Sslee blog

6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI contest

Publish date: Fri, 16 Jun 2023, 09:19 AM
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This is my blog

Important announcement:

{Dear UlarSawa,
My thousands apologies I was naive to believe Johnchew5 evil twin of Mikecyc is trying to ask for forgiveness on behalf of Mikecyc.  I am a fool to think that both of you can be BFF if you both can settle your dispute with a friendly, fair and fan stock pick competition.
Again my profound apology to enter your name without your consent
I will amend my blog. (Done)
Since Mikecyc has no capacity for self-reflection and repentance and uses his multiple ID Johnchew5 to seek attention hence the best way to deal with this type of people is totally ignore them and let them suffer the loneliness with no one to talk to.
I hence disqualified Johnchew5 and any ID that Mikecyc might use from this competition.
Since you do not want to be the referee for this competition can you please teach me how to become an impartial, witty, just and fair-minded referee?
Once again my thousands apologies and thank you for getting Prof 3iii into this competition, will you continue to promote this blog and get more i3 SIFU to enter their name with their stock pick. Some names on my mind: Your Sifu, Philip, i3lurker, OTB, BobAxelrod dan lain-lain}

***At each 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI contest period end, I will make tabulation and publish the result in my new blog. We can then examine and analysis what has change (Internal: Malaysia and external: the World), Financial Analysis (internal and external/Business sense) and Technical Analysis that result in that period winner outperform other.

Note: Will edit in the new contester when they put in their User ID and stock picked. You are also welcome to place a side bet with your choice of critic/rival grouping and make your table of points score for the group at 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI contest.

