Intelligent Investor's Notes

DCF Analysis Excel Template (v1.11) - to include Non Operating Assets

My previous analysis tempalte (v1.10) have left out the non operating assets from the final DCF value. I have make the correction and include the non operating asset value to the DCF valuation on v 1.11 analysis template. Click here to download the v1.11 template. You can refer to the DCF valuation writeup to check out what is the non operating assets.
The non operating asset will be auto populated from the financial data in the finance input worksheet. And, users can determine to take in how many percentage of the non operating asset to DCF valuation. As valuation is  is more of an art than science, there is no fixed guideline how many percentage of non operating asset that we should include. If we are confidence that the underlying assets is worth as what it stated, we can put in 100% of the value. Otherwise, we can take half of the value in order to be convervatise
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Hi Intelligent Investor, Since I am new to this DCF calculation, I have 2 doubtful question on the growth rate and discount rate used in the Pintaras calculation.
In the FCF Calculation you have used 5% discount rate in the first year and increase it to 14% in the 10th year.How do you determined 5% and why do you increased 1% every year?
And for the growth rate, why do you choose 12% growth rate instaed of 20.96%? Appreciate for your expertise expalnation.tq

2014-07-07 16:00


Anyone can help to explain above?

2014-07-08 21:08

Intelligent Investor

Hi nicholas1969,

I am using different discount rate to discount the whole cash flow but not 5% for 1st year and 14% for 10th year. This can show us what will be the intrinsic value based on different discount rate.

I am using a lower growth rate to give me a better margin of safety.

2014-07-08 22:49


What is your normal practice in order to set the discount rate in your calculation?
On the growth rate, are you used the rate calculated based on your FCF growth rate?

2014-07-10 13:19

Intelligent Investor

Hi nicholas1969,

We need to review a company's quality and decide the discount rate. For growth rate, I will use the historical data and read some of the forecast report as a reference. And, I will determine the growth rate based on my own judgement with these inputs. But, most of the time I will play safe and use a lower growth rate in order to protect my capital.

2014-07-10 13:49

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