Publish date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012, 01:00 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Well, with a title 'WTF', that is how a property book selling well or some sites attract more readers. Sorry if I have displeased anyone. I have no bad intention ... I m writing in daily basis ... and this is still a personal blog, independent writings of mine. It is a package ... buang yang keroh, ambil yang jernih. It is also a show of frustrations ... towards how in-sane society could be, the blog is my personal expressions of words bottle-up and in no way I want to insult or offend anyone.

How words attract readers? Take a look at how MEDIA spreading news about stocks. We got trapped reading those reports, losing money along the way ... we are being brain-washed by the so-called educating media. Media is a very powerful tools being used to reach to naive public, and to benefit certain quarters. Think of it this way ... without these 'attractions', will you read anything written in newspaper?

Sensationalising news and those tabloids are being used ... to lure public into buying their papers. We choose what we want to read(like I hv chosen to read about Dr Teo's wordings) and filter what we deemed a waste of time.

I have explained ... I blog in daily basis ... according to what I want to write. But a year ago, my blog is featured in i3-portal ... which happened to be one of the best investment portal(indeed, it is very good). I have my ups-downs ... and I do write it here. There is good side of my writings, most of the time ... at least.

I am in a process of moving away into a new website ... yes, will make that more 'relevent' and will e-mail the i3 admin by year end. A change will be good ...

Thanks for your patience and I am sorry again. :(


p/s : See? I m losing my freedom to write ... I cant talk about politics, I cant express myself ... and I am being judged. Someone told me .. because you are a 'public figure'? HUH?? Since when?
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2 people like this. Showing 4 of 5 comments

herbert 456

LOL ...... CP Teh, u r indeed a "public figure"..... and I must say, u have admirers too ...... :))
Take it as compliments.... not many can be as good a "public figure" as u r .....

2012-10-31 13:48


CP Teh, IMHO, u don't have to say sorry (i read your latest post in your blog); always say/post what u meant; & meant what u say/post; to me; as long as u r not visited by any SB (special branch) at your office/home; u should continue saying what u think... u r entitled to your opinion.. so r we all here in this forum.. keep up the good work.. without fear or favor..

2012-10-31 14:16


Dear Herbert and Kian Wei

Thanks a lot. It is consoling.

I am not a public-figure and have no intention to be one. I have always like it my own way, doing things by my own ... and my family all should known that I m indeed ... anti-social kinda person.

I do appreciate many nice people I have known and along the way, I have made many friends ... my readers becoming my tratles ... and of coz, I irritated some(tho I hv ignored my so-called enemies?). I do not have enemies ... as I am just trying to help many. Yet, being a human(heck with the public-figure), I do have my mood swings and I do not like faking or hiding it. To me, to be real ... is called living.

Living takes pain of learning ... taking real pain in losing our trades but keeping ourselves sane.

Just not my day, perhaps ... tho I just taken profit with my Takaful ... and focusing in my Astro and GenM trade next.

A good friend of mine(MS) told me last week ... CP, keep your originality. But .... never mind, guess I need to toe the lines.

Thanks and sorry again if I offended anyone.

Note : You could not blog naturally, spontenously ... if you do not allow your thoughts to flow ... I am original. I blog because I like to ... not because to seek popularity, not to seek attention and certainly not to gain anything from anyone. I do things sincerely from what I like ... I like trading, so I learn to trade well now. I like teaching and now, I m known to be teaching trading well. I like ... helping appreciative people as it makes me smile. EVEN without a reader, I will still write because I like blogging. Even without winning trades, I will still trade as I see that as only way of learning to trade ... and I went to extent to tell my cohort-4 once, even without my whole group, I will still continue to do what I am doing ... because of my strong convictions and beliefs. I do things that I LIKE ... my way.



2012-10-31 14:18


Dear ggecko



2012-10-31 15:02

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