My Trading Adventure

cohort # 21 : Trading Workshop

Publish date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016, 02:59 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

I am excited to conduct my next trading workshop coming this SUNDAY (17th July) ... and it is confirmed. Great ... !!

Note : The photo was taken before my cohort 20 workshop some months ago.

This will be my #21 .. since my cohort-1 started during the 'crash' in Sept 2011. Yeah ... I do not have it regularly ... if I could find a few interested ones to start, I will give it a 'go ahead'. No longer weekly or fortnightly basis ... making it just one-day workshop as some of them travelling from far (I have some drove from Johore and Penang!!).

Yeah ... I have also improved so much since 2011 ... where I was just merely 3-4 yrs in market back then. Today, I m 8yrs plus into markets ... traded many instruments(and failed many times!) and using many platforms.

What is more important ... is AFTER the workshop-course ... as you don't expect newbies to be able to trade just base from a workshop, do ya? So ... I will have a watsapp and facebook chatbox for them to be in touch with course-mates and me, to discuss and ASK questions. To trade together, one could join my stock-watch group ... and the best part is ... market is volatile!!

If those trading-workshop charging you few thousands and stating how to earn XXX amount in a day, a week or a month ... doesn't it sound GREED to you? Majority (or is it ALL?) of those teaching trading will CREATE greed in those desperate to learn fast, earn fast money. Hmm ... look, markets do not work that way. Get real ....

What I am trying to share here is that ... it takes TIME and lots of EFFORTS.

Also ... why are they have regular trading workshop? Don't you think so they should be busy profiting from markets?

I do not know when will be my next workshop ... most probably in Nov after my students going for exams. Next week, most of my tuition classes will start ... and I will be busy like crazy till Nov ... that is why I am having one this Sunday as I have few newbies to teach.

Yeah ... teaching is still very much my passion.

For more info on the workshop, contact me at 012-821 0129.

It is almost 2.30pm ... I got a class now. Still excited to teach few young newbie ones this Sunday!!

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Pump n dump is wayang..cut loss is wayang...the big short is wayang...cohort 21 is real....thats how cpteh is trying to make money fm stock mkt, indirectly...sure win one

2016-07-12 17:16


Suckers r born every minute.

2016-07-12 17:29


cpteh, why are you busy having regular trading workshops? You should be busy profiting from markets....., hahaha, like you yourself said!!

2016-07-12 17:31


I think he doesn't realize he just shot his own foot with this article

2016-07-12 17:33


murali, now i agree with you. his real intention is cohort .

2016-07-12 18:25


"oday, I m 8yrs plus into markets ... traded many instruments(and failed many times!) and using many platforms. "

using many platforms mean boleh ke tak boleh?

2016-07-12 18:29

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