My Trading Adventure

Time to take profits?

Publish date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012, 07:35 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

BIMB : One hot stock ... shooting star formed yesterday, that is early signal to SELL. RSI nearing 90, and I highlighted the point I sold my BIMB-cc ... at 0.260 ... it shot all the way to 0.46+. OUCH ... sold too early but I traded successfully BIMB-cc for 12 times(from 0.125 level) and cut-loss once. Yeah ... my whole stock-watch group and tratles following my trades on her, till I stopped at 0.26!! The joke was ... imagine that I place RM200k to buy her at 0.13, sold her yesterday ... that is 300+%. Then, I could stop for whole year from trading .... enjoying my profits. Haha ... yeah, right. Be real, please. Anyway, I am still very glad with my BIMB-cc profits tho I could profit much more. NEVER get too greedy ... my system shut-down when a stock with RSI above 70.

Note : Shooting star is a candle stick showing to us time to take profits.

TopGlove : This is another SELL to me ... at RM5.25 level. I do not buy TopGlove(as I traded Supermax, instead). A person in my stock-watch(my e-tratle too) bought at RM4.50 and was asking me when she should be selling ... and I shared with her what to see and where we should sell. Yeah ... she appreciated my efforts of guiding her, so I will 'interview' her ... for my testimonials. Hehe

Gamuda-wd :  I was collecting at 0.97-0.99 levels, bought 20k units of it and sold all at RM1.10(sold half earlier). It closed higher at 1.12. Well ... I changed this Gamuda-wd into XXX-wa, actually. My system simply shut-down when it flying so high ... too fast, too furious. This is placed in my stock-watch too ... when I was buying.

Stock-watch : It is just a page to mention what stocks I like, what I m looking at ... and what I am buying-selling. Yes, 'live' before it happens. Not AFTER it fly off then only one said he bought at whatever price. I do put some educational pointers too ... like why I bought her, when I cut loss ... or when I average down some of my stocks(due to failure of cut-loss). Yes, I am real ... I do share my trading mistakes too, as some following me might be 'losing' money ... so trade at your own risk as I do lose trades, cut-loss and lose some money ... but generally, my whole group know that I have more good trades and bad ones. That is REAL trading ... accept mistakes, recover from it ... move on and look for better opportunities. Not every month stocks that we bought shoot up higher, ok?

I do not buy into those goreng-goreng stocks. I prefer those better fundamental or at least tradable stocks. So, if you are joining me ... do let me know as in July, I will start my e-learning too(for those not in Klang Valley) ... if you are newbie/novice ... can I help?

Time to work and check markets again

Happy trading ... 1600 ... new high ... check 1620.

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Be the first to like this. Showing 7 of 7 comments

Jonathan Keung

1600 index. need to be cautious. index linked stocks (blue chips) may trend higher but other stocks may not follow same direction. monitor the volume flow

2012-06-21 08:59


wait for the budget.

2012-06-21 14:59

kl foong

budget will be in 2-3 months time.
if the counter reach the tp set by you, take profit.
money in the pocket is better than paper gain.

2012-06-21 15:16



2012-06-21 15:46


yup..agree with Kl foong. sell first & buy back later.

2012-06-21 15:50

KC Loh

That is sound advice from kl foong.

in the same line, the body language of the politicians in BN actually indicates to me that they are flushed with money. we had good FDIs (read from MITI and BNM websites) and would therefore see strength after budget announcement, IMO. Sell what is not too profitable and retain the profitable ones. Sell, and then study those with a more profitable potential. It may be a jump after announcement. Najib may be going all out just before the GE13

2012-06-21 16:15

sam chwee

I would like to have more info on your e learning.

2012-06-26 12:36

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