Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Dr Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh: Two Peas in a Pod? Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016, 09:53 PM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,429
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

During the past 10 years I have written a great deal about our national politics and the country's leadership. In particular I have focused on our Prime Ministers. What I have written has really been in response to the policies they have initiated and the way they have managed the key issues and challenges of our multi-racial society and developing economy.

Besides writing on the three Prime Ministers  – Dr Mahathir, Tun Abdullah Badawi and Dato Seri Najib Razak - that we have had during the past 30 years I have also written extensively on two political figures who could have become Prime Ministers but never quite made it – Anwar Ibrahim and Tengku Razaleigh.


Readers will note that my view of Dr. Mahathir has not been charitable. In fact, it will be considered unkind. He – and most Malaysians, including a majority of Malays today, will agree with me – is a failed leader who has let down the country badly.   

Malaysians of my generation with longer memories than the current generation who know of the stability, harmony and prosperity that we enjoyed as well as experienced the high standards of governance inherited from the British, see the son of Mohamad Iskander Kutty, Dr. Mahatir, as the principal cause of our badly dysfunctional economy and society. 


The worst inheritance that the man which groups such as Perkasa regard as “Bapa Malaysia” could have left the nation which was not in the form of his cock-ups such as Proton, MAS, Perjawa Steel. It was not even in the form of the cronies that he favoured which have resulted in a disproportionate proportion of the country's wealth to be held by a few. Perwaja Steel, MAS and even Proton can be erased from the books overnight. And cronies can be compelled to renegotiate their contracts so that the national interests are protected.

It is actually in the form of the dominant party UMNO which runs the country and which Dr. Mahathir has shaped into a right wing, ketuanan Melayu party which has placed Malay special interests above all else. 


UMNO is the nation's bully which has destroyed many of our important institutions such as the judiciary. It fosters cronyism which has impoverished our economy, and undermined many of our basic rights and freedoms. 

And Dr. Mahathir is the man who nurtured this bully to what it has become today: an oppressive grouping of UMNOputras but functioning like a baby's alimentary canal with a healthy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.    

Imagine my surprise therefore two weeks ago to read of  Dr. Mahathir's resignation from the party which he has helped transform into a party of patronage and pirates.

When the news reached me. I had emailed friends the following note:

            I see Dr M has resigned from UMNO. I now have some respect for him and

            I lost my respect for Tengku Razaleigh.


Since then he has become the main figure in the unveiling of the Citizen's Declaration which is aimed at getting the country rid of the current Prime Minister.

There is some talk of broad political reform in the document. But in his latest speeches, it looks like  Dr. Mahathir does not think there is much wrong with UMNO and he is apparently waiting to return to UMNO the moment Najib leaves the scene.

If this happens, then I will have to withdraw my initial reaction of having some respect for Dr. Mahathir. I hope that Dr. Mahathir gives up completely on UMNO and helps the opposition come to power.  That way, he will atone for the mistakes he has made and leave a positive legacy. 


Ku Li's Disappearing Golden Principles

As for Ku Li, I and many of my colleagues had high hopes for him, especially after he came out with his own declaration in the form of Ten Golden Political Principles delivered in an address to the Perak Academy in 2009.

His speech which was made more than 6 years ago actually spells out the road map for reform in the country more clearly and comprehensively than what Dr. Mahathir and the other signatories have come out with recently.

I have spoken and written in support of Ku Li's Golden Principles on many occasions. But Tengku Razaleigh himself appears to have given up on them. How else can we explain why he has failed to push them in the way that Dr. Mahathir has pushed his Citizen's Declaration?


When we think hard about it, it is clear that whatever political rhetoric they are spouting or declarations or principles they come up with, Dr. Mahathir, the former Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin and Tengku Razaleigh are hard core, die hard UMNO leaders who will never give up on their party voluntarily.

This is why it is difficult to believe that UMNO is capable of reform unless and until it is finally removed from power and sits in the opposition benches.

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4 people like this. Showing 50 of 136 comments


Old M fights on when there is no obvious path to victory......that is commendable.

old M will walk his talk.

