
NZ supplier pulls GLOVES over forced labour links. TOP GLOVE again?

Publish date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020, 02:22 PM
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NZ supplier pulls gloves over forced labour links




Ebos, the largest medical and personal protective equipment supplier to the healthcare market in New Zealand, has stopped importing a brand of disposable gloves, after Newsroom highlighted links with Top Glove, a huge Malaysian glove producer accused of using forced migrant labour

Following a Newsroom story and podcast into accusations against glove manufacturer Top Glove, international watchdog the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre contacted New Zealand PPE supplier Ebos - and another PPE importer, Protec Solutions - asking them to investigate their supply chains.

Ebos, which is listed on the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges, responded by stopping all imports of a brand of glove made by Top Glove and supplied to New Zealand by Australian glove and protective equipment company Ansell. 

Ansell has been accused in the past of buying from Top Glove and other companies linked with worker exploitation.

“Following Nikki’s piece we engaged directly with both Protec Solutions and Ebos, drawing their attention to allegations of linkage to slave-like conditions in Top Glove’s Malaysian factories and inviting a response,” says Amy Sinclair, regional representative for the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.

“We did not receive a response from Protec, but Ebos took action, had discussions with Ansell and undertook to cease ordering the product line in question - Ansell MicroThin Nitrile glove, manufactured by Top Glove.”

Newsroom contacted Wellington-based Protec Solutions, which has imported gloves directly from Top Glove and has sold them to hospitals and to the Foodstuffs supermarket chain. 

Protec managing director Robert Wong did not want to comment on the allegations of forced labour from his Malaysian supplier.

“We are a small company, they are a large manufacturer. That’s all I’m prepared to say,” he told Newsroom.

Foodstuffs pulled disposable gloves off its shelves following Newsroom’s investigation, while it checked its supply chains.

Sinclair says the more pressure goes on Top Glove and other Malaysian glove suppliers accused of forced labour and slavery-like conditions, the more likely they are to treat workers well. In particular, US bans on imports of gloves from two Top Glove factories have been instrumental in pushing the company to commit to repaying millions of dollars to immigrant workers for illegal recruitment fees.  

“Growing pressure from suppliers, together with recent action under the US Tariff Act will, we hope, bring additional pressure to bear on Top Glove to improve conditions for its workers,” Sinclair says.

Top Glove is the largest glove manufacturer in the world, so action it takes could influence other companies to do the right thing too, human rights activists say.


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hope this wont affect Top Glove sales significantly

2020-09-14 14:40


old news.....some ppl has their agenda to goreng-goreng news..... NZ goat and dairy cow population more than human...

2020-09-14 15:05

Fong Zhin Bok

NZ and Oz fund managers didn't buy Topglove at low price in time, now they fatt lan char.

2020-09-14 15:11


ok lor...don't buy from topglove...

Then buy from who? There is more than 50% chance that will still end up with gloves supplied by another malaysian manufacturer.

2020-09-14 15:52

Airline Bobby

Who are they lol . they themselves admitted they are just a small fish in a big pond. NO POWER LA THIS NEWS.

2020-09-14 19:14


Bad name all over the world because of previous forced labour incident. Now is the best time to make amend to its previous sin.

2020-09-14 19:46


Meh... New Zealand has a population of 4.8 million people.Too small to even notice.

Any way the slave condition is the low salary of RM1200/mth for an unskilled laborer... Malaysian fresh grad average salary is RM2680. How much can you really pay an unskilled laborer in malaysia?

So sorrylah, Miss New Zealand.. we are poor Asians.. living in developing nation.. giving jobs to even poorer people form even poorer nations. Wished could pay unskilled laborer NZ 18.90/hr like you do as minimum wage. But our Malaysian fresh University grad only get paid the equivalent of NZ 4.88/hr. Even upper level Malaysian manager may not make NZ 18.90/hr. Yes.. by your standards.. less than 5% of Malaysian workers earn more than the minimum wage in New Zealand... So sad.

50% of the world earns less USD 165 a month, @RM 693. Or put it another way, those workers in Topglove are earning nearly double what they would make in their home nation.

2020-09-14 20:00


Life is too good for NZ, you should donate more to Bangladesh, Nepal , India , Pakistan where people are dying of hunger due to Covid (with drought, typhoon, lost of jobs / income due to lock down).

At this point, those NGOs are paid to talk nonsense and taking advantage of peoples life out of work.

NZ policy now is rubbish & tell people what is human rights ? Double standard. Go and produce your own gloves and experience the real value and hard work being develop for years.

2020-09-15 10:54


NZ tok kock

2020-09-15 11:12


Nz dont want glove stock? Never mind can supply to other country which have outstanding order.

2020-09-15 12:01


There are some jap multi-national companies running standing operation (no sitting during working)from 7-7 with only 50 minutes break timefor whole days. Why not those western human right activists sue those jap companies???
Obviously those westerner have their own agenda & evil intention.

2020-09-15 12:52


Posted by blackleopard > Sep 15, 2020 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

There are some jap multi-national companies running standing operation (no sitting during working)from 7-7 with only 50 minutes break timefor whole days. Why not those western human right activists sue those jap companies???
Obviously those westerner have their own agenda & evil intention.

You are absolutely right. NZ is one of the 5 eye countries, what do u expect ? Australia mount its moral high horse to lecture about human rights. But read this (just google):"Witnesses say Australian SAS soldiers were involved in mass shooting of unarmed Afghan civilians"

2020-09-15 15:18


Prisoners who fight wildfires and clean up after hurricanes get paid as little as 14 cents an hour...

Although they are prisoners but they had been put into justice. When they are ask to help to fight with natural disaster, they are actually endanger their own life, they are doing good to the country..why their pay is so low??? Where is the human right in US???

2020-09-16 13:29


Not just NZ, HK and Taiwan also.

2020-09-16 13:33


gone case country la NZ, another white lotus. They are forcing 3rd world industry to stop employing 5th world countries manpower in the name of human right defense. Btw, population of Selangor alone is more than 6.5 Million. and actually, less than 5% of local malaysian earn more than their minimum wage. Their minimum wage is about 18.90 NZD per hour, which is RM 52.40 per hour, many of us earn only RM50 a day. A DAY. Our lives and time is worth 8 times lesser than them, wouldnt it make more sense for them to pay NZD$20 for one box of gloves to malaysia supplier directly so that more money can flow to the worker? why buy from ansell? why bought from another first world country that exploit us? Ansell is Australian company isnt it? they strip 50% of the profit and gave peanuts to malaysia and now malaysia have to spoon feed the foreign worker like the workers are some long lost prince from NZ? hello? not like malaysia dont want to be nice to foreign workers, we empathize with them because we also often have family members who are working like kulis in other kononnye first world countries, its more like we are not as rich as AUS and NZ that we cant do like their standard of good because what is normal wage for NZ actually LUXURIOUS here? can you imagine earning close to RM9k just by packing gloves into boxes?

2020-09-17 10:44

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