Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Confession: Reasons for my prolific writing - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 21 Feb 2016, 09:41 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,429
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Some readers of my blog - usually those who for some reason or other disagree with my article or who may have a chip on their shoulder - ask the question as to why I write so frequently. They pose this question mainly because I am an exception among successful Malaysians who generally prefer to keep quiet or appear dumb unless their interests appear to be directly affected when they will then speak out.

Here is my honest and frank explanation as to why I write so often.  The motivating factors are as follows:

1. The Ego Factor

The term "ego" comes from Freudian psychology. Although it is important to avoid being completely egoistic, at the same time we must realize that the ego is also absolutely necessary for healthy psychological functioning. This is because ego is the part of the mind that organizes the parts of our self into an integrated whole which interacts with the external world. According to the experts in psychology, ego is necessary for reality testing, judgment, sense of reality of the world and of the self, regulation and control of drives, affects and impulses, object relations, and many more aspects of our thinking processes.

Everyone needs to have an ego but one that is not too strong or self centered. I must confess that I am egoistic in the sense that I want to be noticed and enjoy the limelight of seeing my name in print. That part of me may be criticized by others as being greedy for fame. I suppose they may be right. But these critics who write in should also realize that they themselves are equally guilty of being egoistic for wanting to see their comments on my writing in print. The important difference between these critics and me is that while they do not dare to put their names down besides what they write, I do so openly.

2. Desire to Share my Knowledge and Experience

I am 83 years old and, in my varied career, have accumulated much unique knowledge and experience which I want to share with readers especially of the younger generation. This is particularly the case since I retired from active work in 1983.  All my present wealth is from share investment. I have tried many different strategies of beating the market and am now confident that the best method is to make sure the company can make more profit this year than last year and that its projected P/E ratio should not be more than 10. I call this my golden rule in share selection.

3. An Active Mind Prolongs the Life

Many studies have shown that those who exercise their body and brain have     longer life spans. In some ways I can be considered to be lucky to be writing still. This is because I have a hereditary blood disease called hypercholesterolemia. As a result of this disease I had heart bypass surgery in 1983. My cardiologist told me that most people who have hypercholesterolemia cannot live more than 20 years after their heart bypass surgery.  I have lived well beyond this threshold partly because of my active mind. It is a fact that writing today is a lot easier  because of the computer. All that is needed is a mind that is going strong. And I shall write so long as there is breath in me.  

4. Writing as Political Engagement.

I write also because I am passionate about being engaged politically. Besides political commentaries, I have also during the election period gone on the talk circuit to help the opposition bring about change in the country. I feel that my writing and speeches have helped the cause of freedom and justice. But it is not just empty talk as I have openly - unlike donors to the Prime Minister's infamous          personal bank account - donated large sums of money to help the opposition throw out the corrupt BN government.

5. Sharing my Political Vision

Besides writing about share investment, I also like to share my vision of development for the country. I have written a book with the title, Malaysia: Road Map for Achieving Vision 2020, which was published about 6 years ago and in which Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah wrote the Forward.

6. Writing and Sharing Brings Me Happiness

Many friends are also aware that besides writing to make me happy, I also like to help poor people. As I come from a poor family, I know the needs of poor people especially poor students. I believe helping poor students to complete their tertiary education is the most effective way. I realize that I am not immortal. I am aware that I can die anytime due to my hereditary blood disease and my age. As I cannot take my money along when I die, I have decided to spend it wisely. I have written in my will that all my remaining assets will be for doing charity. In the meantime I try to live happily every day and this explains why I write!

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22 people like this. Showing 50 of 74 comments


Desa, you praise icon8888 also then they will not attack you...

2016-02-22 08:59


Keep it up, Uncle Koon. Wish you good health !

2016-02-22 09:10


LIKEd you Mr Koon, I had been following your article and re-read it for couple of times. Hard to understand for me for some stock investing terms, but I believe I am getting better and better. I love your perspective in business and politic. And, of course your generousity through action compare to those that leaving moron comment. Keep it up Mr Koon, I have more to learn from you. Thank you as well for the hard work.

