My Trading Adventure

Charity Day

Publish date: Sat, 07 Sep 2013, 11:39 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Today is Saturday ... normally, I will be very busy with my tuition-classes in the morning and trading-classes in the noon. Well, my students are having holiday ... so i do not have tuition-classes. as my cohort-10 just finished, I have not started the cohort-11(ok ... will start to promote that). So ... I am free whole-day ... a rare free-on-sat.

I took the time to visit the orphanage-home I am adopting(started last year ... this is my third visit). 

Do check them out :

Last Christmas during my charity-drive, I visited Ozanam-home ... another orphanage-home located in PJ(behind Assunta-hospital) and found that they are WELL-to-do charity-home. So, it is such a 'waste' as it did not fulfill my criteria ... in helping those really in needs. This Malay-orphanage home and the lady(single mother, taking care of 36 kids at the moment, one handicapped Chinese girl ... she named her 'Fatima').

So, since I 'found' this home in Rawang, I gave her my number for her to call me, if she urgently needs 'help' ... in my sense, it is related to FOOD. Yes, no kids should be in hunger!! There are still many poor kids somewhere out there, without much food. I wish I could reach for them ... so, I will search more ... to help these needy ones.

So, this is part of my retirement plans ... to reach for those poor-kids. at least provide them FOOD ... perhaps, managing an orphanage home ... for Malaysian-kids ... Malay, Chinese, Indians ...

Some part of our world seriously needs HELP ... we, Malaysians are still the luckier lots.

Do help.


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Micheal Teo

Keep up your charity work.

2013-09-08 06:12


You are doing great! Hope your earning power increase many fold for you to do still greater things! Nothing like helping the poor and needy, especially children. God bless!

2013-09-08 10:29


Good job! Hope everybody here follow you and do more charity! When you pay more, then you only can gain more! Gain the happiness that cannot buy with money!

2013-09-08 10:50


support! fully support! ! nowadays there are many scams that actually scared people from doing charity. Glad that you share good experience here. Keep it up!

2013-09-08 10:59

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