much you had make from your killing instinct in JAKS and how much your syndicate had paid you for your dirty job. Have you books your dream car Roll Royce or a personal yacht.

Qqq3 posted>04/12/2018 23:38 liang....they say life starts at 60....maybe mine really starts at 60......some more live updates......
Yes life start at 60 for you, finally after living a low life for so many years you have found your big break from Mr. Koon so now you can enjoy your life to the fullness like a king.
By the way talking about responsible writing your blog articles in i3 are the most irresponsible, deceptive, manipulation, hoodwinked, misleading, bullshitting, bad influence and should be consigned to sewage. So please leave i3 alone and enjoy your low life like Jho Low.

Thank you

2018-12-05 09:00



this has become The Conspiracy Theory of i3...involving Calvin? What I did do with Calvin?

U really is weird.

2018-12-05 09:12



as for KYY, he is giving an investment talk....see...he is fine.

2018-12-05 09:14

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