My Trading Adventure

Resources to help us

Publish date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013, 10:42 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It is Sunday ... yesterday we do have our monthly tratles meeting. Due to many taking sideline stance, not many came for meeting. But, we do discuss about some breakout stocks such as KLCCP, Harta and SKPetrol. And also HSI dropping 600 points, I was busy doing shopping list and to buy(and hold) into a HSI-stock ... but too many dropping nicely to support, oversold.

i3-forum : I was told by a tratle yesterday that 'X and Y' still having fun in the forum, insulting ... making fun of me. Hmm ... as I do not read forum there, I think we should let them be. It is their lives, their choice. So, I will maintain focus in my own life, my own trades and my groups.

stock-watch : Not many are trading as the fear of GE is great. But, the current theme ... construction-properties ... and now, bird-flu with O&G ... we could go for that. And HSI ... so, I m sharing some HSI stocks with the stock-watch group, in case of some of them might want to take the risk.

FKLI : I might want to create another group to discuss FKLI. It will be closed-group only for members. Well, I dislike noises ... and difficult to focus with many things being shared. It seems that AmFuture rate is cheap. Do check them out as I just opened one.

HSI : ZhaoJin, AirChina or Harbin. Which one should I pick? One day, when I am retired from my full-time teaching job, and trading ... I will learn HSI-future trading. They do have those 'mini' ... but I hv yet to explore such instruments.

Being independent is VERY important in our own trades. Doing our own searching for opportunities could increase our knowledge ... learning more about the fundamentals and technical will increase our knowledge and trading them(in real) will increase our experiences. As I m into my 5th year in trading, I have tested and traded many type of instruments ... stocks(in KLCI, SGX, HKSE, US) ... ETFs ... warrants.

Learning corner : Resources

So, getting good resources to read, acquiring our knowledge is very crucial to our trading mindset.

1. Books : Buy those basic books written by local-writers ... that is the first step. Then, after a year or so of reading these materials, move on to more advance books.

Example : i do read simple Milan's and Pauline's books. Ho Kok Mun's, Andrew Chia's, Othman Yong's Adam Khoo's series of books ... these are just few to mention here. Get hold to some of them ... invest in buying some of these books ... and read-read ..a few times. It is not easy to understand the terms and concepts by reading only once. majority newbies taking this FIRST STEP too easily, casually ... and could not build the strong market-understanding foundations. Do not be stingy ... buy those books. For my tratles, one may always borrow the books from me. Just motivate ourselves to learn .... more. I still treasure my Jess-Livermore's book.

2. Magz/Papers : At initial stage, I do read many type of magz ... consistently reading every pages of The Edge(now only read the headlines and pick only related to my trading idea for the week) ... now, I do buy Focus(to support Clement?) ... I do still have Personal Money, Malaysian Biz, Share Investment .. to name a few. If you are a total newbie, buying The Edge/Focus will be a good start ... but DO NOT read those papers to buy/sell any stocks. Try to read as much ... to get the feel of how market re-act to what written there. Do follow The Star(biz) in daily basis, if possible. Be consistent. Write down what we have learnt ... and for over a year, you will get what I mean. Majority of those in market is not consistent, not discipline to acquire knowledge ...

3. Websites : A portal like i3-investor is very helpful and good(minus some bad vibes and noises in the forum). Check out the dividends page(my only visit to i3) ... gathering information from few of these sites. Theedge-online, The Star-biz, NST-biz and many more. One of the most important site is our bursa-malaysia site itself. That should be our daily readings for update/info.

4.  Blogs : There are few blogs written about KLSE ... if u r reading my blog, u might end-up getting frustrated with many of my blah-blah ... and as u r losing patience, you might get upset. So, move away if one find a blog is not worth the time to even look into it. But, I m talking about a few blogs ... to read to acquire some knowledge shared. By the way, I assumed that #1 and #2 being done for 1-2 years first ... not reading blogs first. And having a strong mental, good mindset to learn is very important. Mind you, 80% of those in markets losing money in markets due to lack of good mindset(trading/investing).

Example : I do not read blogs anymore ... but at times, it is worth looking into Dali's writings ... or AlexLu's technical views. Ben Gan's is short-simple, AlphaChart has not been updating much ... or Remnant's too. So, not many good blogs around to read. I do not know any new blogs as I do not read blogs anymore.

