Sslee blog

Is justice served?

Publish date: Sun, 01 Dec 2019, 07:40 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

Another comment I posted at Tun’s blog

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

Please allow me to say a few words to @Hisham3008 on his desperate plea for Tun’s help.

“Nov26, 2019 2.49PM

Salam Tun,

Recently the MOF has gone all out via its agencies (LHDN, SSM, KASTAM, etc..) to go after people like me with various and numerous summons.
I have lost everything in recent months, my company, money, friends…almost everything. I am now trying my level best to pick myself up and repay all that i owe but suddenly, MOF has decided to not only saman me but also to blacklist me.
I already have nothing, but MOF is trying to permanently kill me. Please Tun, don’t push us small rakyat to the brink of suicide coz that is all i have left now. Or is MOF doing this so we start to hate you Tun. Please Tun, i beg you, don’t push us to the point suicide is the only option left for us. I am trying hard, so hard to just survive on a monthly basis”

Dear Hisham3008,

I don’t know what to say to you except I am sorry to hear your predicament and frankly I do not know what it’s like to be in your situation but I don’t want you to die. So please don’t lose hope. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. When one door closes another one opens. Beside suicide is not a solution to a temporary problems hence please fight on and never never never give up.

Tun, I am at a loss as what is happening to Malaysia. Tun and PH government start off well with hope for a “New Malaysia” and many of us doing our part and donated to “Tabung Harapan”

According to a table provided in the statement, this is how all of Tabung Harapan’s RM205.4 million was used.

  • May 30 – to pay of a portion of 1MDB IMTN sukuk interest – RM143.75 million.
  • June 16 – repayment of dishonored cheques (RM51,500).
  • June 25 – repayment of errorneous donations (RM9,457).
  • Nov 28 – To pay of a portion of 1MDB IMTN sukuk interest (RM61.68 million).

Lim said the government will be spending RM13.9 billion on 1MDB and SRC International Sdn Bhd’s debts from 2017 to 2020.

“1MDB’s debts at this point stands at RM50.5 billion including interests which will only be settled in 2039,” he said.

So donation of RM 205.4 million is just a drop in an ocean and the perpetrators who put Malaysians in such a huge debt are still walking free (unapologetic and unremorseful) and together with their unscrupulous legal team and Spin doctors abusing legal loophole and rule of law at every turns to twist and turn to score a political one-upmanship and race-baiting point.

Is justice served? When we have a hardworking Hisham3008 driven to suicidal thought by government agencies (LHDN, SSM, KASTAM, etc.) and on the other hand those rich and powerful were able to abuse the law with the help of their unscrupulous lawyers to walk free and continues stirring race and religion bigotry and getting all worked up to hate each others.

I always had a disdain view toward lawyer because I regard them as a hire gun that will do any-things on their higher bidder behalf to escape the law. Thus they are many powerful, filthy rich and crock politicians that can escape anything from corruption, rape and even murder. However there are few exceptional and the late Karpal Singh is one of those that fight just not to uphold the law but justice.

From Karpal Singh:

You see that’s why they say he may be a good lawyer but he’s a lousy politician. That has been a charge against me. But I think one should know that you can’t sacrifice principles for political expediency. That’s the stand I have taken and I won’t shift from that. They say in politics there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends, but I say there must be permanent principles. I must be able to look at myself in the mirror when I get up in the morning. You can’t twist and turn. That’s something that I have not been able to do and I have been criticised for it.

Thank you

Yours truly,




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The new government (used to be "our" new government) is disturbing the rakyat while avoiding its responsibility.

Nevermind. They will never changed.

We will change them, again and again until we can find a better one.

2019-12-01 22:49

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