My Trading Adventure

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Publish date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013, 11:50 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
KLCI breaching 1800 today ... IHH up 2%. Some telcos also moving.

Tenaga : It is time to clear her and let her to rest.

Maybank : Still showing strength, so to hold.

Bursa : Up again today ...

I am having a new bacth of student ... MOE, Maybank, BNM scholars students ... SPM 9-A-star above. Most studious type ... and majority Chinese. Do not expect anything less from these students ... they are the 'cream' when it comes to ACADEMIC ... given a task, expect them to complete it above normal expectations. They have to maintain their good results, to be able to be fully-sponsored ... and going into top Universities around. Amazing batch ... intimidating for those in-experienced lecturers to teach them.

So, instead of teaching them boring stuff like "Normal Distributions", I prefer to teach them WHY majority of human are NORMAL ... and being normal is OK, but not good enough to success in anything!! We can't do what others doing, and expect success ...? We need to define our own success, our path ... goals and just do it. We could learn from those who successfully done it ... and emulate their points or attitudes.

So ... I will be sharing with them 'Monkey See, Monkey Do' concept to them in next class and asked them to 'goggle' to read about it first. That is their first MATH assignment!! Haha

Monkey See Monkey Do

1. Start with a cage containing five apes. In the cage, hang a banana on a string and put stairs under it. Before long, an ape will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana.

2. As soon as the ape touches the stairs, spray all the apes with cold water. After a while, another ape makes an attempt with the same result - all the apes are sprayed with cold water.

3. Turn off the cold water. If, later, another ape tries to climb the stairs, the other apes will try to prevent it even though no water sprays them.

4. Now remove one ape from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new ape sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his horror, all of the apes attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.

5. Next, remove another of the original five apes and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The former newcomer now takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm.

6. Again, replace a third original ape with a new one. The new one makes it to the stairs and is attacked as well. Two of the four apes that beat him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest ape.

7. After replacing the fourth and fifth original apes, all the apes which have been sprayed with cold water have been replaced.

Nevertheless, no ape ever again approaches the stairs. Why not?

BECAUSE, that's the way it's always been done around here.


Read the above, absorb it deeply ... THINK. Why in investing-trading we should NOT follow the crowds?

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hmm.. think aledi, because you are the monkey too... we are human tat fool monkey like u to believe we are monkey. cuz the moment you see doji, candles, volume, price movement and bla bla u follow too... a monkey tat is motivated by banana which is money.. kakaka. btw tks for putting tm in ur stock watch huh.. how bout bjtoto? waiting for doji or hammer? kakaka

2013-07-22 13:39

Micheal Teo

Hi...Mr.CP Teh ur sterling performance in trading BURSA so far. However, don't be over arrogant or "how loan" Fyi I have seen n witnessed fortunes made n lost in BURSA. Remain humble even if u have had made ur pile. Do a little charity to genuine n desrving social organizations like old fokes home, orphanage etc....

2013-07-22 23:34


con con con... all the time he is lying & cheating... why people cant see that. ???

2013-07-22 23:44


I have been observing quite sometimes and I think this so-called guru CP TEH is "cari makan" only. I have met a quite a few lately claiming that they can help me to earn between 100% - 300 % returns on the conditions that they have to share a slide of my profits, fair enough. But if they were really "that good", why have to share but instead can invest on his own. True enough is that they dare not show their "losses", always shout and show dated info to glorify their buy calls. Wonder how accurate those info presented. Cari makan saja

2013-07-23 00:26


我们为錢是为了生活 他生活是为了錢 他爱錢爱到疯了 为了錢做不正常的事他以为是高招 标准的財奴 我相信这种人是不可靠的

2013-07-23 08:23

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