5. Broker reports : I do read many broker-reports at initial stage to gather much needed information, how analysis being done ... and understanding some businesses. Do read as many ... but NEVER really bother to check their buy-sell call. In fact, we should be contrarian and do the opposite. Imagine that these reports being circulated to retailers ...and for them to read to trade. Hmm ... you trade, they earn from brokerage fees, right? I do still read selected broker reports ... especially those analysis on sector(s) rather than individual stock.

6. Public talks : Do attend some of those talks ... free talks or even pay for the talk. Be willing to pay some fees to acquire right and good knowledge. I will travel to Johore this May for the investing-expo. I have to be selective as a few days of traveling and away costing me a lot of $$$(cancelation of classes ...a weekend, I could have 10 hours of classes. Calculate the rate and amount. ouch).

Note : I will give a public talk(free) about markets during election. Will fix a date and confirm that later. It needs to be soon ... next week?

7. Trader's group : There are many such groups. I m only focus in my own closed groups(tratles and stock-watch) and will stay in the chat-box to keep each other informed. But, some writings in some groups may worth reading. Yeah ... expect noises from many retailers ... in open public group. So, I prefer my closed-group.

7. Trading Journal : i do use my personal trading journal as my own guide. We all should write our own trading journals, in details about our trades.

Example : Why do I buy Harta-wa at 1.13 on Wednesday? Why sold at 1.24 on Friday?

This should be written in a journal on the WHYs. We do not need to tell others, just for our own references and we could use it in future. Not many in markets do such donkey's work as they view it as tedious and/or they are not informed of the importance. A good trading course should mention on these. I do share these in module-4 with my cohorts when we speak about risk-reward ratio, trading plan ... and reflection on our trades.

So, we were reading about the bird-flu days ago ... we saw supermax and topglove moving ... and Harta was lagging, pending breaking RM5. Then, we check on the Harta-wa ... which is trading at low premium, with long expiry date. Of coz we do know the good fundamentals in Hartalega and also knowing that the whole glove-sector has been lagging behind KLCI. It needs good news to move. And now we have one ... We check aorund for some news related and check some charts. The minimum wage policy is affecting the sector too. We check USD and rubber-prices. We check some broker reports ... search some news related to the sector. Ok ... the noises started ... many more moving in. In our chat-box, someone mentioned Supermax days ago ... so, quietly we grab the laggard Harta-wa, in my view. Pending breakout ... RM5 ... Harta broken into new high, Harta-wa gapped up, touched 1.30 and I queued 1.24 at resistance. The volume increase is high, gapped up to resistance. These are pointers I shared with my tratles-group on what to look for, when to sell for profit and now, how to buyback next week if the trend prevails.

So, try to write a detailed trading journal ... the entry point, the exit point ... the reasons of trading and the emotions in play. Someday ... say, a year later ... we could reflect back and notice on our good/bad trades. That could be our own resource .... and only for us to keep.

8. A trading 'mentor' : A session of sharing with some experiences and listening to their talks. I am a mentor to many newbies... and those experienced ones in our group, sharing knowledge and experiences. That is how newbies will be more exposed to markets. There is no short cuts. Noisy forums could not help much for newbies.

i have to go .... long time didnt write so long. haha

have a nice weekend and hope my writing here could give some simple guidelines to MANY newbies out there. share this post with your friends if u think it will benefit them, minus the blah-blah. haha

I could be be contacted at if one wish to join my groups.

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Hahaha making fun ? laughter the best medicine.. want to know what is happiness to me ? I can find humor or laughter despite all challenges ahead of me .. hahaha. i think x is Albert and y is shirley1.. hahaha again I think he learned.. dare not to mention name liao, cat has nine life la.. Hahaha. woof woof

2013-04-07 11:28


u forgot another important resource... money!

2013-04-07 11:30


i dont know if i am X or Y... but I got F U named after you Mr Teh...
non stop promoting your stupid stock watch. Post all those good winning stocks only??? post those you lose too pls if you have the balls? sorry i dont think you have it..

senior trader in your group is a CON MAN... ex remisier. You gave him free pass in your group he no need to pay to join your group whilst the rest need to pay. Asking people to buy when stock already moved up few bids saying break out ... but he is selling...

2013-04-07 11:41


if you are organising public talk.. I will attend definitely... I will bring rotten eggs to throw at you... hahaha

2013-04-07 11:43


Mr Teh, one fine day, I will write a blog about you & spill the beans on you & let public/readers here know the TRUTH about you.

2013-04-07 11:45


sorry Albert, you may not be the X or Y :)

2013-04-07 11:55


teacher, i dont mind to be x and y..

