Koon Yew Yin's Blog

How the Opposition Can Win the Next Election - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015, 11:10 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

By now it is clear that the 1MDB financial scandal, Dr. Mahathir's campaign against Prime Minister Najib, GST pain and numerous examples of corruption, abuse and mismanagement of the economy and governance is not going to win the next election for the opposition coalition.

This is not to say that we should under-estimate the average Malaysian's disillusionment with, and distrust of, UMNO and its partner parties in the ruling Barisan coalition. Even the most simpleton UMNO member is fully aware of how the ketua bahagian have enriched themselves with fat contracts, scholarships for their children, jobs in the civil service for their relatives and friends, etc.

UMNO members are no fools. They know that the higher up one gets to be in the UMNO leadership hierarchy, the more the goodies and wealth they can accumulate. So they are not surprised that RM2.6 billion was deposited in Prime Minister Najib's personal account.

Many of the more ethical and principled UMNO members agree that this is wrong. But will this mean that they will not vote for UMNO in the next elections? I hope they listen to their conscience and I am sure many other Malaysians will join me in wishing the same. 

But hope is not enough. 

What will win the next elections is not UMNO leaders and members such as Muhyiddin and Dr. Mahathir turning against or forsaking the party and voting for the opposition. Nor will it be the public anger, disgust and revulsion against the present government that alone can be enough to bring UMNO and BN down.

What will win the elections is a strong, solid and unified opposition. This is such a no-brainer that one would have thought that all the parties in the opposition, especially the more progressive DAP and PKR, would make this the first of the five or ten commandments that they agree to.

However, recent events give the impression that this pre-condition of opposition electoral success has either been forgotten or side lined. Hence it is reassuring to know that this is the main message that has emerged from the recently held PKR congress.


Ensuring a United and Strong Opposition

Common sense and history tells us that without a unified opposition and especially whenever three or more cornered fights takes place in any election in Malaysia, the BN is invariably the winner. 

We know that even before the election proper, gerrymandering has already given the BN candidate – especially in rural areas – a head start. This BN advantage will become impossible to overcome should there be two or three candidates from the opposition taking on the BN candidate.

The other major message from the PKR congress that it will work to ensure only two way fights take place during the next election is very assuring to those of us who want to see change - or if not change - at least the continuation of a strong opposition to provide check and balance in our political system.

The possibility of three or more cornered fights is strongest in East Malaysia where the opposition parties have been bickering openly as well as stabbing each other in the back. The latest recruit into PKR's leadership ranks, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, who has been given the job of mediating and resolving the competing seat claims of PKR and DAP in the coming Sarawak state elections has a big challenge in front of him.

But if he is successful and the opposition goes into the state elections as a unified coalition, this can be the game changer for politics not only in Sarawak but for the entire country.

I also hope that Datuk Saifuddin can use his mediation skills in ensuring that most PAS grassroots members will remain within the opposition fold, although PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Awang Hadi appears bent on pursuing some kind of electoral pact with UMNO.  I, and others have written to express our support for the new Islamic grouping under Parti Amanah Negara. However it is clear that Pakatan will need the support of both factions of old and new PAS if it is to overcome UMNO in the vote count. 

There is a saying that politics is not the art of the possible but of making the impossible, possible.  We should also remind PAS that if it wants to remain a viable political force in Malaysia or at least in Kelantan, it will need to avoid three corner fights which will end up with UMNO being the big winner.

It will be up to Datuk Saifuddin and other PKR leaders to make the impossible, possible.








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6 people like this. Showing 38 of 38 comments


The situation whatever the state it is in will throw up a leader to lead...

2015-11-30 23:25


For the opposition parties to agree to a one-one formula is a small problem if Anwar is around. What is difficult is to get the sabah and sarawak votes. Also the postal votes simply destroy the opposition left and right. If cannot solve these problems, Umno still rules.

