My Trading Adventure

I have changed

Publish date: Mon, 01 Aug 2016, 03:41 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Monday noon ... 12.20pm now. Just done with a task ... meeting my property agent!! If she done a good job, I will promote her (a Malay lady).

Well ... I have changed so much. Physically ... I m no longer the thinnest around, and my tummy = 5months now.

I have changed my financial situation so much ... and my mindset is a total revamp.

I have changed so much ... really. I m no longer the boy I was during school-time.

This was my Std 6 class photo. I do not have it as I was too poor and cannot afford. Luckily ... thanks to tech, I m in the group with some of my old-classmates ... about 15 of us in the group!!

And they posted some of these treasure ... to share with all. I appreciate these friendships ... tho I was the 'uwanted' one. I was the the thinnest in the class ... that teacher, Noel Lim called me 'pai-kuat' as nick-name ... and my classmates all will laugh at me. I was very thin ... and still am but no longer could not afford food, ok? We were poor ... we could not afford many things ... back then.

I walked 1.5km to school ... during primary, btw. That was memory ... I could not join the 'scout' as I could not afford the RM50 for the uniform and fees. RM50 back then was VERY huge.

Well ... 31st Aug, I will be meeting some of them!!! the last time we met was 31stAug too ... 3 yrs ago. Some of them I did not meet for 30plus years!

I have changed ... I will always be BY MYSELF ... focusing in doing my Math ... and nothing else. I do not mix with most of my friends or go for functions. Since grad, I will try NOT to attend functions or gathering.

But I have changed so so much ... especially in this 10 yrs ... I m pushing myself OUT .. to meet more people ... ToastMaster ... Book-sharing group ... my colleagues/friends functions etc etc ...

I have met many ... over the years of being in markets. I have 21cohorts too ... many of them still in touch with me (the cikgu)as friends ... so, I have met hundred of strangers ... and many are 'friends'.

But ...only my childhood friends ... knew me. The naughty me. The bad me. The person being slapped by teachers, public-caning by discipline teachers ... and being disliked by many teachers, being a rebel. Involved in fights ... and joined a 'gang'. Yes ... I was notorious. haha ... joined mat-rempit gang too during my uni-years ... what else bad things I have not tried?

But ... if you are still judging me from my past ... I do not stay there anymore. I have TOTALLY changed.

3pm : FKLI at 1663 ... KLCI at 1664. Construction theme still in play : Gamuda-we broken 1.14 ... now at RM1.20. Heard someone in the group told me KYY buying? Good effect ... as many retailers will be chasing(again).

I have lost my momentum of writing about my changes ... I went off to fetch my girl, had lunch ... and now, resting for coffee ... to blog.

I will elaborate my previous stories in future as I have lost the momentum.
At the moment ... I m STILL changing. In fact, 2H2016 would be seeing me change A LOT. From closing the 'tratles nest', opening a new centre in Sunway ... selling my apartment and portfolio balancing for year 2017. There will be ... changes, for sure.
This blog? The positive change is ... I ditch '' ... and find comfort to blog here again. Phew. It is my cyber-home ... so, I m able to write even few posts per day!!

So ... I started to be back here ... I used to blog in daily basis (check AUG 2008 till 2012 ... I think). Never stop a day ... then, things getting too busy in 2012 when I was handling more responsibilities etc etc ... now, I m slowing down again, going into 2017 ... for me to FOCUS. Yes, I will be here ... in daily basis ... till market crash ... till market recover ...

Time to do some reading ... as KLCI is so bullish today.
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correction, KYY HAS BOUGHT, not buying. in fact, there is chance he is preparing on SELLING already once you guys chase after his "noble intentions"

2016-08-02 08:41

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