My Trading Adventure


Publish date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013, 12:13 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It is almost Monday ... kick-off Liverpool vs Man City.

There is always always two sides in many things ... in some, many sides. You could see that in politics-views ... in religions-views ... in opinions-wise ... where everyone has their own piece of mind. So, it is ok to support a team ... but I won't agree in looking down in our opponents, pressing others down ... to make ourselves look good/better.

I do have many friends loving Man Utd. In fact, one of my best friend is a die-hard MU fans. So, it is ok to have our own political views. Whether it is BN or PKR, we rakyat want to do well in our livings.

Many of times ... we discriminate. We want our opinions to be right. But, I guess it is OK if we are wrong ... to admit that and making our own judgments.

Whether it is a BUY or a SELL, it is still two-sided coin.

In my opinion, and from past 2008 experiences ... it is better to stay aside and keep cash.

We could never know what will happen next ... but indices or stocks could not push up with the fear-sentiment lingering.

Be aware.

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1 person likes this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


screw you la cp teh... i used to love yr blog admire you wish i am in klang valley so that i join your group but THANK GOD I did not join you. Now I understand why so many many readers here hate your f**K'g guts...

2013-02-04 07:49


Is wise to stay aside now if trading. If it is for 5 year plan investment, we do not cares the noise of the market. We choose what to read, grab the point we need, throw the point we do not need. No need to screw others, while they spend time to share information. Be it wrong or correct, speculative or intentional. Read it for your own pleasure.

2013-02-04 08:42


Good said omgimnoob, I see some ones seem over responding towards whatever CP posted. They could have their own motive or agenda behind. (because I just wondering why someone said hate CP so much but still keep reading his blog and keep leaving comments.) CP, just ignore those noise. We are among the thousands that always appreciating you for spending time to share with us. Keep up your good job CP. :)

2013-02-04 09:18


reading his post ??? hahaha... yes read i admit why so i can tell u how is his master plan to lure people to into his group...
am I evil? I dont think so..
Jesus was seems evil when he tried to help people...remember that.....
TGTG... i can understand if you want to support Mr Teh but you cannot deny that many here do hate him so much.
Goh... lucky you did not join him... you are paying to be screwed... hahaha

2013-02-04 10:21

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

The only surefire way to win money in Bursa is to conduct investment tutorial for newbies investor. I never attended any investment course bcos If the Master Sifu is really good in making money in stocks market, he doesnt have to conduct courses. Master Sifu can earn big money everyday just by playing stocks in Bursa alone. Why should master sifu share his winning technique(s)? This is my logic why l just browse investment forums & make my own judgement.This are just my 1cent opinion.

2013-02-04 10:53


Buy & Sell Sell & Buy, you are absolutely right. Many charlatans here. They are in the same class as fortune tellers and fengshui masters who are all good for nothing. Quite disappointed with this forum as I am a newbie thinking I can learn from the real masters. However, I must say there are only very few good ones here. You can count them on the fingers of one hand. They may be some consolation.

2013-02-04 11:11


TGTG... since you claimed there are thousands who appreciate his blog here.. can you please show me some proof there are at least 1k readers who appreciate him pls?
all proof must be authentic please. No someone who have 5 different names.. hahaha
can you proof it pls?

2013-02-04 13:07

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

TGTG : We are among the thousands that always appreciating you for spending time to share with us. Keep up your good job CP. :)

thousands.... WHAT A JOKE.....

2013-02-04 13:17


Everyone can gives his own view and idea; just to trust or not to trust depend on individual. This world is full of information and it really make one even more confuse if without information at all.

2013-02-04 13:42

Kl Vin


2013-02-04 14:00


Oleli 3 days no trade.Very Sian.Hunting from north to south,combing east to west, still cant find any counter to buy,no more shares to sell. Finally,I found 3 counters which I have not bought b4. Damacai,Magnum n Toto. Entry: RM 50 on each counter Cut loss:RM 50 also
Target:Nobody know:same like KLCI now what..

2013-02-07 11:51

Mat Cendana

Is the technical rebound here? The market started very weak earlier but many counters have managed to claw back most of today's losses. Let's see how the afternoon session goes.

2013-02-07 12:04


mat cendana

i think klci will down further after cny. by the way najib will announce sg-jb mrt project next week. anyone know which cronies company get the project ?

2013-02-07 12:12

Mat Cendana

This "GE Factor" - there will be opportunities here. The widely held belief is that the market will fall when it is announced. Possibly. But why shouldn't it rebound after that, if there's clarity on the political situation to follow? And this announcement of the GE - everyone knows it will come and very soon so why should the market suffer a sharp drop when it does happen? I'm waiting for this day to come and see how the market responds. If the quality counters come down to a very attractive level, that looks like a good time to buy.

2013-02-07 12:36


MC well explain on the senario. Like playing see-saw, Have to scout for good counters, any good for mudajya now is at 2500sen. Any comment ??

2013-02-07 13:02


MC well explain on the senario. Like playing see-saw, Have to scout for good counters, any good for mudajya now is at 2500sen. Any comment ??

2013-02-07 13:02

Mat Cendana

The counters perceived to be politically-linked like MRCB, UEM Land and Gamuda especially will likely be affected by the outcome of the GE. But I don't see why there should be similar worries for counters like Digi, Axiata, Maxis, TM and the likes. However, in a knee-jerk response, they will probably suffer a drop too in reaction to the general market. I feel this will provide a good opportunity for us.

@yfchong - do that... scout around for good counters, do some research of the fundamentals, previous technical readings and decide when you would feel comfortable buying. It appears that the GE Factor is the only thing that's holding down the market at the moment. When this is out of the equation, the buyers will return. I'd like to be there waiting with counters previously bought cheaply when they come. At the moment, we must be cautious BUT we must also be brave enough to pick up the quality counters selectively when opportunities present themselves.

2013-02-07 15:03

Desmond Liew

If in this case, we buy 20% of the stock a day before the result is announced & on the day if market responds favourable to the result, then we can buy the remaining 80% at maybe a bit high premium than our recent purchase (20%) one.. If market responds by plunging maybe 100points, we only hold that 20% instead of 100%. The remaining 80% we can buy back once the market shows confidence.. hehehe...

2013-02-07 15:27

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