2013-04-07 12:04


teacher, i still feel malu we have teacher like you. okok, i dont mean to disrespect your business partners.

To me, if someone passion in education does not mean educated one. okok maybe im wrong, to me if a teacher really want to produce quality and good students, i think should nurture and develop them holistically to their potential and character. not what the teacher think they should be..

and of course to do this, need passionate teacher with strong moral and professionalizm.

2013-04-07 12:05


teacher, of course the students in to be educated with the right values, and do not mix business and personal views together.. hahaha

2013-04-07 12:13


okok, know la you always live in big dreams la, for a moment let come back to the real business world, i guess most ppl believe in results, what for talk like heaven and cannot achieve results

2013-04-07 12:27


hahaha Shirley.
I do feel bad sometime because I think only 2 of us can see how bad is this teacher. The rest of the readers chose to ignore or just dont care anything we say about him. They might even think that we just jealous or simply hate him.
The truth is, I never ever envy nor jealous of him. I am just trying hard to "educate" others how bad this man is so he will stop preying on us here.... Just all my intention but apparently I think I failed as he still exists and still sucking our blood here as we allow him to do... its sad ....

2013-04-07 12:30


I will one day write about him & all his dirty tricks then I will disappear from here since I had failed to warn others about him as my cry felt to deaf hears. If readers choose to listen & join him so its their own fault.


2013-04-07 12:33


teacher, still in business huh, since ur objective is to educate and a good man, do you know what is code and ethics professional conduct ? be it a teacher or trader teacher wanted to be..

2013-04-07 12:39


like you creating a stock watch and assume you collect subscription, at the same time you have interest in certain stocks. is like some fund manager dealers personally hold some stocks and using the company funds to push up the price.

2013-04-07 12:44


teacher, up to now still nothing personal huh.. want to continue haha ..

2013-04-07 12:48


teacher, if some other ppl doing this will you strongly object ? i think you did.

2013-04-07 13:11


Since this is dealing with money and taking students publicly to advise them how to handle their money, are you a qualified financial planner or remisier ? guess your math degree does not count

2013-04-07 13:14


when those in business, normally when they wish to purchase something or engage someone to complete certain things, usually it will go thru some evaluation process..

2013-04-07 13:33


like when we go market buy fish or apple, ensure we buy cheap fish & apple.. hahaha. sorry sorry i cant help it..

serious back, like we dont buy airplane without engine, camera price that is higher the market price, choose someone that will to serve the nation and etc etc.

So, are you afraid ppl evaluate you ??

2013-04-07 13:38


teacher, sorry not free to write liao, i extremely busy .. i need to watch TV liao..

2013-04-07 13:40


nothing personal huh.. haha, just wonder where got ppl do business treat his paying customers as his followers one ... somemore he said everyday extremely busy with class during day time,

if needed emergency meeting during day time how ? cuz market going to crash soon .. wait until at night only talk ? and should avoid trade those stocks he is not trading or in his stock watch ?

sell the harta mah sell already lor, why need to explain ? mentor wor, anything wrong telling newbie how to evaluate a trainer or mentor ?

2013-04-07 16:11


Public talk ? free or be willing pay a fee ? technology is wonderful huh... tele conference or video conference.. hahaha. jus make me remember see one picture how MCA do video campaigning la..

2013-04-07 16:18


Teacher, I have lost my respect for you totally, pls don't give ppl opportunity to mock you la..

2013-04-07 16:28


guess teacher will be busy blogging next few days... hahaha

2013-04-07 16:41


newbie .. be careful, he has trading interest in his stock watch.. if you are paying customer, you should ask if he can disclose his trading at end of the day or next day.. of course unless you don't mind he is doing that...

2013-04-07 17:01


Still strictly business huh haha.. don't bring in personal affection huh. otherwise say ppl make fun of you .. so bad :(

Newbie.. yes, everyone is eager to explore another avenue of income from share market. ask yourself a question, are you really interested in TA or can you really pick up TA ? just cuz someone hard sell he made money in this counter and that counter using his trading skill ? believe me, not everyone can pick up TA well, and there is no proof the trainer make money too.

I think you can look under uncle purebull blog, I think he recommended some books, read up to see if you find it interested.. and compare with other trading course if there is any before you pay money to attend.

If after attend the course, a professional trainer will tell you one, if you are suitable for TA, which I'm not sure he will tell you :) of course it is not end of the world if cannot pick up, find other method that is suitable for you. if he still insist you practice make perfect, I think the trainer mindset is paranoid one.

well, the choice is always yours..