2015-11-30 23:37

King Kong73

BN is still the better party

2015-11-30 23:42


Tall order, but nothing is impossible.

2015-11-30 23:49


If you can't beat it join it
Umno is a giant and everyone else is Goliath
If everyone can accept the giant Goliath story

2015-12-01 00:24


eventhough umno and bn are weak now but pr also have become much weaker..very hard to win in ge if pr does not unite

2015-12-01 00:33


Guys, don't mistaken on pas.
People still believing in Pas because the politic in Malaysia now too much of corruption, not on the right track anymore and hope on Pas to change all of this.
Last time i'm too much admire on Anwar ibrahim because of the background and leadership which i believe will not allow corruption.
Damn disappointed when in ghaffar baba case which he admit it.
I believe the other party (DAP, PKR, PAN) will be the same with UMNO. Unlikely Pas which strictly on religion which forbid the bribe and alot of bad thing.
You guys can check on Norway and Brunei which only have A class oil same like Malaysia and become rich country.
Malaysia have much more that, rubber, gold, mining, agriculture, timber, transportation, service and etc.
Plus if you buy proton in Malaysia actually you can get better car if you in other country.
So many profit make by the government.
Every year audited mention the wasted of government fund.
Let change this guys.
Don't mistaken, its not i want everyone to vote Pas.
Just explain why people still hope on Pas.
Have a nice days.

2015-12-01 09:19


UMNO is at its weakest. Yet, the opposition is so fragmented that the weakest UMNO looks more attractive than those hoping to displace it. Sad.

2015-12-01 09:43

Travis Lim

ya..look PAS how to manage for the past flood at the kelantan, PAS definately just agama party ,but not suitable for ruling the country. We don wish malaysia to become another mid-east country and look at what happen to mid-east.

2015-12-01 10:27

Jonathan Keung

Najib is still pulling the strings with all the bigwizs tagged . without a united front. Pakatan stands no chance of unseating BN. Without a credible oppostion ( not parties bitebiting one another ) the average rural voters has no other options but to vote for BN

2015-12-01 12:21


Impossible. BN will ultimately win - clean or dirty. Money talks.

2015-12-01 12:55


Pas is not race centric party. Let see on the past. Last time DAP cant get approval by ROS and Pas let Dap used PAS logo. In Pas, if you work harder than other you deserve better and luxurious life.

On past flood at kelantan issue. Kelantan not are rich state compare to Penang and Selangor. But better you guys check on the victim, does them hate PAS? Pas get kelantan with defisit. But please check on the poorer status from 1995 to 2009 its reduce from 22.9 to 4. See on Sarawak which rich with oil. 5.3percent poor on 2009. Pas stress on welfare.

2015-12-01 13:17


Last time head is Nik Aziz i will buy what you say but not current head. See what he had done so far...

2015-12-01 14:09


Haven't win the general election,the opposition already fight each other.
For next general election,no doubt BN will win,and i will vote neither BN nor Pakatan Harapan.

2015-12-01 14:15


We will see the results. DAP with no PAS support.

2015-12-01 14:27


Speeedyboy, great statement and research.
Dont be mistaken. im not even PAS member but i like to research to find the best among the best and if not even 1 is good let find the less wrong from them.
Last time i also thought PKR great until Anwar admit on corruption.
Not only that.
What you think about Wan Azizah, the word come out from her in parliment was not good. As a leader she cant perform.
Rafizi, good in finding fault of the other but self issue just keep quiet. And also in khalid ibrahim case also them lose.

latest 30milion use for bicycle walkway of 12km only.
Have you guys see the result - please check.
But for the leadership DAP was good.

from my point of view .
if them let ustaz ahmad awang or ustaz ahmad ghani as a leader them can get more supporter.
for now i see them all only crazy to become the Bos.

