My Trading Adventure

Post #3383 Reply to a comment

Publish date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016, 05:58 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

2.56pm : I started reading your blog since jan 15 and i took me quite some times to read all you post.

The reason why i like to read your blog other than looking for trading info is because i could feel your passion and honesty in your writing.

thank you for some guidance in stock trading. hope to join your discussion one day.

from a newbie who is waiting to read your new post everyday.


Dear Najmie

Thanks for the comment ... a nice and encouraging one, indeed. As a teacher, a small thank-you note from students would brighten my days ... and reminding me why I m in education line --- to teach.

You really read all my posts? Wow ... I seldom re-read my own posts. haha ... I just blah-blahed.

Anyway, a simple note from you ... meant a lot to a blogger like me --- it is encouraging to know that we have an ardent follower, who appreciate our stories and sharing.

Yeah ... I am passionate about what I m doing ... I have not stopped doing what I like doing. I dislike bad-human ... so, I avoided those bad-readers.

Thanks for being a good reader. Enjoy my blah-blah ... till you are bored and you might be wondering how come I m so FREE to find time just to reply to your comment.

Now is 5.45pm ... I am at my new center, waiting for my partners to come over to have final check as we are opening for classes this week!! So, I m bored ... waiting ... I m always equip with a laptop and broadband ... I prefer hiding in my blog rather than facebook, actually ... as I could write more here!!

Yes ... I m sincere in my writing ... as it is meant for my own pleasure reading. I have to discard all the criticism and attention given ... I want to hide inside here ...

Today is a sell-day for me : Sold TunePro and KESM. Still have my MBSB to sell.  Time to reduce after the buying ... and sell sell sell.

KESM : Nice candles ... still can hold and see around RM6.30 tmr.

Ok ... time to go.


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try to boast that he is taking profits mah...when losing keep quiet loh otherwise no new students approaching cp teh!!!

2016-07-19 21:13


Lol....u don't know cpteh..

2016-07-19 21:25


Ah Teh has been using this tactic (market crash) to attract newbies joining his cohort....if you want to know how to strike a lottery (market crash) in share market, come to join my cohort....I would share with you guys based on my 8 years experience in KLSE. Lol

2016-07-19 21:29


Market crash is his marketing gimmick borrowed from his idol Wu sifu.

2016-07-19 21:33


Lemon juice. You will never be wrong for calling a market crash if you don't give a specific time. It would certainly come one day.....who knows Ah Teh would be famous one day for correctly predicting a market crash.....then more newbies join cohort. Wakaka

2016-07-19 21:38



sin joi sin joi

2016-07-19 21:40


Duit....see I told you so....keep on repeating market crash and sure to hit one day. It is either sooner or later only....ha ha ha.

2016-07-19 21:42


I think cpteh spent few k joining fred tham's TA course many years seems that he didnt learn much abt his TA skills but more on his biz model (trainings,cohorts etc).

2016-07-19 21:46


Ah Teh doesn't have a good skills in investing in share market but he is business minded.....newbies come come to join my cohort......$$$$$$ falling down from the sky. Lol

2016-07-19 21:46


This is the best way to capitalize his teaching skills......don't blame him to much la......he want to cari makan also.

2016-07-19 21:49


bring too much snack(keropok) inside training focus at all... keep enjoying his keropok + MANJA chili

itu la sebab fail

Posted by murali > Jul 19, 2016 09:46 PM | Report Abuse

I think cpteh spent few k joining fred tham's TA course many years seems that he didnt learn much abt his TA skills but more on his biz model (trainings,cohorts etc).

2016-07-19 21:50


Hehe...cpteh's maths is good...history lagi bagus...

2016-07-19 21:52


history bagui lo


2016-07-19 21:53


Ah Teh has been persistently calling a market crash...He is more happy to see we are hoo-ha here for free promotion for him ....think he will make good money in his cohort one day. He would open a bigger center to cater for newbies.

2016-07-19 21:55


Personally i think most of his trading records r fake...trying to con newbies only

2016-07-19 21:55


Murali.. It's not entirely con la...half half...this is a business ma and sure he got to boost his performance.

2016-07-19 21:57


Is there significant damages ?
No ? His subscribers willing to spend $500/ , it's ok lar.
Kena one bite by Bursa buaya, we taken far from that amount lar.
We oso same kena buaya kiss during young rite ?
CpTeh can give his subscribers a better prepared mind set.
Not a total bad thing.

2016-07-19 22:04


There are more than juz trade skill fromCpTeh cohort.
Sandakan keropok and his past stories may be..

2016-07-19 22:05


Out of 20 cohorts,thank god still got one kind heart ms.k to inform cpteh....coz cpteh never diam diam come to i3 one...

2016-07-19 22:06


CpTeh a lige fighter mah, got family to feed .

2016-07-19 22:07




2016-07-19 22:09


VenFx. So many business and he can talk cock.....You may consider talking with him to jointly invest more centers catering for bigger

2016-07-19 22:09


Wakaka, sorry lar bros.
Don't like my view , juz forget abt it.
Relak lar.

2016-07-19 22:11

Up_down are a sifu in stock market so you know his skills well. What newbies know about stock market.... Just a piece of white papers. Ah Teh can also consider as a small sifu to them while start investing to acquire more experiences.

2016-07-19 22:14


There are reason why cpteh got so many "supporters" in i3 since 2011 till

2016-07-19 22:15


I am newbie and small timer and no knowledge and elek become sifu standard..

I wanna invite him out *(not challenge) for thorough discussion but he always ignore me.... haih....kesian la saya

2016-07-19 22:18


'吸引法则' 的 作怪 吧 !
乐观派 的 会 相吸
悲观 的 如是 :)

2016-07-19 22:18

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