My Trading Adventure

Learning is a long journey

Publish date: Wed, 26 Dec 2012, 08:54 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It is called a Boxing-Day ... when I was young, I really thought it is a day where boxers will take the rings and ... boxing!!

Our views changed ... when we got to understand terms used better, when we grow ... and maturing. Our perception changed too ... if one is new to trading markets, we really thought we just need to buy and hope the stocks to go higher for us to sell for profits. We were naive ... when we are newbies.

I was a newbie about 5-years ago ... a total newbie, without any knowledge about fundamentals or technical ... don't even know that stocks are controlled, manipulated ... and couldn't understand anything at all. Today, we need to equip ourselves with FA + TA ... also reading some news, announcements, broker reports ... anything about media 'sparingly'.

How time flies ... it was 5-years ago. A consistent learning on how markets work, and the differences between many instruments ... sectors, markets ... and many more. In 5-years, I do see myself learning well, but I think ... few very important MUST HAVE characters in markets are :-

1. LOGIC BRAIN --- learning take time and not random.
2. PERSISTENCE --- never quit attitude with view of improving and progress on.

These two very important ingredients are needed ... to maintain sane and sound, while newbies going into markets ... and without logical brain, they will buy into those too-good-to-be-true software, trading courses, Genneva ... those stones turn into gold stories. They are greed-driven ... and have a thought that market is a place to 'get-rich', take a gamble ... and wait. Well, a reminder ... 80% of them losing money. It is not 50-50, it is 20-80 ... and with the odds stag against us, we would not win/profit from random trade. Our 'luck' will runs out ... somehow, one day.

Got to go ... went to Cameron, came back yesterday ... off to PD for beaches now.

Will continue when I m home tonight?

Happy Holiday ...


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my view only huh, dont hantam me huh. learning is a continuous process, not a long journey, in today society if want to compete and survive, learn fast. guess only 20% fast learner 80% slow learner. by the time you master slow slow. you old old liao. things changes over time. see history tell us how
many company slow slow gone cuz cannot keep up with the pace and dont have capability to learn fast or unable to do that... learn slow slow so that i can make more more haha

2012-12-26 13:36

Jonathan Keung be a learned men(lady) is different from getting an education. wishing everyone a prosperous new year & enjoyable holiday break

2012-12-26 13:43

Ooi Teik Bee

Do you attend any customs software course before ? Always a bad mouth to condemn others. Too-good-to-be-true software did not recommend you to buy Mas stock. You also cannot learn from this course to make million dollar from 1k capital. Only maths teacher provide this type of course.

2012-12-26 15:47

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by FlyingStocks > Dec 26, 2012 02:20 PM | Report Abuse

I read that someone said CPTeh is stock market sifu?more like a con-man. teaching basic technical analysis at an expensive cost..everything is money for him..he's not making money from the stock market..but from bunch of nooooob being con by him.especially newbies in stock market. he is a self proclaim expert..better off learn from books and forum..

2012-12-26 15:49


Just wondering, if every1 has a logical brain like u, would u be able to make money from this market. would appreciate your answer if are reading this.

2012-12-26 16:07


Shirley, learn fast fast doesn't mean you will survive and beat others...not sure if you come across people who learn very fast BUT decides very very slow.....end of the day....its learn smart & deicides fast & appropriately also very important !

2012-12-26 17:02


ya it is true, there is some ppl cannot pick up means cannot pick up, because this is not their strength, unfortunately most ppl doing business won't tell you this :)

2012-12-26 17:49


To anyone who is passion in education.

资料来源 : de garden Educare






I like this.. haha


2012-12-27 10:10


@ shirley1. Good article. Thanks for sharing.

2012-12-27 13:16

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