Publish date: Sat, 12 May 2012, 11:53 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
There are too many things in my going-ons, and the stress is very high. I could not know how to organise my thoughts or where to start, if I m going to write a post now. Simply amazing, the contacts ... the going-ons ... with exams going on, transition between my 'old' tuition classes with new ones coming in, the changes of my trading classes where my meetings might be replaced by my discussion-group, with different of approaches in learning, and my cohort-6 new trading class planned to commence next Sat, lagging behind in my e-learning space ... attending a market-chat, invited to attend another one by RHB ... mommy's day around the corner, with  me having 2 moms. Dinner tonight with one, and with another one tmr night, may be. With marking papers is such a drag, setting of coming exams papers for the new batch, and invigilations on-goings ... classes still on-goings ... arrhh ... market is retracing and my funds are not doing well, either. Bersih brought me to be political-charged again, reading more politcial articles than my finances ... My health taken a break when I had two migraine attack this week, lack of sleep. Complains made by teachers on my son's active behaviour ... if these not enough to stress me out, I still have so many contacts in facebook to in-touch with!!

So, writing a post is not possible .... with clustered mind upstairs.

Taking a pause will do me good ... drink more water and go for exercise. Away from daily trading activities ...

Advertisement: Nuffnang called me yesterday about my advertisement. Well, I m 'asked' to take out Adverlets ads to become nuffnang's member. I never know how all these things work, but I hv taken out Adverlets and place nuffnang ads. I do not get a single cent from Nuffnang or Advelets anyway. Only google-adsense giving me a little on RM ... even that, my readerships have dropped drastically(about 60% ... wow!! err ... hehe) and adsense no longer giving me a cheque a month ... in 3 months, I only got a cheque of USD110. Yes, I no longer remember that I do have ads in my blog ... will nuffnang give me any benefits writing about them?

Blogging : Yes, I m too attached to my groups(stock-watch, tratles and e-tratles) and my blogging activites here have reduced substantially ... it is not that I do not want to blog ... but my TIME being spent with my groups and recently, I kindly replied to some comments in i3. It has taken my TIME from blogging ...

This blog is my cyber-home ... and I wish to come home here. I am very attached to things I am doing, and I hv always use 'feelings' doing something close to my heart ... blogging here is where my heart is ... irrespective of what other says or even I have only 10 readers left!!

Yes, I miss my blog ... and I could feel that my heart is drifting ... wanting to be 'home'.

I will be back home here again ...

Coming home ...

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not knowing who you are, but feel you are cute by just reading your write up.

2012-05-12 14:40


You really are stressed out. Take a rest.

2012-05-12 15:21


home is where the heart is

2012-05-15 16:46

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