the rebels arise

jstock - How to Make a Screener's Shortlist Shorter

Publish date: Tue, 01 Dec 2015, 10:35 PM
All sorts of information and education materials related to Bursa Malaysia

Hello Everyone,

How was your trading today? Am I seeing from ear-to-ear smile there.. huat arr..

All right, as promised from the last post.. I'll share how to make a potential hitlist. All you need is some creativity, that's all..


1. First, scan the entire market for oversolds

and after you eat, bath, eat again, chat, play games.. the list is finally done. walla.. you'll get this.. a basmathi fayiza list.. panjangggg!!!


2. So now, Select all from the list and then add to Watchlist


3. Next, scan your watchlist with a more sensitive screener

and this time around, it's done before finish eating. walla.. you'll get a potential hitlist for tumolo.. harharhar..


5. Lastly, always always always check their FA & TA in details before melabur or else it will become melebur.. haha.. ok, hope you'll get some ideas from this post. gudluck guys..




"may the force be with all of us"


1 person likes this. Showing 12 of 12 comments


May i know how to add indicator?

2015-12-02 00:01


the indicator is manually created using basic arithmetic logic and stock formula. if you understand how rsi, stochastic, etc is derived, it is simple to create one.

2015-12-02 00:17


to create new indicator.. go to Stock Indicator Editor, at your right click New..

2015-12-02 00:19


Nice write-up and informative. Thanks.
Have you ever used this for your investment?
If it works, you must be making tons of ringgits.

2015-12-02 06:42


warren buffet flops sometimes. even well-known broker firms research fails. our task, is maximize the reward to risk ratio. there is no easy way to make money but you can make stock finding routine chores faster through computation power.

the last part is the trickiest, to know the behaviour pattern of the operator behind every stocks. and the end of the day, profit minus loss.. make sure it's a surplus.

2015-12-02 07:00

Bok Tan

appreciate the software TQ, but is there anyway to download easier instead of going thru those fishy download sites and waiting for the countdown?

2015-12-02 07:43


Great writeup. Thanks for the effort and sharing.

I did a few indicators and result had been encouraging so far. But I noticed that even though the indicators are done according to the formula. But whenever I test run using a Stock Sample Data, some of the result are not accurate.

Have you experienced this before?

2015-12-02 08:23


can you give me the details about the anomaly to double check. tqvm :)

2015-12-02 08:58


Bok Tan, i'll try to find other resources for the download issue. be patient ya.. tqvm

2015-12-02 09:01


darthkader, may i have your email or telegram account? I can share the indicator file to you for double check.

2015-12-02 14:10


Shacks, you can email me at darthkader[dot]i3investor[at]gmail[dot]com

2015-12-02 14:58


noted, will do so tonite.

2015-12-02 16:50

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