2016-03-14 19:42


Dap working hard to turn Mahathir into a saint. Traitor to chinese

2016-03-14 19:45


those insecured will find many excuse to please themselve
Old M feel insecure and he will walk the talk

2016-03-14 19:48


Old M is one brave guy who willing to give up his life for his goal, dap can only stand firm behind old M, they are forever scare die scare loss

2016-03-14 19:52


Dap a traitor to Chinese. Last time ask to vote for Pas and now ask to support Mahathir

2016-03-14 19:53


Dap don't have one brave guy after Karpal Singh.
They are forever need to find another brave guy

2016-03-14 19:54


Karpal Singh warn LKS, LGE and Anwar to repent and now become traitor to Dap and Pakatan. What he said was true about these traitors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQV2UYiAswQ

2016-03-14 19:56


anyone who fights for Malaysia has wasted his efforts on ungrateful Malaysians.

This is a country of feudal serfs.

2016-03-14 19:57


Pas is another scare die scare loss
After the leader passed away, all their face turn up side down

2016-03-14 19:58


feudal serfs can find excuses not to fight their Kings...whatever they do.
feudal serfs live and die for their King.

2016-03-14 19:59


a country of goents......

no wonder smart people don't get any where near politics.

2016-03-14 20:02


Traitors lying through their teeth..shame on you...spitting on chinese

2016-03-14 20:02


I want to visit other country, it is good to not have string attachment on any of them.

2016-03-14 20:07


Dap traitor to Chinese. Promise that Pas will not propose Hudud. What happen then? Can Dap guarantee Mahathir won't call Chinese 'pendatang' again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPvyYjm7aNA

2016-03-14 20:10


Why so insecure about yourselves
Age is not a problem

2016-03-14 20:13

johnny cash

Ma...ys are urinating on mamak face, n he is enjoying it now

2016-03-14 20:15


Verbal assault is nothing compare to scare loss scare die

2016-03-14 20:22


This reminds me of crony criminals like chong ket pen of protasco. All the moral and human values are behind, greed is number 1 killer of cronism. Thanks to the system. The begining of the end of the country.

2016-03-14 20:40


Chinese, Malays, Indians...all don't deserve to live in a modern democracy. All are feudal cultures. and outlook.

Goent > Mar 14, 2016 08:02 PM | Report Abuse

Traitors lying through their teeth..shame on you...spitting on chinese

2016-03-14 20:43


Ego is making them scare loss and scare die

2016-03-14 21:05


90% of Malaysians are not ready for democracy.

No wonder the people are being raped and abused by the masters.

2016-03-14 21:10


Smart person use verbal assault
Dumb person scare die scare loss

2016-03-14 21:10


People like the old M and Ah Wah belongs to a previous generation with British influence.

Ah jib is in the process of destroying every institution of government.....and the goents go ask Ah jib to rape them more.

2016-03-14 21:14


Before Chinese put their hope with Dap, no Hudud and no Mahathir. Now Dap asking Chinese to support Mahathir and Hudud

2016-03-14 21:16


Old M waiting for his call

13. The alternative is to wait for the National Security Council Act to be signed by the Agong or to wait for one month if he doesn’t, when the Act would be enforceable. Then Najib can arrest and detain without trial this pesky ex-PM. I am getting messages that this is what awaits me if I don’t cease and desist, I don’t tone down.

2016-03-14 21:31


What kind of people will create a name with an account and defend the evil? Just hope that they are getting paid, make us feel there is still little humanity somewhere inside.


2016-03-14 22:57

Ah Fook

looking forward to the day when umno is removed from power and sits on the opposition benches.

2016-03-14 23:17


If not Dap who else is deserving our support?


2016-03-14 23:50


what is needed is more than Two Peas in a Pod

what is needed is the historical unification of all peas in an anti status quo pod.

2016-03-15 00:50


DAP is making a huge mistake by sleeping with this Fox.

2016-03-15 08:09


My salute to you Mr. Koon for writing this article that not many people dare to write because of the 'sedition act'.

2016-03-15 10:40


We abandon Gerakan and MCA because of Mahathir. And now Mahathir is with Dap. Dap is traitor

2016-03-15 16:33


itu Lim Kit Siang haa Lagi-lagi U-turn.