Dear i3 commentators,

I was inspired by the below comment in Insas forum to settle once and for all among i3 community members’ rivalry/dispute/insult/name-calling and etc with a fair and friendly contest. All are welcome to put in your name and stock picked at this forum comment to participate in the contest
UlarSawa Referee remember SSLee was thinking want to challenge Mike punya sifu Prof 3iii before leh. Now opportunity come already leh. SSLee you want to accept Prof 3iii challenge since Prof 3iii mari sini challenge your Insas Cantik with PBB cantik leh. Mana satu more cantik Referee want to see also leh. SSLee what say you. Wanna to accept Prof 3iii challenge or not. Haiyoh. Boleh?
Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥
Is this stock a better investment than PBB today? Opportunity cost.
6 minutes ago 15/06/2023 5:55 PM
Sslee Ularsawa in that case I have nothing to lose (no real money) but Prof3iii will lose his reputation if his PBB lose to my Insas.
So please set the contest 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI PBB vs Insas using today date and price.
15/06/2023 8:13 PM
qqq47660 Dnex will win
15/06/2023 9:49 PM
Income Boleh…
I chose Tomei for the competition.
So it’s Tomei Vs PBB Vs Insas.
So please set the contest 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI PBB vs Insas vs Tomei using today date and price.
Let the competition begins.
FYI, I am not senior. I am just a newbie.
16/06/2023 4:26 AM
I now on behalf of i3invetor organise the following competition on the 6 months, 12 months and 18 months ROI. All are welcome.
Number: Contester ID: Stock picked: Price at 15/6/2023
1: Professor 3iii: PBB: RM 3.85
2. Sslee : INSAS: RM 0.835
3; qqq47660 : DNEX: RM 0.52
4: Income : TOMEI: RM 1.08
5: calvintaneng : JAYA TIASA: RM 0.645
6: STony: CAPITALA: RM 0.80
7: speakup: CMSB: RM 1.06
8: Felix888: ARMADA: RM 0.440
9: STUDY 1: PCHEM: RM 6.25
10: OTB: YTLPOWR: RM 1.29
11: StartOfTheBull : MSC: RM 2.02
12: STUDY 2: PETRONM: RM 4.98
13. Choivo Favorite: TIMCOM: RM 5.10
Side Bet:
1: Felix888 Vs BobAxelrod
Sapura E hit 0.07 within 9 months since the latest RO extension date.
We will come back on 15/12/2023, 14/06/2024 and 13/12/2024 to key in the respective ROI based on the closing price of that date and add in the cumulative dividend received for that period end
ROI formula:
6 months ROI= (Market closing price at 15/12/2023 + cumulative dividend - entry price as at 15/6/2023) x100/ entry price as at 15/6/2023
12 months ROI= (Market closing price at 14/06/2024 + cumulative dividend - entry price as at 15/6/2023) x100/ entry price as at 15/6/2023
18 months ROI= (Market closing price at 13/12/2024 + cumulative dividend - entry price as at 15/6/2023) x100/ entry price as at 15/6/2023
The 6, 12 and 18 months placing will be awarded point:
5 points for the champion
4 points for 1st runner up
3 points for 2nd runner up
2 points for fourth place
1 point for fifth place
Zero point for the rest
At the end of each 6 months, 12 months and 18 months our i3investor most impartial, witty, just and fair-minded referee (Vacant) will check and verify the ROI result and make official announcement the winner of each period with award of the title: 6 month ROI Sifu, 12 months ROI Sifu, 18 months ROI Sifu.
The cumulative highest point winner will be crowned the title of Master Sifu.
Thank you
PS: Background story behind the friendly and fair competition to settle rivalry/dispute/insult/name-calling and etc
Recently I wrote to i3Admin the following in urging admin to take action on Mikecyc:
Quote, “I welcome everyone to post their diverse opinions/views on investment in i3 so that all can benefit from the diverse information and make their informed-investment decision. But nowadays I am deeply saddened and disturbed by many i3 comments:  Full of hatred, falsehood, cursing, trolling, provocation, insulting each other, name-calling and worst of all twisting and turning other people word into cyber sexual harassment.
Mikecyc, you are what you are; the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst, the most disgusting, despicable and utterly distasteful person I ever come across. You have cross the red line onto indecency with your twisting and turning other people word into cyber sexual harassment.
I quote Mickecy’s below recent repeatedly posting which to me is the last straw that broke the camel’s back on indecency and my tolerance on abuse of free speech/opinion” unquote
I was surprised i3Admin did take action on Mikecyc speedily.
But unfortunately Mikecy didn't think he has done nothing wrong and continues with his bad behavior:
Quote, “Mikecyc please stop it. I know you are the same coward hiding behind your above multiple ID to harass and mocking me in my blog and even mocking i3Admin Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standard.
Posted by Johnchew5 > Jun 14, 2023 12:00 PM | Report Abuse
Hoho sslleee what is suspended and banned ???
I respect i3investor house rule on suspension for an offender/abuser
Mikecys: Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 08/08/2023. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal
Suspension is a cool off period for offender/abuser to do self-reflection and repent (your abusive twist and turn other i3commentators word into insult and cyber sexual harassment)
Some offender/abuser did reflect and repent and return as a useful contributor to i3community or enjoying lepak/chit chat/friendly banter (teasing/joking) with many friends in i3community.
But sadly Mikecyc you do not have the capacity for self-reflection and repent, hence I will write a letter to I3Admin this weekend on the need to amend i3investor house rule on those repeat/un-repented offender/abuser from using multiple ID to continues abusing/mocking i3investor Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards” unquote
I recall one upon a time I use the same harsh and most demeaning word on qqq3 when by my judgment he has crossed the red line into indecency and a disgusting article author by qqq3 with the purpose to spite, smear and provoking Mr. Ooi Teik Bee. There is so much animosity and hatred in the i3 forum now and I think you are partially responsible for it. (We are all mutual friend of KYY)
This started our long running war of word in i3forum until one day Choivo Capital drop a message to me: You will regret it one day for spending so much energy and time trying to change someone. Your time is better spend in other productive thing.
I now realized I can’t change people from my “out of hatred, concern, love, sense of justice and etc” if that person does not see the benefit or what he is going to lose if he does not change.
I3 is THE place for exchange of investment ideas/opinions/views and find companionship, enjoy lepaking/chit chat/friendly banter (teasing/joking) with many friends in i3community. So please value the privilege, benefit given to all the i3 community and respect the house rule Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal and be courteous to each other.
Respect begets respect and insult begets insult


