I received the private message below on 17 July 2023. It came as a great shock to me.
Dear Gotyou,
I work in a foreign owned 1200MW coal fired power plant company in Vietnam and I support your honest effort in revealing truth. I wish to bring your attention to your most recent writeup on the cash flow projection of Jaks Resources Bhd. Your projection assumed uniform revenue from the power plant. This assumption is invalid as the IRR would have exceeded the maximum of 12% allowed by the Vietnam government (Circular No.:56/2014/TT-BCT dated December 19, 2014).
The snapshot below is a table of capacity charges of a 1200MW coal power plant under a Vietnam BOT contract for 25 years concession period. The capacity charge rates in the table are not uniform but reducing over the years. This is contrary to the general belief that Vietnam power plants under special concession like Jaks Hai Duong power plant will provide constant revenue stream for 25 years. I attached a few snapshots to assist you in your computation of revenue. Please do not publish the snapshots as these are confidential information. TQ
I searched for the circular (https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Thuong-mai/Circular-No-56-2014-TT-BCT-method-of-determination-of-electricity-generation-costs-272089.aspx?v=d) and found "The internal rate of return (IRR) does not exceed 12%".
I am NOT ABLE to check the authenticity of the tables and formula provided to me as the information is confidential.
I performed a calculation check assuming 25 years of uniform capacity charge rate using the first year's rate from the table and the computed IRR was 16.34% !
The IRR computed base on the various charge rates provided by the table was 11.37% which is below the threshold set by the Vietnam government.
I can't provide detail information on the charge rates. All I can reveal is that the capacity charge rate gradually reduced by half mid way through the concession period and further reduced to one third towards the end of the concession.
Although there is NO ASSURANCE that the capacity charge rates for JHDP follow the same pattern as the rate table provided to me, I hereby declare that my previous article (below link) may be inaccurate as the assumption of uniform stream of revenue from JHDP is likely invalid. If so, the revenue from JHDP will decline gradually over the concession period.
As the decline in capacity charge over the concession period is quite substantial, so is the reduction in revenue of JHDP.
I apologize for my mistake and I wish to thank the message provider for this very important information. I wish more kind people can share more confidential information with me. Sharing is caring. I promise not to disclose anything without your consent.
It is your responsibility to perform independent verification on the information provided herewith.
Thank you for your attention.
Chart | Stock Name | Last | Change | Volume |
Created by Gotyou | Aug 10, 2023
Created by Gotyou | Jan 03, 2022
Gotyou, some people are doubting the information provided by the unknown individual. Why are you so confident that the information provided to you is genuine?
2023-07-20 19:53
Just88, I know sharing the snapshots will be more convincing but I was told that even though all the BOT power plants in Vietnam are having the same pattern of capacity charges but the rates varies slightly according to the investment capital. Therefore, it is very easy for insiders to know the origin of these information by looking at the rates. I must protect their identities or else no one will ever share anything to me in the future. Leave it to the readers to believe. After all, I have nothing to gain or lose whether they believe or not.
2023-07-20 20:56
It's 2023. Investors still believe in JAKS' power plant growth story? Wow.
2023-07-20 22:33
Mfcb power plant : Mfcb goreng up
Toyo power plant : Toyo goreng up
Jaks power plant : Jaks goreng down
Malu tak?
2023-07-21 07:35
Your JHDP cash flow projection based on Q1 2023
30% profit sharing amounts to RM28m per quarter.
100% profit on full year projection = 28 x 4 x 100/30 = RM373m
Cash inflow = profit + depreciation + interest expense
Cash inflow = 373 + 318 + 265 = RM956m
Is wrong because the interest expense is based on 2022 figure and not the current quarter figure.
Summarised adjusted statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
JPP Group
2022 2021
Adjusted profit for the financial year, representing total comprehensive
income for the financial year 520,633,162 469,043,075
Included in total comprehensive income are:
Revenue 2,553,073,558 3,011,637,528
Amortisation/Depreciation (317,750,163) (296,585,635)
Interest income 3,493,288 1,736,511
Interest expense (265,209,747) (275,461,575)
Taxation (17,199) (1,530,307)
Cash inflow 2021= 469.04+296.59+275.46=1041.09 million
2022: 520.63+317.75+265.21= 1,103.59 million
Project IRR of 12 % for period of 25 year base on USD 1,870 million
ZERO = - 1,870 + A1/(1+0.12) +A2/(1+0.12)^2+……………till A25/(1+0.12)^25
USD 1,870= 7.8431A thus A= USD 238.425 million
Project payback period of 1870/238.425= 7.8 years
21/07/2023 9:01 AM
2023-07-21 09:02
Yes, I m aware that 2022 interest expense was used in the computation. The projection itself was based on rough estimation using the most recent figures made available. Thank you for pointing it out.
2023-07-21 10:55
Yes, sharing is caring. Thank you for this very important information.
2023-07-19 22:04