My Trading Adventure

Warrants Talk

Publish date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013, 08:23 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Morning ... DOW down by 100+ points. We might see some retracements in KLCI on Monday after such strong movements in short few days. KLCI up 20points yesterday, a last day of June ... as some window-dressing by funds managers.

Warrants : i will be doing some homework on these ... checking on some warrants I will want to trade and also I will be having a 'warrant' talk with my tratles next week.

Basically, we have to check on the expiry date of the warrants ... the premium ... the fundamental of the mother-companies. Then, if some of them satisfied our conditions, we could placed the in a list ... and do some technical analysis on them.

Where can we get the information? Well, the whole list in The-Star paper!! Check them out.

Warrant-talk : As I wont be starting the cohort-10 next Sat ... I might use the time to give a talk on warrant-play. Well, it will be online ... and those interested, do let me know. A small chargers expected but the knowledge shared is certainly worth it. It will only go on IF I could have 10 of them, at least? Planning one at 4pm?

It is less riskier to trade company's warrants rather than call-warrants. Seriously. To know the differences between them is VERY important, for us to make decisions if we are of 'higher' risk takers. To identify them ... Sunway-wa ... WCT-wc or WCT-wd ... these are companies' warrants. And if you see SKPetrol-ck or Maybank-cw ... these are call-warrants.  They are very different ... and I will share more in my warrant-talk?

SKPetro-ck : Gapped up, hit the 20MA resistance ... shooting with gap-up, I will not chase ... it is a sell. SKPetrol with the good news around ... shot-up on Friday and then ...

so, will we expect another gap-up on Monday?

Note : I have sold SKPetrol-ck yesterday ... bought 0.315 a day before, sold 0.345 ... it went to touch 0.36, actually. I have also cleared Maybank-cw ... bought 0.215-0.22 on Thu, sold yesterday at 0.24-0.245. For newbies, learn ... but do not touch these instruments. Risk is very high.

will update on some warrants I am checking later ...

have a nice weekeeeend ahead.

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1 person likes this. Showing 19 of 19 comments

Micheal Teo CP Teh U r just a step away to achieve absolute financial independence.

2013-06-29 14:32


teacher congrats to you too, master of everything, i dont know much bout warrant, dare not to comment you on this.

2013-06-29 15:04


financial planner, financial consultant, property consultant, car consultant, warrant trader, share trader, index trader, gold trader, KLSE trader, Han Seng trader, CPO trader, motivator, mentor and etc short short here long long there ..

all rounder !! just one small step to successful.. by the way, you trade forex ?

2013-06-29 15:25


talk big la this Mr Teh.... I dont know whether he is telling the true or not... but of course knowing Mr Teh he will only show/ tell us his winning trade hide all his losses so that readers will think he is good trader. Now that I already said this, soon he will come & say he lost this cut that just to cover abit his face la... hahaha Mr Teh please la just get your ugly face & ugly blog off this great site .. take your turtle with you too... p/s: heard many senior tratle did not continue with you now you have only fresh young meat to con... am I right ?

2013-06-29 19:27


Make 1-2 sen profit then can deliver successful warrant trading..he's making money selling saliva to all lazy people out there who's looking for easy money.. very poor trader..good at promoting himself only with his writing..and charge all the people..btw nice teaching business CP.. i believe you make more money from your service than trading..

2013-06-29 19:41


i already said that before.. he makes more money from his service than trading... I was told a month he take home RM16k from his turtle... as he got stock watch , active tratle E tratle then followed by some commission from turtle fund management ... + his fixed salary from his college + his math tuition.... you'll do the maths la..

2013-06-29 20:01


now warrant talk... after that he will create a new forum where you need to pay to watch him trade call warrant.. his style like this la .. trading wise??? bullshit la... talk anybody can... those who join his turtle are lazy people who dont want to do homework.. or newbie to market thinking he is a good teacher... hahaha
p/s : I am meeting a senior turtle who been with Mr Teh since Cohort 1 till now.. he email me few days ago & claimed he got some ugly dirts about Mr Teh that he wish to share with me... will let all know about it IF he/she meant what said...

2013-06-29 20:10


Rm16k income from the turtles ? waloa erh... his trading profit got Rm16k or not, as he always want help ppl trade to profit..

2013-06-30 00:41


He break his sharing info into so many groups, and make sure each group not same info so you pay !! dirty old man ..

2013-06-30 00:44


My foot la.. trading adventure, should be turtle adventure la.

2013-06-30 00:46


Grandma read his blog, unfortunately info he share can get in the web easily. He lacks the ability to call confidently is what grandma see.

Ah Boy, you gotto know your stuff well together with intuition and experience to make good call. Grandma see a lot of question mark. Not good.

2013-06-30 00:52


The one for sure he said with no question mark.. i think he is a proton saga car consultant

2013-06-30 09:09


Walao erh.. the whole forum full of hot air huh.. ok la old jerk, I already achieve my objective la , you finally ask $$$ publicly for sharing one la, I think that is your objective, manipulate ppl emotion to do that, at the same time you let ppl manipulate your emotion.

I accepted the fact that most ppl here is to make $$$, you the only jerk I don’t like in this forum because being a real teacher I feel it is so immoral for you to do it publicly…

2013-06-30 13:12


You do not know what is respect !! then you expect ppl to respect you

guess you are the sole breadwinner in family, I think only huh, then you feel you can tell all about your family in your blog !! sometime to the extend what they do daily !! do you think you should respect their privacy ?

2013-06-30 13:18


this is not an insult to his family. look like the teacher feel so proud telling his family in public, so call write from heart.. one example is the wrongdoing of one of his parent, then after saying, he show his great heart in forgiving. then maybe everybody should come out and clap hands.

as real teacher, with or without motive, with or without intention, teaching kids or ppl to respect parents.. does it need to be justified ?

2013-06-30 18:55


hey CP,
how much i need to pay you to earn 16k? Please let me know.

2013-07-01 14:10


hahaha... OK guys listen up...this is quote from his current cohort 1
CP Teh.. he lost alot lately in market before GE & after GE too
some fund that he managed lost almost RM30k in the mini bull run we had recently.
yes, some of his calls are good but overall it is a lost making trip with him
he trades very small like 5k 10k units per share even stocks below RM1.00 value.
He paid some of his tratles to spy how other forum trades then resell it back to his newbie tratles.... UNQUOTE

now you all judge for yourself about Mr Teh..


2013-07-01 23:53

Frank Soweto

wah u so famous also still wan to earn 16K ha :)

Posted by famousguy > Jul 1, 2013 02:10 PM | Report Abuse

hey CP,
how much i need to pay you to earn 16k? Please let me know

2013-07-01 23:57


why not pay a small fee for this joker to make a living since he cant make it in the stock market.

2013-07-02 10:27

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