My Trading Adventure

Tratles Stock Analysis

Publish date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012, 06:55 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
On Sat, we gathered 14 of us, with me analysis stocks thrown to the 'floor'. Then, from the many stocks, I short-listed a few that I do like.

These are few of the fantastic results.

HuaYang : (done by TTS) I grabbed at RM2.06 yesterday as I told the group that I see her the best supported stocks due to dividend and bonus-issues hanging. Yes, we did discuss that so-called bonus-issue do not really benefit share holders, accounting wise ... but this is market. I mentioned that MAJORITY in KLSE do not understand bonus-issues and they THOUGHT they get free bonus shares ... and rush to grab her. Hence, the price will be well supported by retailers ... and becoming a hot talk-about stocks. Technically, I placed a trading plan ... and yes, it works out welll ... breakout an I averaged up today at 2.10-2.13 levels. Ride on her and will take profits.

YTL : (done by AO) We were discussing on this one too ... queue at 1.73-1.75, average down at 1.60. I m convinced it will rebound but I did not chase ... my queues not done and today we saw it testing 20MA at 1.88. What a miss and I do not know if any of them in the group benefit from the plan.

I posted both I like in my stock-watch too, hoping to benefit those in my stock-watch group. Again, I never ask about others stocks. I will just tell them at what price I am queueing and what I am checking.

MyEg : (done by AJL)I grabbed at market opening yesterday at 0.735, but I was too busy today. With a doji formed yesterday with gap-up, it is a sell to me. But it went to close higher at 0.78, while my queue to sell at 0.76 done. In our analysis last Sat, I was hopiing for a doji to form nearing 0.71-0.72 and perhaps it will only take another day hanging at 0.72 levels before it shoots higher. It did not ... it GAPped, which I do not like. Anyway, it is still a good analysis and profits for some of us.

SKPres : (done by JL) The range trading I shown them ... back to support, buy and check to sell at 0.37. It was so good as it is done in two days!! wow. I did not take the trade as I am not familiar with the stock.

I am more interested with my Armada(bought 3.68) and Genting (bought 8.88 today). I am also liking MHB and GenM which pressed lower.

Have to go ... a tratle of mine, MS, asking me to post few of those stocks we analysed on Sat ... to show that we do real anaysis and taking real trades. Of coz, there will always many out there will say i m just shiok-sendiri and ... well, keep it that way, then. It is your weak mentality stopping you to learn and be better trader and I wont want to wake u up.

Once we set our goal to improve, we will find the wat to improve. We will ...


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How to join your group?

2012-08-08 08:41


Pay money and trade at your own risk. :) of course you will learn how to trade.

2012-08-08 09:10


Hi casual investor, do e-mail me.

Hi shirley1, you don't pay money and trade at your own risk. That is double payments. You get into real group of traders, learn from each other, stay focus and positive. Nope, u will not learn how to trade by just being in markets or certainly not being in many forums.

You can check real trading and those just talk, selling their softwares and trading courses easily if you are experienced traders.

Learning takes time. It takes lots of efforts. A group will help to support each other.

Thanks for the comment and do trade well.


2012-08-09 18:54

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