Conclusion :
i will vote -
1. Pas
2. Dap - for the leadership and for economy to come back to normal.
3. Pkr - if pas or dap dead.
4. umno or amanah - in dustbin

2015-12-01 15:10


Mr Koon, how about donating rm500 to everybody who votes Pakatan Rakyat in next GE? :-)

2015-12-01 15:41


Speeedyboy, I believe a leader should be assessed and judged by his/her integrity, competence and performance. When did the chief minister post held by a non-Penangite become an issue? If the problem is with LGE, we have to find culpabilities with him, not whether or not he was born in Penang or Johor.

Once DAP take over penang its make profit from 300million defisit.
From my point of view, LGE great in leadership and dictator.
As a leader you need this to make its balance in decision making.
LGE as a leader, its great to see all the chinese unite and make latest BERSIH success.

i didnt see any good if chow kon yew become the chief minister in penang.

2015-12-01 16:28


KYY, are you sure dat you are still on da right planet? ...

With PAS in their coalition, they once had a fighting chance ... Just a slim fighting chance, BTW ..

But now, with PAS replaced by a bunch of kontuik iddiot dikkhead joker sinkalan rejects calling themselves Parti Amanah Negara (PAN), they don't hv even a pussycat's chance in hell ....

And PAN perhaps shud consider expanding their full name to Parti Amanah Negara Tanah Air Tercinta ... Then they will hv a cuter acronym ... Yay!!!

2015-12-01 18:45


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-01 19:25


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-01 19:30


Well, Mr Koon ... Got anything to say? ...

2015-12-02 18:48


Nothing more to say lor ... Just a big, bad bloddy load of big talk lor ...

2015-12-02 23:36


Opposition will merge with ruling party to form a new coalition like what happen to many company here
Inari Amerton
Sapura Kencana
To name a few

2015-12-02 23:48


Pas merge with UMNO to form pasumno or umnopas

2015-12-02 23:52


if u think Muhyiddin and Mamak Kutty are honest to drag the UMNO and BN to against their UMNO and BN , you are mimpi.

Actually, these jokers are main wayang kulit to retain UMNO and BN in power. You think they are really gaduh? Politicians are the most scumbag person in this world. They are divide and conquer the Pakatan Hamsap who are so foolish and so stupid to quarrel among themselves.

Pakatan Hamsap also another scumbag. They cant even think to consolidate or leverage their power for the people. what they know is their own periuk nasi. Pakatan Hamsap loss really the loss the BIG OPPORTUNITY to seize power recently last few months. Its all because their own stupidity with Kajang Move la, that move la..

We as Malaysians have to face the reality. Either we like it or not, this BN or UMNO are already galvanize their POWER. With the most recent empowerment to National Security Council to interfere like Mageran kind of thing is the UMNO or BN strategy to use force or back door seize of power in case next GE this beloved country falling to Pakatan Hamsap which i doubt this Pakatan Hamsap can ever exist until that time. :)

Last but not least, this beloved country by the name of Malaysia , either you like or not, will be govern by Najib and his organize crime partner until the Super Power decide who is the best agent to admin this strategic Alliance Country. As of now, Najib is the best agent for them. heheeeheeheh...perhaps once KJ is ready , he will take over like Najib. :)

2015-12-03 00:23


Yes correct LK059..the DAP should focus on Penang. While PAS just focus on Kelantan. PKR just focus on Selangor together with DAP. just forget this whole Malaysia concept. While PKR i doubt they can sustain without DAP help. sooner or later, they also will jump the boat n left DAP alone because DUIT TAK DAK...hahahahaha...only DAP can survive in Penang itupun kalau PAS betul betul ISLAM...but DUIT AND POWER punya pasal ..PAK HAJI PUN DAH PUTAR BELIT LIKE THE SERBAN..:)

2015-12-03 00:41


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-03 00:46


Lets face reality. It's geopolitics and the super power that will decide who the future leader will be.

So what is for the ordinary Malaysian. Well they have to think for themselves and make the best out of the situation.