2016-02-22 09:19


cannot understand...I'm to low grade to understand

2016-02-22 10:03


Love this piece of article as I feel integrity and genuineness in Mr Koon's confession. As we age and acquire more wisdom, it is time for us to educate the next generation through critical thinking. Don't learn by following, learn by questioning. Read all past articles of Mr Koon and all will get better in living a quality life.

2016-02-22 10:23


Dear Mr koon, as long as you do not preach margin trading and do not take any opportunity to prove it is right and safe, then to me you are 100% a good man.
I got two accounts, 1 margin another normal, all the profit I make from margin goes to charity, till now, I notice, I hardly able to contribute 10k to the charity from this account.
My point is what is good for you may not be good for others, you can manage it well does not mean others also can do that, I have tried it out , I notice , it doesn't work well for me, your intention may be good but if I just blindly follow whatever you said, the outcome for me may be the other way round.

2016-02-22 10:24


change education system? educate...how to educate? think about how long the kids at school and at home? from ur suggestion, mean u already never learn...go see how Japan school educate their students...then u know why I said so...hehe

2016-02-22 10:26


One great piece of article..a good `food for thought'..keep on your good work Mr KYY..you are an inspiration to many..carry on penning your thoughts for the benefit of those who wants to learn and improve themselves in life..just ignore and never get distracted by the negative,disruptive and destructive comments made by some discontented souls which serve no purpose in anyone's life.

2016-02-22 10:50


.excellent point........but it is a road I will not take.


Coldrisks Desa, you praise icon8888 also then they will not attack you...
22/02/2016 08:59

2016-02-22 10:57


A big thank you to writers like uncle k,icon,kc etc whose write ups really inspire our life,though there are positive frictions amongst them.please keep it up your good deeds.

2016-02-22 11:20

Jonathan Keung

just on a side note. openly supporting the Pakatan ( opposition ) have you personally faced any problems or issues from the power to be ? Uncle Khoon

2016-02-22 11:46


Keep it up Mr. koon, salute !!!
Very impressive indeed,I like to read good articles, I always enjoy reading.
Most of all, I also respect honest people who have been trying to share good points of views.

2016-02-22 11:48


Good good

2016-02-22 11:53


Keep it up uncle! May you live long and healthy.

2016-02-22 12:18


Thank you Uncle KYY. Yr articles not only provide FREE knowledge but also are very thought provoking. I am a newbie to this i3investor and it keeps me occupied reading yr articles. My only regret is I didn't get into this forum earlier when you recommended furniture stocks.
May you have a healthy, happy and contended life. Carry on yr good deeds of helping the poor for yr blessings will be a hundred fold in the hereafter. Once again, a big THANK YOU.

2016-02-22 12:37


Desa, to have a friend better than an enemy, this is small matter, praises cost nothing, but can create friendship. icon8888 has his abilities worth praising, we all can see. of course nobody can be right all the time, isn't. take it easy lah, all of you have your own talents...

2016-02-22 12:41


Noted good advice mr Risk....

but I very stubborn one.
I write my own rules.

2016-02-22 12:53

Ven Felix

Arrogances..Slap here & there,misleading new readers,, His rules..

2016-02-22 12:57


all about agree and disagree

2016-02-22 13:01


Everybody has their own opinion, don't agree also don't have to fight ma...

2016-02-22 13:07

Ven Felix

Desak..Tweaking facts,, jealous untill green.

2016-02-22 13:11

Ven Felix

Never doubt in Kyy intention to help the poor quality talent. Political side leave it to majority readers. Eventhough, Malays oso not totally most of BN policies. Crucial part is ,Corruption case still high Rm depreciated years by years,,ease of biz environment ???
Educational level not par with global standard. Only thing implement that help the nation a lot is UTC.

2016-02-22 13:20

Ven Felix

poor quality talent 'corrected to' financially poor,quality students.

2016-02-22 13:21

Ven Felix

Goverment still have a bigger part to do... Society are getting stress,, this will become another big problem..