2 people like this. Showing 50 of 1,532 comments


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2023-07-24 13:56


I believe a bull market in KLSE will start in the second half of 2023.
This bull market will last a long one since KLSE was in a bear market in the last 10 years.
KLSE cannot be a bear market permanently, it is too long, a bull market will come back soon.
We should see the light at the end of the tunnel, a few good signals have appeared.
1. The Malaysian economy expanded by 5.6% in the first quarter of 2023 (Q1 2023), comparing favourably with regional growth such as Indonesia (5%), China (4.5%) and Vietnam (3.3%). The Q1 2023 growth performance contributed strongly towards the achievement of the 2023 whole year forecast of 4.0% to 5.0%. To me it is good news and it should benefit the performance of KLSE.
2. I believe our unity government will perform well in the 6-state elections to convince all investors that the worst is over. No more perception of unstable federal government.
3. The latest report on US dollar index, the index falls below 100 points. It means the USD will drop further against RM. The conversion of USD to RM is at 4.53 today. It means foreign funds will stop to flow out from KLSE.
4. The economic data of Malaysia showed a big improvement in May 2023, the inflation rate is reduced to 2.8% which is a good news to KLSE.

Good luck to all investors, hope a bull market starts in KLSE soon to help all readers to make a lot of money in the next 2 years.
Hope to see more millionaires are produced in KLSE, do not believe other stock markets are always better than KLSE.
It is a matter of timing only.
Thank you.

2023-08-02 10:00


YTLPower is performing well.
Hopefully can make a lot of money in a year.
Good luck.
Thank you.

2023-08-02 10:01


Post removed.Why?

2023-08-14 09:28


Daddy Ular , results out already. 3-3.
But PN Green wave still strong. How?

2023-08-14 17:35


YTLPower is the best stock I recommended in 2023.
Hopefully all investors are laughing all the ways to the bank.
I checked, foreign funds are still net buyers in KLSE in the last 5 weeks.
Hitting the target price at 2.05 set by HLIB is not a problem I guess.
Good luck to all investors here.

2023-08-15 22:12


Foreign funds are net buyers in KLSE for the last 5 weeks, hence KLSE is bullish now.
I believe huge foreign investment funds (in terms of billion of RM) will pour into Malaysia economy after these 6-state elections are over on 12/8/2023.
Hence I expect KLSE will be a bull market in the second half of 2023.
Please note that the stock market is always ahead of economy.
Thank you.

2023-08-15 22:13


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2023-08-18 17:38


Posted by UlarSawa > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

Very simple lah. PH need to Talk less Work more. Thats all. Haiyoh. Correct?

really meh? but politician work is talk.

2023-08-18 21:30


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2023-08-22 11:36


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2023-08-22 11:38


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2023-08-22 11:43


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2023-08-22 11:45


YTLPower is the best stock I recommended in 2023.
Hopefully all investors are laughing all the ways to the bank.
I checked, foreign funds are still net buyers in KLSE on 25/8/2023.
Already hit the target price at 2.05 set by HLIB previously.
The new target price set by HLIB is at 2.90.
I hope this new target price at 2.90 will be crossed easily before November 2023.
I still believe the target price in 2024 should be higher than 2.90.
If EPS in FY2024 is 0.40, at PER=10, the target price for 2024 should be 4.00.
We should have some idea after Q2 2024 result releases in Feb 2024.
Good luck to all investors here.
My 2 cents comments.

2023-08-28 22:39


Post removed.Why?

2023-10-14 00:18



2023-10-14 07:46


"The greatest enemy of civilization is the barbarian within." - Heinrich Heine

2023-10-14 08:58


Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Oct 14, 2023 7:46 AM | Report Abuse

Posted by Felix999 > Oct 14, 2023 8:58 AM | Report Abuse
"The greatest enemy of civilization is the barbarian within." - Heinrich Heine

I3 has many barbarians within and the worst type is Mike-tikus and his many ID. Many right and sound minded people already leave i3 for good because of people like Mike-tikus flooding the whole forum with his repeatedly cut and paste vulgarity,insult, slander and gibberish.

