Fxxxing idiot everyday shouting for crash, syoi, syoi...just leave him alone !
2016-08-21 10:02
Simply put,if u need a crash to make money then u r indeed not good enuf.An excellent trader makes money in all circumstances,including crashes.
Keep waiting,Teh.
2016-08-21 10:31
Lol...learn from rchi....he is the most successful trader in i3.....earning perdana by perdana,diam diam..unlike my friend chicken rice earner hng33....
2016-08-21 11:07
Cpteh very happy then...may produce another writings again...sunday hor fun blah blah blah??
2016-08-21 12:09
Cpteh posts rubbish blah blah blah he very happy...we hentam him 99 happy...basically everybody is happy...i think its kind of SM feel....
2016-08-21 12:14
murali...jialat la you.... early morning play SM liao>>>>???hahahaha
so excited ohh you
2016-08-21 12:23
go have a rest .....got bored already with your CRASH....CRASH...CRASH.....ayoooooo!!!.
2016-08-21 06:56