My Trading Adventure

My Uni-songs(mandarin)

Publish date: Fri, 04 May 2012, 08:12 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
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more to come ...

I was Malay-educated(they always mistakenly said we were English-ed) ... and know nothing about Mandarin. We watched those love stories ... by Chin Han, Ling Fong Chiao(Jackie Chan's wife), Tian Niu ... those sobbing stories. I can't understand, of coz.

How do I started my Mandarin learning journey? Hmm ... it was in 1988, during my 3 years in MU where I was 'forced' to speak Mandarin!! You wont believe that I have to speak Malay with my chinese friends ... so, I mixed more with those from Penang/Kedah as we could speak hokkien. Majority in Uni speak Mandarin ... so, I forced myself to learn through listening to songs. Well ... I was listening more to Micheal Jackson, Madonna and those nice 1980s hits ... a total change of channel ... and listening to Mandarin songs only!!

Yes ... see how I change? I forced myself to accpet those songs ... and found my interests from them, learn to speak ... even when some laughed at you. Those were the days ... I even sang a Mandarin hit by Chi-Ching(will find the song later) during our graduation party. All my coursemates were impressed as finally ... they were listening to a 'banana' singing a chinese song!! Yeah ... they knew I started from ground-zero ...

Can you see how I started anything from nothing? That is how I started my investing-trading ... I forced myself to listen to bloomberg, business-news, CNBC ... for hours each day while reading all those terms.

Anyway ... everything is a history. Today, I speak Mandarin with my wife in daily basis ... and with many. No one could understand how I started ... do we need to bother is anyone laugh at you? We learn for our own benefit ...

got to go pyramid for shopping ... and will continue later, for sure!! haha

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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


cp teh, agree with u. we learn for our own benefit. we learn faster when we NEED to learn ?

2012-05-05 03:19


sometime i want releks, i open this song :

2012-05-05 09:42

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