Hari tu hina titah Sultan. Bila orang Melayu marah , dia buat u-turn.

Hari tu hina syariah dan hudud dalam titah Sultan. Bila ramai orang Islam tak sokong , buat u-turn lagi.

Hari tu tuduh TGHH berkawan dengan Najib. Bila tak dapat sambutan , u-turn lagi.

Ini olang ha manyak musuk hati ooo.

Itu olang aa xbole wo..ada gear gostan..

Haiyaaa gua sikalang sokong itu PAS. Lagi bagus ooo.

2016-03-15 18:04


Apa salah U-turn Pak WANK, tak mudaratkan negara.tapi corruptor yg buat wang ringgit turun 30% lagi masih di sokong. itu yang jadi musuh negara. biar otak clear sikit, sapa mush sapa kawan. jgn dipandang kulit sahaja

2016-03-17 16:38


Sokong PAS itu km punya hak, tapi apa TGHH buat di Selangor km tahu ? sudah ada kuasa sikit, ekor serigala mula tumbuh. Nasib baik tak jadi, kalo tdk, spt kulit kambing dalam nya serigala kepala putih yang nama nya di hina seluruh negara.
Di Malaysia, 30 juta orang tak ada orang bijak pandai lagi ka ? tapi orang bijak pandai spt kak Zeeti mau di singkir, Amat Malan di pakai jadi lawak seluruh negara. cabinet jadi la kabinet. Hutang THji lebih dri asset, Felda beli hotel di london, nasib peneroka di mana? bela lembu tak jadi, beli condo di singapore. I love u Malaysia, Malaysia boleh.

2016-03-17 17:43


Saudara-saudari sekalian,


Izinkan saya menerangkan sedikit berkenaan keputusan saya untuk keluar dari UMNO. Berbanding dengan pemimpin-pemimpin “UMNO” yang ada sekarang, saya lebih lama berada dalam UMNO. Walaupun saya disingkir sekali dan tinggal UMNO dua kali, saya tidak pernah menyertai parti lain. Saya tetap setia kepada UMNO. Saya sayang UMNO bukan kerana nama-nya UMNO tetapi kerana perjuangannya untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.

Hari ini “UMNO” tidak lagi berjuang kerana bangsa, agama dan negara. Hari ini perjuangan “UMNO” terhad kepada pengekalan Dato’ Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri. Tidak ada Perdana Menteri terdahulu yang menjadikan UMNO sebagai benteng untuk pertahankan diri, tidak Dato Onn, tidak Tunku Abdul Rahman, tidak Tun Razak, tidak Tun Hussein. Saya juga tidak menggunakan UMNO untuk mempertahankan diri. Bahkan saya, seperti Tunku, rela meletak jawatan.

Oleh kerana perjuangan UMNO sudah bertukar, maka pertubuhan ini bukan lagi UMNO. Ia sudah jadi pertubuhan lain. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang masih ada dalam UMNO kebanyakannya berada kerana kepentingan diri, kerana takut kepada Najib, kerana dapat nikmat dari Najib. Mereka tidak peduli akan skandal kewangan yang melibat Najib, akan wang berbillion yang ada dalam akaun bank Najib. Sesungguhnya Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak boleh miliki wang berbillion atau terima wang sebegitu banyak.

Dalam perjuangan kita perlu menentukan sasaran utama kita. Sasaran kita ialah Najib kerana dia merosakkan imej negara, menjadikan negara yang terkenal didunia sebagai mempunyai amalan rasuah tertinggi.

Kita lihat di Timur Tengah orang Islam yang anggap orang Yahudi adalah musuh mereka yang sebenar tetapi mereka lebih utamakan permusuhan sesama mereka sehingga mereka berperang sesama sendiri. Akhirnya Israel tepuk tangan melihat orang Islam membuat kerja mereka. Di Malaysia hari ini bukan parti lawan yang menjadi musuh utama tetapi Najib, kerana Najib merosakkan parti sehingga hampir kalah PRU 13. Parti lawan tidak boleh kalahkan kita. Tetapi Najib boleh.

