My Trading Adventure

Trading is never easy

Publish date: Sun, 03 Jan 2016, 03:30 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Post #1 :

Post # 2 for year 2016 ...

It is Sunday ... a lazy day for me to do anything much. Cleaning my home work-space ... preparing for Monday ... 1st day of trading day for year 2016.

My book-sharing group :

Tonight, I will be sharing a book titled "The New You" by Jackson Ng. The topic I have chosen is chapter 7, "make learning your new lifestyle" ... with a quote by the author

Quote " Ignorance is more costly than investment in knowledge.

Link :  Please join my meeting, Sunday, 3 January, 2016 at 8:45 PM Malay Peninsula Standard Time.

Playing the clip " Think and Grow Rich" while cleaning my space ... will listen to this ONE clip for whole Jan-16 ...

2016 will be another year to focus in FCPO as I am doing day-trading here. I have created trading-system for few members following my trades ... it is fast-n-furious as it is very volatile. But, I like the challenge and confident that 2016 will see me profiting well in trading FCPO. A notch ahead now ... training myself to be a trader ...

Generally, traders like me are introvert ... we prefer to face the screen and talk to no one. That was WHY I chosen trading at the first place!! I do not like to deal with people ... and prefer my own pace, freedom ...

but ... over the years, being a blogger ... I have known many-many traders. I have slowly opened up myself ... so that I could learn from many experienced ones.


When I was in Penang ... I met with 4 of these members. Two of them have known me for 4 yrs now ... another is working full-time as trader(WM) while another drove from SP just to meet me(treated me lunch the next day!!). These are my proud moments ... glad that I have helped many and they joined my stock-watch group too.

Now ... I m slowly pulling them to watch me trade FCPO. Haha ... oh yes, TC is a hardcore FCPO trader ... and we started together at same time, got burnt(joined an open group 2 yrs ago ... with many others but the group is quietly disappearing ... I left that group).

Training traders ... that is very difficult ... it takes TIME. Yes ... by 4 yrs being with me, definitely one will see how I have improved ... developing trader's mindset and creating trading systems. I used most of my time (2015) to create those systems ... in order to trade well in FCPO.

As I mentioned above, most great traders are TRAINED. They are not born ... so, I m training myself to be a good trader. Given another 3-5 yrs ... u will see me as a known great trader!! Haha. I m still an introvert ... I dislike to be in forum, dislike chatting ... and dislike in public. Tho I have ... somehow forced myself to change ... I m glad I did.

Being traders ... most of great traders are NOT trainers. As I also mentioned many of times, we traders prefer to focus in our own trading-system ... and trading plans. To train others will take our efforts and time(and patience too) ... so, I prefer to be the 'behind the screen' person rather than be a trainer. Note that of whatever bull-s#it those 'trainers' or 'promoters' telling us how they caught a breakout and earn 30% in a week or two, have you ever wonder ... if they are SO good, why are they working at nights or Sundays ... promoting their soft-ware which consist of their trading system?? If the system so so good ... they should be gaining so much that they will just employ many to trade on their behalf?

BY asked these questions ... he went to many talks in Penang, selling those softwares and systems. Hmm ... at least he used some common sense and asked such questions ... which I asked too when I was naïve ... attending many preview talks etc etc. If the software of the trading system works so well, why don't they apply it themselves and ... earn lots of money? Hmm ... interesting question but hard to answer ...

KLCI Dec 2015 closed lower than Dec 2014 ... can see the trend? It is down .... but my blue-chips fund done OK ... 3-5% profits for 6 months(started in July).

But ... my trading funds suffered losses due to few bad trades, one of them are 'Coolpad'(HKSE) which I have to cut-loss. Another is VST (HKSE). Will focus local KLSE trades and bite that as a lesson.

My pick 2016 : Oil & Gas.

I am a contrarian ... so, it is obvious why I like O&G in 2016 ... and will start to bottom fishing. Some said crude oil will dive further below USD30 .. or even expecting to see USD20. Wow ... that makes me ... liking it more. Cant blame me ... as I trained myself to be a contrarian.

Another I do pick will be UEMS (buy at current level).

So ... u see,, trading is very difficult. It is so difficult as it does not involved those indicators and such. It took lots of time for us to learn trading-systems, plan the trade ... and execution. It also requires money management and to cut-loss (risk management) when hit our stop-loss.

I will be more focus to day-trade FCPO and position trade in stocks for 2016. I will start to bet on O&G counters .... and expecting MYR to strengthen by end of 2016.

Export-counters have been doing extremely well in 2015 ... we shall watch for the sector that will be on-the-move in 2016.

So ... my challenge will be to make the whole group profitable.

Do consider to join my trading-group (can try a month too) and see how u could learn from those 'live' trades. No software ... just my eyes, brain ... and using my experiences.

Have a good trading week ahead. I will update my DONE trades in weekly basis ... using


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1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Which handsome in the photo is CP Teh ?

2016-01-03 15:55


cpteh likes to catch falling knife.

2016-01-03 16:10


bacaan ayat jampi tu kene betul, hehe

2016-01-03 16:12

Kevin Wong

more likely to make $$ when stick to of attraction

2016-01-03 19:56

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