My Trading Adventure

Back to blogging?

Publish date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015, 12:20 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Morning ... Monday ... school closed due to haze again. So, my two kids at home ... and I want to stay home today, to be with me. I had hectic weekend.

Last week ... during e-meeting, I m stating that KLCI is going into overbought position ... so, I cleared most of my holdings ... but today, most going up higher!! I am not chasing as I dislike crazy-buying situation and those hot-stocks during hot-market. Yes ... I m practising contrarian-mindset in my trading ... going against the trend!!

This is KLCI daily chart. Discuss.

Ok ... as my blogging mood is slightly back, I better get back the momentum. Hehe.

Friday night : Joined a book-sharing by a young man. Great sharing about John Maxwell's book titled "Your Road Map to Success". This is my third session with this group ... 1st was months ago when a lady shared about "retired by 40" ... then, I gave the second book-sharing session from the book "8 to be great". The forth ... will be end of this month, given by a fb friend of mine!! He came for my book-sharing session last month and agreed to share with us a book!! What a sport. By the way, he is a Malay ... the only Malay joining us so far ... err ... he is my friend, so ... I m colour-blind leh.

Saturday : Tuition classes as usual ... 8.30am to 12pm. Then ... home. My boy's chess class 5pm. Dinner ... and watch Kloop's first game ... 0 - 0. zzzz.

Sunday Morning : Charity Day

7.30am ... travelled with few of my tratle-members who are helping me. Went for dim-sum at Bt3 Jalan Ipoh ... then to Tesco Selayang. Well ... I joined 1M1C (1 month 1 charity) group for the first time ... as I m lazy (busy is an excuse?) to organise!! Haha ...

9.30am : Joined the other volunteers to buy 90pax of rice ... it is done easily due to many helping hands. Great teamwork by the experienced organiser, Chow

In few days, after putting up my intention to donate 90pax of 10kg rice, some members generously donated to my cause ... and managed to collect RM1,300!! Malaysians are generous .... and I appreciate the kind gesture. It made my day ...

Malaysian spirit : Candidly, someone took this picture of me ... and I like to share it here as I see Malay, Chinese and Indian ... yes, MALAYSIANS la, kita. Great feeling.

The recipients :  PPR Bt Muda ... we were distributing items to them in packages form : Rice, Eggs, Cooking Oil, Flour etc etc.

The volunteers : We have we-fie after the session. Hehe. The Malay-guy is a Sabahan. :)

Sunday Noon : MAGIC

Came back around 1.30pm ... lunch ... and off I go to cyberjaya! They are having an event there yesterday from 8am to 6pm. My second time to MaGIC ... and discovered a few new idea, shared by many startup ... such as MobileWaiter, A+ Home Tuition, CatchThatBus, LaundryDone, StayNest and such. There is another ... regarding crowd-funding which I m interested but they are charging 10% of the funds.

Idea : Imagine I needed RM250k to set-up an orphanage(my personal dream when I retire la) ... I could use their crowd-funding service to reach out to those pubic who supported my good-cause and donate to the fund. The system could track all the donors(in case to refund to them if not materialised) ... and could be transparent enough for me not to worry of getting money into my personal account(do not donate to my personal account without my knowledge!!). Will look into more of these crowd-funding idea ... I want to spend my retiring years helping those kids ... feed them, educate them.

So ... my new groups I joined recently are book-sharing group, MaGIC events(invested into MobileWaiter ... do support. Thinking to invest in another startup) ... joined ToastMaster last year but failed badly so far (only done cc1 la) ... but will come back to TM. Joined Peter Yee's WMT group to learn how to use whole-mind rather than just my logical brain.

Will want to blog about someone who asked me " What is your secret to success?" ... when I was ... "huh? Me? Success ...?? Not yet leh. I still riding my old kap-cai". Haha

Time for lunch ... out of market at the moment. No need to monitor ... tonight e-meeting to analyse KLCI again. Haha.

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1 person likes this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


keep the good work Mr (CP) Teh. Malaysian Kita. We already have big problem at the top, hopefully the poor has food on their table.

2015-10-19 15:56

Kevin Wong

i want to do more for charities too...

2015-10-19 20:13

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