Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Dirtiest By Elections Ever - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Tue, 14 Jun 2016, 10:03 AM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

During election time, one of the many faces of the ruling government appears. This time it is one of a benevolent and responsible government.

And to make sure that it wins both Sg. Besar and Kuala Kangsar seats, it is promising the sun, the moon and the stars to the local voters. This is to be expected. It is nothing new and happens every time there is a by election.

But wait. This time around the BN is more desperate than ever to win. This is because we are in the middle of the biggest financial scandal in the country's history and one which will go into the Guinness book of world records.

The 1MDB financial scandal and associated donation into the Prime Minister's personal account can belong to one of several categories in the Guinness book.

One is for the biggest political donation ever recorded. MR2.6 billion is not chicken feed. If proven true, this is a colossal sum even by the standards of Marcos, Suharto, Mugabe and other corrupt leaders since this was done in a single event. For a comparison, see the table below from Transparency International.

World's Ten Most Corrupt Leaders *1



Funds embezzled *2

 1. Mohamed Suharto

President of Indonesia (1967–1998)

$15–35 billion

 2. Ferdinand Marcos

President of the Philippines (1972–1986)

5–10 billion

 3. Mobutu Sese Seko

President of Zaire (1965–1997)

5 billion

 4. Sani Abacha

President of Nigeria (1993–1998)

2–5 billion

 5. Slobodan Milosevic

President of Serbia/Yugoslavia (1989–2000)

1 billion

 6. Jean-Claude Duvalier

President of Haiti (1971–1986)

300–800 million

 7. Alberto Fujimori

President of Peru (1990–2000)

600 million

 8. Pavlo Lazarenko

Prime Minister of Ukraine (1996–1997)

114–200 million

 9. Arnoldo Alemán

President of Nicaragua (1997–2002)

100 million

10. Joseph Estrada

President of the Philippines (1998–2001)

78–80 million


1. Defined as former political leaders who have been accused of embezzling the most funds from their countries over the past two decades.

2. All sums are estimates of alleged embezzlement and appear in U.S. dollars.

Source: Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2004.

The second is for the largest number of conspirators and attempted cover ups. In fact the current investigations taking place in Singapore, Switzerland, the United States and elsewhere indicates that we are seeing the tip of an iceberg in terms of crooks. If we include the many government officials and BN politicians in Malaysia engaged in trying to cover up and spin the Government's version of the two scandals, the number of suspects and collaborators in this mother and father of all financial scandals runs into the hundreds if not thousands.

I am sure there can be other categories of corruption and misgovernment in the Guinness, Transparency International or other similar global book of records that the Najib government and BN have helped Malaysia get listed.

Syabas BN; another Malaysia Boleh achievement which should be shared with the electorate!

But no. From the BN campaigner and leaders in the polling areas, there is no squeak on the two scandals.

Boh Siah - as the Hokkien will say.

And you know why? This is because as in the local dialect of the Chinese electorate in the two constituencies, the BN regard the public funds and the Treasury as "their grandfather's money" and personal money box. It is true.

Not that what is promised by BN is their grandfathers' money.

But the attitude that BN leaders have towards the financial resources of the country. This attitude explains why the Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, campaigning in Sekinchan, handed over a mock cheque for living allowance amounting to RM247,000 to be distributed to 1,237 eligible fishermen in the Sungai Besar parliamentary constituency.

According to the Bernama report, Ahmad Zahid said, "I promise if the fishermen in Sekinchan and Sungai Besar vote for Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate, Budiman Mohd Zohdi, I will come again to help fishermen".

Aiyah - as the fishermen will say - come to help only when you want our votes!

And what if the fishermen and the local voters decide to take the money but to vote against the BN candidates as a protest against the abuse and corruption practiced by the BN government which has siphoned off hundreds of billion of ringgit by our leaders and their cronies.

Well, according to reports, the DPM has indicated that he will - as Home Affairs Minister - check on how they have voted. This is sheer intimidation and an attempt at blackmailing and bribery.

My advice to voters - Chinese, Malays or others - is:

Do not be afraid or scared of the bullying and dirty tactics tactics of the BN.

Vote according to your conscience and on ensure a better future for yourselves and your children.

Whatever financial or material goodies are handed out - rice, flour, money, etc - take it - yes, take the money and ask for more - much more! My estimate is that the losses from the 1MDF money means that every Malaysian family should get at least at least a few thousand ringgit

And the MDB money is the public money and comes from all Malaysians, including the locals from Sg. Besar and KK.

Yes, what is being handed to you now by the BN in the ceramah comes from taxes and from GST, petrol tax, etc. It is not BN's grandfathers' money and it is really a very tiny part of what the BN is giving to its leaders and their families. 


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