Publish date: Sun, 07 Sep 2014, 10:40 AM
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I am the first share fakker to publicly admit that I am the most panlai investor, but I would not be shy to admit that making high profits is not something we can easily accomplish. Investment take talent, education, training, experience, effort, and devotion to the craft.

Go ask your wife whether u got the talent or not ? If u got talent u think your wife still need to work like sheet everi day meh ?

Some think we are veli clever. We can claim we got medical degree lar, engineering degree, accounting degree lar.  When come to share performance, statistic has shown that year in year out both doctors and engineers always go neck to neck fighting for last place. Dun believe me, next time u see your doctor ask them how is their share market. Dun tell me, u never ask yourself  if doctor so clever in investment why they still need to charge so fakking high fee meh. To cover their loss in share market lar.

Making money is WORK. If we are not surgeon, we would not try to perform appendectomy. Dun ask me wat is appendectomy. I think it got something to do with cutting short your siaw tee tee. Melayu may call it berkhatam or khatan or watever.  But investment fool us. We have so much information. Bloomberg, the edge, the star, the moon and who know wat sheet else we read. The tool we need is just a screen and a share account. Plus the REWARDs appear SO HIGH. If cuci longkang paid RM 1 million, we will sure go cuci longkang. But wat would our share performance look like ? Like the longkang we cuci lor.

Something else that lure us into investment is that being investor doesn't seem to be a job. That is, our money is supposed to be "working for us." But try this with the money in our purse or wallet. Did we ever wake up in the morning to discover the money had accomplished a useful task while we slept ... like washing my underwear, cleaning the toilet, or cook us the breakfast ? Have the RM 10 note fak with RM 5 note and now we have extra couple of RM 1 kids for u to spend ?

And every fakkers here think they are smarter than average. If everi one is smarter than average, then who become the average leh ? Why ? U think is me arr ? Elllooooo .... 

So, wat can we do. Well, we can save. One thousand ringgits placed in the bank at 3% interest when we graduated will worth RM 113,228.60 - by the time we are 185 years old. Or we can spend it all.  Somebody will take care of us. Our kids ... yeah right. 

So, unfortunately, the best way for we ordinary fakkers to make money is probably by working - doing wat we alreadi know how to do, trying to do it better and hoping to get paid more for doing it. The correct investment advise is for us to work ourselves to death. Then we won't care about money. Still ..... work is just seems like so much, you know, WORK ! 

Now, we know that we can put money in FD where we earn 3% interest by loaning our cash to bank which turns the cash into a mortgage and earns a lot of money by loaning our money back to us at 8% interest.

Or we can buy unit trust. Instead of somebody pay us 3% interest for taking our money, we now pay somebody 6% interest to take our money instead.

Or we can buy stocks. We inject our money to a corporation which uses that money to develop improved touch screen, pay its directors lavish salaries, and buy real estate in Fujian or Beijing. And the corporation gives what's left of our money back to us as a stock dividend or warrants.

Of course, there are a few things we shouldn't try like stealing. But we could still take money from people, pay ourselves lavish salaries, buy real estate in Fujian and say it's okay because we're a corporation.

We could become a goverment and make everybody give us 25% of what they earn plus 5% of whatever they spent because we're going to be out of office before we have to give anything back.

And we could donate our money to worthwhile cause as an investment for the afterlife. Except that we may find out we have invested in the wrong god and stil end up in Hell.

So, in the end. we are left with the one great lesson here. A lesson that does not wary with time or circumstances, a lesson that is wise, powerful and true : JUST GIVE YOUR FAKKING MONEY TO YOUR WIFE.

More articles on WAT THE FAK !
5 people like this. Showing 8 of 8 comments


hahahahaha, well said, but im single, so i'll give them to my family instead xD

2014-09-07 11:55


Hahahaha very well written. Funny and entertaining. Nice

2014-09-07 13:11


Leno is the best story teller....clap hand and shake pet pet..

2014-09-07 14:04


Adoi emo je, kena jilat HBGlob ke? MAS ke? Biosis? HIGH5...?

2014-09-07 14:37


i have met a few doctors and specialist who fakking retard in stocks and lost fortune after fortune in stock mkt. only to raise medical fees to pay losses. kesah benah!

2014-09-07 19:56


well.. WTF..kakakakaka...keep it up..cheers to u...

2014-09-07 22:13


:) this sure go to heaven!

2014-09-20 21:38


leno, PMCORP still the best! :-)

2014-09-20 22:41

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