I3 used to be the place where investors can exchange useful opinion, figure and fact but sadly no more because of the many barbarian within.

2023-10-14 09:56


Insas score all positive points as super investable stock when share price is still hanging below 90 sen loh!

1. It has a net cash of Rm 1.10 per share.
2. It trade at a PE of below 5x.
3. It has an NTA per share of Rm 3.43 per share.
4. If u add the potential mark to market gain of Inari & M&A, the revised Nta of insas exceed Rm 4.50 per share mah!.
5. It pays a dividend of 2.5 sen, that give a dividend yield of 2.82% pa, very close to the short term FD rates of 3.0% pa.
6. Insas has shown earnings sustainability & consistency as for the past 10 yrs, annually Insas has been reporting good profit n most amazingly every qtr for the past 10 yrs, Insas has been reporting positive positive every qtr loh!
7. If u invest in insas, U r exposing to the biggest tech listed Composite Index co in KLSE-Inari.
8. U r also deriving the best manage Finance Co in KLSE by investing in insas mah!

9. Insas own the most efficient goreng corp finance listed co in klse-M&A
10. Insas is due to be goreng bcos its share price at 88.5 sen now is close to the exercise price of the warrant at 90 sen mah!
11. The insas chart indicate Insas is due to breakout of 90 sen & powerfully will go above Rm 1.20 soon loh!
12. Insas is one of the most promising incubators & its Venture capital has been performing very well loh!

Do not missed this INSAS high positive profitability potential, INVEST NOW LOH!

Posted by stockraider > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Do u all realized Insas is sitting on another mark to market gain of more than rm 200m or 29 sen per insas share since M&A is listed at 22 sen & now the share price is 34.5 sen.

Lu tau boh ?

Posted by stockraider > 21 hours ago | Report Abuse

Memang betul sifu sslee findings loh!

Lu tau boh ?

If u look at the balance sheet of insas....the associate companies cost is around rm 577m & these comprises Inari, Ho hup & many unlisted companies loh!

If i conservatively take all the associate cost of Rm 577m to be attributable to Inari alone & excluding all other companies above, i still can have a nice handsome gain of rm638m (rm 1215m minus Rm 577m) and this will add another 92 sen to already high NTA of Rm 3.53 to a revise nta of rm 4.45 per share loh!

Insas have so much value in it , that is beyond any ordinary soul can comprehend loh!

Only people like sifu sslee & Leno that have ability & can see beyond the future, can comprehend the prospect & the huge profitability that can be made by investing insas mah!

U all need to trust sifu sslee who is so kind hearted & willing to share the bounty of Insas with us all loh!

2023-10-14 12:02


Remember this Insas good fundamental mah!

Do u all realized Insas is sitting on another mark to market gain of more than rm 200m or 29 sen per insas share since M&A is listed at 22 sen & now the share price is 34.5 sen.

Lu tau boh ?

Memang betul sifu sslee findings loh!

Lu tau boh ?

If u look at the balance sheet of insas....the associate companies cost is around rm 577m & these comprises Inari, Ho hup & many unlisted companies loh!

If i conservatively take all the associate cost of Rm 577m to be attributable to Inari alone & excluding all other companies above, i still can have a nice handsome gain of rm638m (rm 1215m minus Rm 577m) and this will add another 92 sen to already high NTA of Rm 3.53 to a revise nta of rm 4.45 per share loh!

Insas have so much value in it , that is beyond any ordinary soul can comprehend loh!

Only people like sifu sslee & Leno that have ability & can see beyond the future, can comprehend the prospect & the huge profitability that can be made by investing insas mah!

U all need to trust sifu sslee who is so kind hearted & willing to share the bounty of Insas with us all loh!

Posted by Sslee > 1 day ago | Report Abuse

Is that sooooooo stupiiiiiiid someone cannot read nor understand what I posted on:
M&A Securities SDN BHD financial highlight: A 100% holding of Insas before RTO of SYF.

