My Trading Adventure

Post #4000 : Trading while travelling

Publish date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 05:52 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

Greeting from Sipilok Resort ... went to river-cruise Sg. Kinabatangan.

Taken many pictures ... cloud @ Kinabatangan river around 6pm.

While travelling , I took few trades!!

Inari : Bought Inari-wb at 2.39 while at airport befoe closing last Friday ... and sold 2.44 and 2.48 yesterday morning. Today, it went higher to RM2.50 level. Well, can see my buying Friday the 'why' and sold yesterday ... the 'why'.

But I missed IQgroup rebound ... so well, actually.

Masteel : Bought yesterday morning ... collected 1.33-1.35 level, and sold 1.39 today opening. I could not watch as I was travelling into interior of Kinabatangan, a small orang-sungai at Kg Bilit.

Well ... it went higher as before market closed, I grabbed back some at RM1.42 ... to sell tmr RM1.48 level.

Sime : This is not so well ... queued to buy 2.15, 2.12 and 2.10 ... all done yesterday and closed at RM2.12. Well, wanted to sell around RM2.20 level but today no momentum to swing, so ... I sold off at RM2.12- RM2.13 instead.

Simeprop trading above RM1.40 now, I bought last week around RM1.10 level but sold her off last Friday before flying. Missed another good trade there.

SKPres : Traded well ... bought yesterday RM2.17 when it breakout ... and managed to sell at RM2.25 ... today, a black-candle for me to buyback.

Still on the move in Sandakan tmr before flying back to KK tmr night. So, need to buy into those not so volatile and bottoming stocks.

As I m travelling without 'line' most of the days, I will have to use the charts in my head and use Maybank-apps to trade (key-in buy-sell).

Well, at least the profits would be able to cover my Sandakan trip!!

The life of a trader ... stocks always on our mind.

Note : closed my long FKLI and to gain extra RM300 today!! Great.

No e-meeting for a week or so as I will be up Mt Kinabalu this weekend ... and flying back next week.

Oh yes, I will only plan for a trading workshop in Jan (1st or 2nd weekend). Glad I do have few response. Yes, learn from a trader ... not a trainer. contact me at . Can join my stock watch to check on all the stocks I m trading in daily basis. All the trades above given 'live'.

Till then, signing off from Sipilok.


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lol......everyday buy low sell high? you are god kah?

2017-12-12 21:28


Not god, just a old folk like Calvin tan

2017-12-12 21:31


where got buy low sell high. buy and sell for few cents only. LOL. after brokerages and etc left peanuts to CP Teh

2017-12-12 22:03


enough to have a cup of coffee..

2017-12-13 06:13


10 years in the stock it what u want?

Better go Genting casino play big or least can earn free room free makan

2017-12-13 08:18


trader? 脑残的车大炮还差不多

2017-12-13 09:12


quickly......time to cut loss liao

2017-12-13 09:44


For coming festival( Christmas)....visit my blog....for the angpow :):)

2017-12-13 20:47


If can show case... promote before break out... I think many will learn... else nothing changes....

2017-12-14 21:17

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