Najib sudah menjadikan UMNO sebagai parti miliknya sendiri. Malangnya kepimpinan Najib melemahkan parti. UMNO tetap kalah PRU 14 jika dipimpin oleh Najib. Adanya parti lawan sejak merdeka tidak pernah menghapuskan sokongan rakyat kepada UMNO sehinggalah Najib memimpin UMNO. Prestasinya lebih buruk dari Abdullah.

Yang menimbul masalah dan kepincangan dalam negara ialah Najib. Hutang negara meningkat sebanyak lebih dari 50 billion Ringgit kerana 1MDB. Sebilangan besar dari wang ini sudah hilang. Untuk menampung wang yang hilang ini, Najib menjual tanah Kerajaan yang dibeli dengan harga RM60/- satu kaki persegi kepada Tabung Haji dengan harga RM3500/-.

Tiba-tiba dilaporkan Najib mempunyai wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion dalam akaun peribadinya di Ambank. Juga wang sebanyak RM42 juta dari SRC ada bersama. Dakwaan kononnya semua wang ini adalah hadiah dari orang Arab tidak masuk akal. Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak harus terima wang yang sebegitu banyak dari sesiapa pun.

Pemerintahan Najib kejam. Siapa yang menegurnya disingkir dari parti, dibuang jawatan, ditangkap dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Undang-undang baru dibuat untuk memberi kuasa kepada Kerajaan Najib memasuk dalam tahanan siapa sahaja tanpa dibicara.

Kerana semua ini saya keluar dari parti pimpinan Najib dan sebagai rakyat negara tercinta ini saya akan sambut desakan ramai rakyat untuk membuat sesuatu bagi mengembali pemerintahan yang adil ke negara ini.

Saya menjemput ahli-ahli UMNO yang sayang kepada perjuangan asal UMNO membantu saya untuk menyelamatkan parti dan negara ini. Kemukakanlah usul undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib sebagai Presiden parti dan Perdana Menteri di mesyuarat-mesyuarat cawangan UMNO. Usulkan juga agar pemilihan parti tidak ditangguhkan, dan dilaksanakan pada tahun ini juga

Kita tidak boleh tunggu PRU 14 kerana UMNO yang dipimpin oleh Najib tetap akan kalah. Sekali UMNO kalah ia tidak dapat dipulih semula.

Terima Kasih

Selamat bersidang

Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
18 Mac 2016

2016-03-18 17:56


Old M want to save the party

2016-03-18 18:01


So Koon Koon blindly respect everyone?

2016-03-18 18:02


Declaration didn't tell anything.
It is self-importance that mattered most

2016-03-18 18:06


How can you tell a leader to live below their means under someone else?

2016-03-18 18:08


Old M last wishes can never changed
Dap pas all just being toyed over and over again.

2016-03-18 18:12


Its quite a desperate attempt by tun m.. since no other channels or way..
Its sad to see a once great man now just a complainer..

2016-03-18 19:13


Old M can never suceed, he can do whatever he want, why change a system when you can change yourself much more easier?
See Tony did the right move.

2016-03-18 19:21


Old M also can follow Tony, they are both came from the same ancestry

2016-03-18 19:23


Now tun m seems more vocal after his son lost the mb seat..
The opposition equally desperate.. as without pas they cannot win..
Even with pas they still lose as sabah sarawak traditionally they are unable to win..

2016-03-18 19:48


Dap also blindly call for support old M
Dap can never be trusted

2016-03-18 19:51


We can support tun provided he tell us specifically what he will do if najib goes..
right now there isnt anything .. not even a plan.his plan is just to get rid of the current pm..funny plan. :)

2016-03-18 19:52


Harapkan pegar
Pegar makan padi

2016-03-18 19:52


Dap blindly support Mahathir, I thought Dap want to remove the evil Tun Mahathir during 22 years regime. Save Malaysia from Najib? His only crime is 2.6b donation, don't tell me Dap didn't get 1.2b donation from Israel.

2016-03-18 21:04


Old M want to save the party he create
His party is his legacy so the new generation will worship him

2016-03-18 21:44

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