FYE 30 June
2019 2020 2021 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 26,314 36,978 68,906 48,541
Other items of income
15,791 18,646 33,291 28,900
Items of expense (33,353) (42,855) (77,420) (54,632)
PBT 8,752 12,769 24,777 22,809
PAT 6,552 9,172 18,764 17,916

Can anyone understand english kindly explain to sooooo stupiiiiiid why staff expense increase in 2021.
2020 item of expenses RM 42.855 million. PBT RM 12.769 million
2021 item of expenses RM 77.420 million. PBT RM 24.777million

RI of Insas-PB with free Insas-WC is a way to reward shareholders. You can either sell your entitlement or subscribe for the RI
I subscribe for my RI entitlement with 10% excess application and later sold the WC for a 6 digit gain.

Someone is very jeleous I make 6 digit gain from the WC.
Recently bought back some WC because history will repeat again. In the past someone promote PA, and WC rocket pass PA. Now that someone day and night promote Jaks hence WC will/shall rocket pass Jaks soon.

One-off exceptional gain on deemed disposal of equity interest in associate companies of RM 131.3 million.
Do anyone know what is deemed disposal?

Associated co - Inari completed private placement of 10% share at RM 3.10, way above its NTA per share, & insas needs to account for its equity accounting (Inari) share of share capital/reserve increase of RM 131.3 million, purely accounting treatment in compliance with FRS. Non cash flow but increase in assets.
Balance sheet the non current asset associate companies value increase by RM 131.3 million.

Did someone know Jaks every year PP way below NTA?

Insas still hold 537,008,575 inari share (associate company) and
1,215,718,665 M&A an effective holding of 60.83% subsidiary company of Insas.
Know what is the market value of 537,008,575 inari share and 1,215,718,665 M&A share?
Know insas yearly dividend income from Inari alone?
Year end 30/6/2023
Dividend received: RM 56.521 million

Since when a car rental business in Singapore is profitable?
Someone must be smart to dispose capitalA for disposal gain before Covid-19 strike. Only dumb dumb hold Icapital TTB still holding capitalA before covid-19 untill now. Most likely TTB will still dumb dumb hold capitalA till suspension and delist

By the way Omesti is not an Associate company of insas: In balance sheet it is one of many equity investment held in current assets: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, as at 30/6/2023 that assets at mark to market value: RM 222,832,000

As at 30/06/2023
NAPS: RM 3.53
Deposits with licensed banks and financial institutions: RM 943,505,000
Cash and bank balances: RM 104,747,000
Total: RM 1,048,252,000
Cash and bank balance pledged: RM (2,376,000)
Fixed deposits pledged: RM (233,801,000)
Free Fixed deposits and cash and bank balance: RM 812,075,000
Year end 30/6/2023
Interest received: RM 25.349 million

2023 EPS: 18.51 sen
2022 EPS: 32.44 sen
2021 EPS : 37.06 sen

2023-10-14 12:05


Post removed.Why?

2023-10-18 23:17

how to become leading economy in Asia when we Export our talented scientist, engineers, bankers to Australia, US, UK, Singapore; while we Import unskilled uneducated labourers from Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Bangladesh?????

2023-10-19 07:46


Post removed.Why?

2023-12-14 16:40


Coming home last is qqq47660
DNEX ROI of -24.04%

2023-12-16 10:38


Quote from dragon328's report.
YTL Power should rise from current RM1.30 in May 2023 to RM5.00 level by Mar 2025.

The timing of Mar 2025 should be right as by then:
1) PowerSeraya should continue to report strong earnings due to tight supply (Keppel new plant only comes in 1H 2026)
2) Wessex will have its new water tariffs adjusted up substantially for the new 5-year regulatory period due to its enlarged RAB and to compensate the high interest rates it is suffering these 2 years from a higher WACC
3) 1st phase green data centre should have been up and running contribution new earnings stream
4) digital bank business should find its footing after 1 year of operations
5) more visibility in power export timeline to Singapore.
My comments :-
1.) I believe Wessex should be in profit position in 2025.
2.) Green data centre should make profit in 2025.
3.) 5G YES - should be in profit position in 2024.

