My Trading Adventure

Sunday blah-blah

Publish date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015, 11:25 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Sunday ... hazy morning. So ... staying at home. Rest ...

This was taken hours ago ... this morning from my balcony, which normally ... a nice clear air for my morning view. I will miss that for weeks, perhaps.

So ... I am staying home, instead my usual cycling/swimming with my kids.

There ... saw my kids playing their toys, instead. Er likes his Lego-sets ... and plenty now. Herr likes her Barbie ...few sets too. They will be ''occupied'' for a while ... in their own world, while daddy ... finding space to be in the room ... reading and writing a blog.
Two weeks ago ... it was my bro's b-day. He loves orchids and having more than 300pots at his home now. My wife started with a pot ... brought back from KK and bloomed! Nice ... that triggered her orchid-bugs ... and as I do like Orchids, I asked my bro to bring us to the orchid-farm. It is at OUG(an isolated corner ... Happy Garden). Anyway .. we bought 4 pots.
Last week, two of the pots started to bloom. Wow .. great feeling.

Mokara Chark Kuan Orange

Brassolaeliocattleya Greenwich
So ... started a new hobby ... learning more about orchids.
I had a book-sharing session last Friday. Only 6 turned up but I still gave my best ... sharing the book "8 to be Great", and motivated to share with many how I have been applying many of pointers in the book ... to excel and ... be great. I do see myself as successful person!!

Passion : How I found my passion in Math ... in teaching ... in bowling ... and now in trading.

Work : Then, how I worked hard on things I m passion about ... 4-6hours in Math when I was form4, hundreds of bowling games ... and now 4-6hours per day learning about trading.

Focus : I could stay working on my passion ... as that is what I love doing. So, to stay focus for long hours ... is amazingly blissful.

Push : Sometimes ... the struggle is unbearable ... or our failures, mistakes ... pained us. We have to continue to push ourselves ... knowing that is how successful people do things ... push thru their shyness, their boundaries and ... extended their comfort zone.

Idea : Getting to know many others ... talking to them, reading some books/articles ... we could get some new ideas to work with ...

Improve : Then ... we improve ourselves ... in things we do. Being one of the best Further-Math lecturer around, I should know that it took me years to master the subject ... and to teach well. Now I m in my 7th year of trading stock-markets, my 3rd year in teaching trading(basic charting) ... and I know I could only improve from here ... watch me.

Serve : We have to serve ... my students, my trading-members ... serve community values and serve ourselves values too.

Persist : Never never to give up. Move on ... rest ...pause ... but never quit. That is persistence ... an important ingredient to success.

Success is being defined so subjectively. Some see the MONEY part alone ... if you are a billionaire/millionaire ... if you are a CEO of a company, you are in in power ... so, you are successful. What about the softer part of life? What about integrity, honesty, humanity ... empathy ... happiness?

Something to ponder about ... success.

1 USD = MYR 4.31

Crude oil at USD45 level.

Plantation Index clearing showing down-trending.

So ... while it is Sunday, all these data sticking inside my head. Cleared many of my stocks, ahead of the Malaysia-day ... where the red-black might be taking the streets. Markets dislike uncertainties .. and these un-rest won't help ...

Foreign-funds continue to exit our KLSE. Do you think there will be a bull-rally in 2105-2017? More upside or downside? How do we prepare for the crash then?

Kinda boring to talk about stock-market now. Hahaha ...

How about sharing a song I over-heard thru radio this morning?

This song was popularised by Teresa Teng. Wang-Fei's cover is very nice too.

Ok ... time to ready for lunch with a friend+family.


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1 person likes this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


I believe you are successful person but yet to fully tap your potential. Please share with us you tuition centre success. Maybe opening 1 tuition centre a year seems achieveable for you. It is recession proof too. Not only you are making small fortune to yourself and family but also contribute positively to society. I hope many of your students achieve A's in their maths and someday becoming useful citizens.

2015-09-13 12:20


I am a big fan of cpteh, and yet sometime feel like joining the crowd to bully him

big fan because I like his positive view of life (for example : photo of the kid playing lego really touch my heart)

feel like bullying him because same like many people, I found his "always able to buy at low price and sell at high price" trading stories a bit too good to believe

but overall, I am supportive of Mr Teh

have a nice weekend !!!

2015-09-13 12:33


Teh, under the heading Plantation Index clearing should read....Plantation Index (clearly) down-trending !!!!!!!!!

2015-09-13 14:50


So we know the IQ level of icon.... below 30.

2015-09-13 14:58


the only way to attract FF to invest again is by making index lower and same level with our economic strength, that why gov rushing to implement mid-term strategy

2015-09-13 15:32


its 100% downtrend... just think WHAT reason will hold more longer or to strike bull rally? if analysis outside market they more transparent compare to us...

2015-09-13 15:54

Kevin Wong

Mr Teh, wishing you all the best in both your tuition centre and stock trading!

2015-09-13 19:24

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