2013-04-07 22:25


haha Ms Shirley.
Apparently only 2 of us really concern about his wrong doing.... the rest of readers not helping us to whack him... no wonder he thinks he is God here.. can post whenever or whatever he likes.
I know from his own ex tratle how bad he is... how much he con people with his stock watch. His teaching not so good not up to our standard. Rather read books then paying for him.
Really hope readers can see that... what we are trying to do.

2013-04-08 00:01


Albert and Shirley1, sorry can't support both of you, dun know who this "teacher" both of you are talking about. Haven heard of his cheating case too. Care to elaborate at length?

2013-04-08 00:07


albert lim, sorry to let x and y do the job.. i believe, some including myself, just dont wanna make enemy.. life is too short for me to think about him.. i rather spend my time analyze/learn stock and share it for free.. =P

2013-04-08 00:11


strictly business, nothing personal :) even though there is no cheating, as it is willing buyer and willing seller. it is a misconduct, like creating a stock watch that may be collecting subscription, at the same time having trading interest in some of the counters. there is a conflict of interest, he can do this to his benefits if he has enuf subscribers. some of us believe when there is a demand in a counter the price will go up. look like he is recruiting publicly even you are not attending his trading course.

newbie.. i assume most of you the mind still green green. it is definitely good to learn the technical know how in trading, pls be aware some soft skills is important too, if not .. after ppl eat you i think you will still say thank you to the person. that y sometime ppl say some of our graduates no standard.

2013-04-08 06:51


Continue huh haha.. the article is full of business and personal things huh haha... but I guess the objective is only money la.. he also never like read most blogs huh maybe he think is noice, but of course except his blog la.

so bad huh, ask ppl not to read his blog huh, aiyo just want to see if you got new tricks oso cannot meh.. maybe now he does not want the traffic anymore.. by the way huh, a field commander not bound by the king's order one la... sun tzu say one.. haha

newbie.. to me, if ppl mixed business with own personal affection and emotion, he will make you pusing pusing until sometime you don't know what is right or what is wrong, then you don't know how to make decision.. they maybe you become very very emotion. the choice is still yours..

but now i oso confuse business and personal liao haha. good nite.

2013-04-08 22:36


Alenac - the teacher you dont know? then better that way.
Berid - you are a blogger too so its best you avoid the confrontation as it may cause conflict of interest.

2013-04-09 19:56


Sorry guys, i admit i hav small mind, try to talk ppl and understand ppl, cuz my job need this, I need to understand how ppl think and behave ..

but talk serious .... really really beh tahan liao, laugh till can't tahan... last sunday jus tikam tikam another time maybe this guy will blog like nobody this week, what a coincidence .. really la keep blogging this week to explain hahaha.. for last 2 weeks keep blogging la ... aha.. extremely busy is it for show show one ? hahaha

2013-04-12 20:47


I think this guy is in fear abit, so same pattern tell some sad story again .. like pls sympathize and believe me, i share my experience here cuz i care.. newbie I'm here to save you.. talk talk until his email suddenly appear again, pls join my group and I will save you.. hahaha

2013-04-12 20:57


should we short FKLI or not ? tell here la.. share la teacher .. what is FKLI ? very high risk one is it ? suitable for newbie or not ?

2013-04-12 21:05


okok la, tell u la, I think only huh.. guess one of ur biggest weakness is you look to high up on urself till maybe you lost ur mind, you actually don't know what is rite or what is wrong cuz you jus agar agar only or guess guess only.. u do not hav helicopter view one, u only acknowledge certain group of ppl, if they are not ur type of ppl u think they should be, u probably prefer to get rid of them, how to be good leader ? haha

2013-04-12 21:43


but, sometime I also got great mind one la, newbie I give ur all one idea want or not... if you all want to see his tips huh, maybe find some friends, say like maybe 10 or 20 or 30 ppl together, jus join as 1. So huh like 30 divide 15, rm2 each.. then from there maybe you can find few persons, sell it 50 cents each.. walau erh.. maybe make money one ler..

2013-04-12 22:48


Teacher, forgot to tell you tim.. I think I confirm la, you are money crazy one.. whatever values you trying to educate a person, must have something to do with money one.. be motivated, be inspired, be positive, determination and persistence... and all the funny quotes.. someone block ur way, get rid of them ... hahaha

Wah ur aunty is rite la, money is evil.. anyway wish you good luck la.. but don't con ppl huh and vote wisely huh.. haha

2013-04-13 07:34

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