I believe the EPS for FY 2024 is = 0.42, take a PER=10, the target price of YTLPower should hit 4.20 in FY 2024.

I also believe the EPS for FY 2025 is = 0.50, take a PER=10, the target price of YTLPower should hit 5.00 in FY 2025.

My 2 cents comment only.
The final decision to buy is always yours.
Thank you.

2023-12-16 11:56


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2023-12-16 12:08


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2023-12-16 12:15


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2023-12-16 12:19


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2023-12-16 12:25


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2023-12-16 14:03


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2023-12-16 16:25


HeLicks-shit is showing a shade of remorse as he knows he would soon lose his challenge again aand this time be kicked out of i3 forum.

2023-12-16 16:28


Side Bet:
1: Felix888 Vs BobAxelrod
Sapura E hit 0.07 within 9 months since the latest RO extension date.

Who will win the above side bet?

2023-12-16 16:41

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Just in case I forget, please someone remind me.

Speculation abounds. But over the last year or so buying harta at the prices of 2.23 I think is a very good buy.

1 month ago


otb is still murder after all this years

1 month ago


Tariffs on rubber medical and surgical gloves will jump to 25% from 7.5% in 2026.

Philip know it, market over react to US tariff increase for glove from 7.5% to 25 % starting 2026.

So what will be the profit look like for Harta? Is the price surge sustainable with the profit growth?

Philip know what will be the profit look like to his Harta and Pchem. If he is smart as he claim he should take some profit off the table.

1 month ago

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Still trying to convince me to buy insas? If insas is smart they should have used that "1 billion" cash board to buy Nvidia shares and turn it into 10 billion. Haha

1 month ago

Philip ( buy what you understand)

Currently China already giving 10% rebate to their glove manufacturers but still losing money for some reason to malaysia topglove KOSSAN and harta after throwing price. Malaysia glovemaker already smelling that the long term prospects for glove makers are good once the 25% tariff hit and the 10% rebate from China is removed. China production funnily enough is not as efficient as harta and topglove.

My question to you sslee is this, do you buy stocks for what is happening today? Or do you buy stocks for what will happen in the future?

1 month ago


I already sold most of my insas and waiting to buy back.

My China customers keep buying our alcohol to do ethoxylation as China petrochemical is now very cheap.

The EU going for EU Deforestation free regulation and very soon EU will not be competative in manufacturing of homecare, personal care and cosmetic.

1 month ago


By the way I bought Yinson based on what going to be Yinson 2026 earning.

1 month ago


If I am aware of a stock that would likely to benefit from a future event, I will put it on my watchlist and when price eventually drops back after the excitement is over I will enter at the right price.

1 month ago


I think Philip hold too long on his QL. His QL already lose to Ricky Yeo Scientax for the past 3 of their 10 years competition.

This is how old man like to compare how long you can hold

1 month ago


And they will never understand how you make 4X from Insas.

1 month ago


I am old also but I try to maximize my gains timing the market using a contrarian approach strategy.

1 month ago


If Philip can understand how you earned 4X from Insas and apply the same method then most likely he already earned many X with many of his stocks holding.

1 month ago


All of them are misled or they try to follow Warren Buffett blindly of holding stock for life.

1 month ago


It's very rare here in our local stock market for a stock to be able to keep going up indefinitely. The US stock market is different. There's endless money chasing stocks there.

1 month ago


Most important we must keep in mind is that only "buying" boost stock price and nothing else, a stock can sell at way below its cash backing and if there's no "buying" of the stock, the price of the stock stays down.

1 month ago


I think US stock market is at dangerous bubble stage. If bubble burst KLSE will also suffer amd TTB can kiss his klse at 2,000- 2,500 goodbye.

1 month ago


KLSE at 2,000 needs big inflow of foreign funds. Foreign funds have started looking at Asia again.

1 month ago

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