2016-02-22 13:23


Mr Koon : You speak your mind without fear or favor regardless of business, share investment or politics. And your track records are highly commendable by any fund manager standard. Just ignore those armchair critics and let history judge you fairly in the future. Happy Chap Goh Meh !

2016-02-22 13:25


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-22 13:28


talk...a lot people know how to talk...when in real situation...facing the real problem, maybe also doing the same thing same mistake...Mr Koon, is time for u to go politic...from there...u can change Malaysia...talk here...is still only a talk and talk...

2016-02-22 13:33


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-22 13:37


anyway...thanks for ur highlight too...
to change the world...u need to create a monster...only u can create a hero...pls go do it...when u still not reach ur end of life...

2016-02-22 13:38


with ur $$$ & brain capability....I believe u can...

2016-02-22 13:39

Ven Felix

That deserve a big like..considering there r not many with d ability and knowledge to voice out,,in China ..Kyy will be invited to Tv live forums with the goverment head and the field profesional.

May our KYY and family a good health like Monkey King :)

Posted by vpliew > Feb 22, 2016 01:25 PM | Report Abuse

Mr Koon : You speak your mind without fear or favor regardless of business, share investment or politics. And your track records are highly commendable by any fund manager standard. Just ignore those armchair critics and let history judge you fairly in the future. Happy Chap Goh Meh !

2016-02-22 13:41


Your desire to help the poor students and giving tips to young investors is appreciated. Please continue with your input.

2016-02-22 13:42

Ven Felix

Malaysia need an openly platform to discuss all the society turbulences and need in order not to leave behind..
Goverment policies need to be well understand and blend in thoroughly..


2016-02-22 13:45


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-22 13:48


Keep going,mr koon

2016-02-22 14:10


I am a silent admirer of your investments and your generous deeds. Continue your writings. There are much more admirers out there.

2016-02-22 15:25


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-22 15:26


just say I love a challenge.....I can't run away from a challenge. I am free.

1720 posts
Posted by Coldrisks > Feb 22, 2016 01:07 PM | Report Abuse

Everybody has their own opinion, don't agree also don't have to fight ma...

2016-02-22 16:38


As long as 80% of the agree on what you do, sure it's okay. Just keep going !

2016-02-22 17:17


Keep it up Mr. Koon. We support you !

2016-02-22 17:32


Post removed.Why?

2016-02-22 18:18


Well done and keep on going. We will continue to support

2016-02-22 18:55


So Mr. Koon? When is the next stock idea coming from you soon?

2016-02-22 19:51


Mr, KYY your generosity in the many different contributions you make, will harness positive energy and return to you. Your extension of good health is surely the positive sign. The omnipresent divine energy is all around and it comes to people who give back to humankind. Surely there will be rebuttal as we are in a fallen world. Be at peace within yourself. God Bless

2016-02-23 00:00


reading your articles is enjoying and full of information,thakyou uncle khoon

2016-02-23 00:13


Davmo. Any chance your sifu is desa?

2016-02-23 01:15


Nice Sharing Mr. Koon ...I always believe the acts of yours good karma always bring u joy and happiness in multiple times ...

2016-02-23 09:48


Hi Mr Koon, though I may not agreeable to some points in some other articles or other matters, but I salute you for your honesty & thankful for sharing of your experience & knowledge.

No one could do what are you doing now except you yourself, as you know there are bunch of youngsters & monkeys in i3, or somewhere of other forums, are like to say something else or something very rude to be standout.

Stay good health & god bless you & your family.

2016-02-23 11:40


Mr Koon, I have always find you as a charismatic and wise man and have enjoyed reading all your posts on all matters, it never fails to bore me. I also admire your outlook on life and your personal mission and vision. Wishing you good health, happiness and wealth in trading. Your contributions to 13investor forum add spice to our trading days! :)

2016-02-23 12:19


Mr Koon, I believe you should continue to write, and share your experiences others. Of course there would be some who may not like what you write, or the frequency of you writing. Well, they can choose not to read your stuff. It is a free (?) country.

2016-02-23 15:23

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