Let's get real... one can pursue a dream for whatever one wants but at the end of it...everyone must come down to earth, face the reality and deal with the reality and manage their own way in life .

Divide to rule is always the mantra for centuries.

2015-12-03 00:58


apanama, dont simply judge PAS on KEDAH case.
everyone love Dr azizan but the wrongly doing by the people around him.
Please search about sanusi mohd noor, zulkifly yahya, and helmy.
i dont want to talk about phahrol razi who already gone to PAN.
he also contribute for UMNO to success in grab Kedah back

(1) Dr Azizan contribute alot in Kedah to built 3 bridge in alor setar which i believe everyone who live in alor setar must know without it people always stucked in traffic. Sadly Dr Azizan health not in good condition. that why sanusi mohd noor become the PA for Dr azizan.
Its a mistake when all the project in Kedah must pass approval of sanusi and Dr azizan not even know about it.
The oversea project 1billion on timber also failure because of sanusi and still have the other.
And also sanusi almost hit someone who also was Pas member.

(2) because of Mukhriz. he spread the news all the people in Kedah will get 6 catalyst project under 11th Malaysia plan. Kulim International Airport , Kedah Aerocity, Sungai Petani-Kedah Inner Expressway (Spike), Kedah Rubber City, Kedah Science and Technology Park as well as Kedah Medical Science City. Mukhriz also expressed confidence that the proposed catalyst projects would receive the federal government’s backing.
and then the UMNO succes in taken kedah back. But when the budget out. Not even 1 project of 6 been announce. what a joke.

2015-12-03 10:40


apanama, im not agreed with you.
Malay not most corrupted in the world. talk with fact.
I agreed if you say Malays lazy and always complaint.
Malays should grow up, be more positive and climb fast. Too much backward.
Its different with Islam.
Mostly Malays was Muslim
Islam was Peaceful, purity, submission and obedience.
If malays strictly follow islam them will exile in many area.
Islam not only for 1 race in malaysia.

2015-12-03 11:21


lk059, i agreed with you.
Malaysia need totally change the system. not only to come back to normal but to fast grow such like Turkey.
That why i trust in Pas.
hard to explain why but if guys think in clear mind and search to find the best among the best parties and if not even 1 is good let find the less wrong from them. You can find Pas is less wrong than other parties.

2015-12-03 12:02


Dear Mr.Koon, thanks for your generous share for stock selection. But there are few questions running in my head.
Is it possible for me to pm you ? Thousand thanks

2015-12-03 13:12


Posted by BearbearDrop > Dec 2, 2015 11:48 PM | Report Abuse

Opposition will merge with ruling party to form a new coalition like what happen to many company here
Inari Amerton
Sapura Kencana
To name a few

A bit late now, ain't it? With the rakyat by now mostly wised up & waken up to the Opposition's blatant lies, sedition, slander, incitement & defamation, the Opposition itself collapsing like a house of cards, who needs any merger with the Opposition?

2015-12-04 01:37


Posted by wank > Dec 3, 2015 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

lk059, i agreed with you.
Malaysia need totally change the system. not only to come back to normal but to fast grow such like Turkey.
That why i trust in Pas.
hard to explain why but if guys think in clear mind and search to find the best among the best parties and if not even 1 is good let find the less wrong from them. You can find Pas is less wrong than other parties.

What a big, baad, stinkin bloddy load of wannk

2015-12-07 15:53


Wannk, dude ... You ain't been keepin up wiff da times, it seems ... In terms of GDP (Nominal) per capita, Malaysia (US$12,100) has already overtaken Brazil (US$9,300), Mexico (US$10,100) and Turkey (10,500) ...

We are also well on course to beating Poland (US$12,600) & Hungary (US$12,800) pretty soon ...

2015-12-07 16:19


Wank ...what a joke..i Kedahan,everyone here not like azizan include pas member

2015-12-15 21:27


apanama, that a racist statement. go to hell.

2015-12-18 14:53

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