My Trading Adventure

Health at 50 on ...

Publish date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017, 01:02 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

At age 50 ... we are ageing ... our bodies given signals and symptoms that we are ... indeed, old. tear-n-wear signs shown ... after years of living ... surviving storms!!

hair : thinning ... the dandruff-issue was never solved but supressed by anti-dandruff shampoo .. head-n-shoulder ... yes, those technical-chart pattern some might be yelling when they see such patterns ... or inverted H&S? Well ... it is just the shampoo I used ... I don't use those chart-pattern.

eyes : used to have such good eye-sight ... but ever since I started to read-books (I do not read for exams in my school or uni-years) and using lots of pc ... in 2005 onwards, my eye-sight deteriorating ... and I started to wear old-man specs some 5 years ago!! I can't read without my glasses these days ... sigh ...

teeth : needless to say, I have lost few precious teeth ... pulled 2 wisdom teeth, done root-canals etc etc ... more to go ... soon.

ear : losing my hearing too ... years of headphones/earphones ... years of music.

tummy : the beer-belly is obvious and the diameter is growing ... well, I always joke of having the six-pack ... but the joke is on me. As the belly growing, so is the eating ... an urgent needs to change my diet and regular exercise is advised.

stamina : very low ... started gym, on-off ... irregular in my jogs ... and the only way to build that is to be consistent in my exercise routine. Need the motivation ...

knee : at times, in pain ... could not longer go for bowling or run 10km. This is something I have accepted for past 5-6 years ...

legs : tired ... if I walked a distance ... and at times, cramp. Used to play football under the rain when I was younger ... or played badminton much. Can't even lift a racquet ... or have friends to play with. Any groups out there wont mind having a 50-year-old player to join them to play for fun?

high-cholestrol : this is shown in my yearly medical report ... for few years now. Used to have kinda perfect report ... something I used t be proud of (considering my bad diet)

sugar-level : last year shown an increase in my sugar-level ... perhaps due to choc or dairy drink? Or my intake of milkshake? Hmm ... let me promote milkshake ... hehe

This is shakeaway ... I taken Jayden ... will go for Carmen next.

From head to toe ... I m ageing ... even my mental. I m slower ... in many things. Guess we have to accept such ... as that is what we have to face, as 'heaven-hell' is calling ...

As we still alive, take good care of our health. Do not need to get into fights (especially with unknown people online ... forums, telegrams, watsapp, facebook ... etc) ... and no hatred.

There will always bad human bad-mouthing us ... we have to let them be ... and let go ...

Long lived a good fruitful lives, all.



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Dear Mr Teh,

Everybody ages - there is no escape. So don't worry.

You will "age" even quicker if you withdraw into a shell!

LKY in his prime over 85 years advised the public to keep active and u could see see him still as sharp when he went round to give public speeches.

Keep up with what u like, eat well but be moderate perhaps 60% of your usual consumption and try to stay slim.

Go walking, if u have not been a regular sport lover - 3-5 KM/day + do 10-15 mins of brisk walking to help to keep your heart healthy. (If u can jog - even better for 15 - 20 mins).

Just my 2c advice from your blog reader.

Good Luck.

2017-06-26 06:10


God is very fair to everybody... Don care ur rich or poor. young or old ... everyone have only everyday 24 hv to survive appreciate what u hv now.. enjoy your life

2017-06-26 14:10


time is not enough to use money also not enough to use

2017-06-26 14:11


God don allow every one possess anything... finally u hv nothing at all..we taje alonig u know...?

2017-06-26 14:13


we cannot bring... along what u hv..

2017-06-26 14:14


must enjoy ur life... some are so lucky.. hv go first.. God said..

2017-06-26 14:15


like u said .. we are lucky we go later..

2017-06-26 14:16


Dont.. said u are rich.. I say u hv nothing.. at all... when we say bye bye..

2017-06-26 14:18


Lim Goh Thong... not rich.. Lee kuan yew is not rich and others ...

2017-06-26 14:19


not we at 50...others not yet 50 hv to go..first.. God say... u know...?

2017-06-26 14:21


Im 28 and I every morning go for a walk in recreational park while thinking stock market. U know what? Those uncles in >60s walk more energetic than me. They walk everyday. So dont give up as you are still young. Yeah I know Im just a baby.

2017-06-27 01:17


Dear... dont worry... soon or later we hv to die and what ever we hv nothing.. at all.. ha ha... enjiy wgat you hv while we can or have... u know..?

2017-06-27 09:03


u are rich... no.. u are clever .. no.. u hv everything .. no.. we hv nothing.. God nothing at all...???

2017-06-27 09:06


Dear.. enjoy and appreciate..what we hv now... or still can... ha ha..

2017-06-27 09:07


money.. can not buy health when we old or sick...... we are not God.. we give the earth... u know...? why we work so hard ahh...?

2017-06-27 09:09


we spend so much money for house and car.. for what money cannot buy health and long life.. why ahh...???

2017-06-27 09:15


all hospital also jam... ahh..?? ha ha.. time up we hv to go..go go.. God said

2017-06-27 09:17


alvin chiam, Hades looking for you , your appointment within this week. Pls be punctual.

2017-06-27 09:19


why alot people invest in money.. game scam ... bcos what hv not belong to u..

2017-06-27 09:19


all the money hv give back to the person we owe him... u know..?

2017-06-27 09:20



2017-06-27 09:30


Dear.. go find a beautiful good girl... make love.. ha ha.. Some people damn rich also... cannot.Fuk...??? laa...?;?

2017-06-27 09:33


Time not enough use money also not enough use...???

2017-06-27 09:34


At your tender age, walking is not enough.
Do a bit of jogging for some 15 min or so to rev up your heart.
It will benefit u as u aged.

Posted by Unicorn > Jun 27, 2017 01:17 AM | Report Abuse

Im 28 and I every morning go for a walk in recreational park while thinking stock market. U know what? Those uncles in >60s walk more energetic than me. They walk everyday. So dont give up as you are still young. Yeah I know Im just a baby.

2017-06-27 09:37


Post removed.Why?

2017-06-27 20:40

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