Koon Yew Yin's Blog


Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Sun, 13 Jun 2021, 03:01 PM
Koon Yew Yin
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An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin


The West especially the US have been bullying China for a long time and I have been writing articles to defend China. This is the best piece I have ever read. Although it is quite long, I am sure it is worth your while to read it.    


10 June 2021

Dear Sirs and Madam

We are a collective of professionals of Chinese ethnic origin residing in the United Kingdom. We wish to express the community’s hope that leaders at the 2021 G7 will take all necessary step to defuse the current hostility towards China and the Chinese people. Many of us had lived experience in China, and extensive relationships with the country and people. We implore the leaders of the G7 to regard China as a friend and not as an enemy.

We are glad that the Covid-19 pandemic is the main agenda for the 2021 G7 conference. However, we are anxious that this forum should not be abused as a platform to propagate anti-China covid-19 related myths. As the 7 April, 2020 Nature publication rightly warned, “continuing to associate a virus and the disease it causes with a specific place is irresponsible and needs to stop. As infectious disease epidemiologist Adam Kucharski reminds us in his timely book The Rules of Contagion: history tells us that pandemics lead to communities being stigmatised, which is why we all need to exercise more care.

The international rule-based system has designated the WHO as the competent body to deal with such a pandemic. Hence, all political accusations about the virus that is not science-based are unhelpful and a distraction to making the world safe from the pandemic.

A member of this collective, Dr Michael Ng, a community leader and a university professor in the U.K., is involved in combating pandemic related hate crimes against the Chinese community. He wishes to remind the G7 that any attempt to politicise the Covid-19 issue against China would fan the flame of hate crimes against the community. That would undo all the excellent efforts of the local councils, civic groups, police force and community leaders who had helped defuse the spread of hate crimes.

Dr Ping Hua, a research scientist, is concerned that the rise of hate crimes and daily demonising of China has created such a hostile environment for Chinese scientists that could stymie the scientific and intellectual exchanges between the West and the world’s fastest-growing economy.

We note with concern the United States anxiety over the economic rise of China. China’s per capita is only one-fifth of the United States, with only one military base abroad compared to 800 of the United States. She is not a threat to the West. China’s rise is complementary to Western interests. A more prosperous China could only benefit the working people in the West through higher demands for western goods and services. Treating China’s rise as a threat to the United States or the West is based on fiction.

China is not a utopia, but it is undoubtedly not a dystopia as Western critics and media visualise. The Chinese people are aware of the ideological differences between the West and China. Yet over 90% supports the government in Beijing. This is the finding from a 13-year long survey carried out by the Ash Center of Harvard University. They found that the majority of the population surveyed feels that today is better than yesterday. They expect tomorrow to be better than today. The millions of Chinese who voted with their feet to return home after their travel and studies in the West corroborates with the Ash Center findings.

China’s governance is different from the West. That does not necessarily mean that the Communist Party of China can defy the wishes of its citizen. This is the conclusion of the Survey. According to Edward Cunningham, who co-authored the research from 2003-2016, “CCP isn’t immune to shift public opinion, especially in areas like corruption, environmental degradation, health, and overall standards of living.”

When considering whether China is a friend and partner, or enemy, G7 should consider the independent findings of the Ash Center.

We are concerned that current hostilities towards China in the West are manufactured and ratcheted up in the United States to serve the interest of the military-industrial complex and the electoral needs of both the Democrats and the Republicans.
The alleged genocide in Xinjiang and the threat of invasion of Taiwan are the two most important examples.

On Genocide in Xinjiang

We believe that the claim of genocide in Xinjiang is untenable as the Uighur population has increased from 5 million to 13 million since the 1950s. If China does enslave a million Uighurs, the CIA enhanced aerial surveillance technology could easily prove the allegation with video images of prisoners in the yards. They have not done so.

Critics of China have studiously ignored a World Bank statement of the 11 November 2019 that dealt with the allegation that skills and learning institutions associated with the Bank were de facto prisons. “In line with standard practice, immediately after receiving a series of serious allegations in August 2019 in connection with the Xinjiang Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project, the Bank launched a fact-finding review, and World Bank senior managers travelled to Xinjiang to gather information directly… The review did not substantiate the allegations.”

Mr Bitu Bhalla, a member of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn and International Arbitrator, and Mr Wah-Piow Tan, a Balliol-educated Human Rights solicitor, were unimpressed by the various legal opinions supporting the claim of genocide against China. “China and the World Bank’s $100 million education and training program in Xinjiang,” they observed, “is cast-iron evidence that China has no specific intention to kill a part or whole of the Uighur population. Without specific intention, there cannot be any genocide.” What genocide regime would spend $100 million to educate and train the people you plan to kill?” They are also disappointed that the issues of proportionality were not adequately addressed, or addressed at all by those Barristers criticising China’s response to the threats of terrorism.
“Unlike Britain or the United States, China confronts an Al-Qaeda and ISIS-inspired insurgency seeking to establish an Islamic Caliphate in Xinjiang and Central Asia. Even the Indian government, an ally of the West, has argued for the suspension of human rights when fighting terrorism,” said Tan.

On China threat to Taiwan

According to the Economist, Taiwan has become the most dangerous place globally because of the risk of military conflict between the United States and China. There is enough nuclear arsenal between them to destroy the planet.

What the United States perceives as China’s threat to Taiwan is viewed differently by the Chinese people. At an International Affairs Fellowship forum, a U.S. think tank, a panellist reported that 100% of overseas Chinese students in the United States considered Taiwan a province of China. “The possible validity of Chinese claims” over Taiwan, remarked historian Max Hastings in a recent opinion piece in Bloomberg, was not even considered by the China experts advising the American administration. Max Hastings had raised a valid question. The overwhelming majority of countries worldwide recognise the People’s Republic of China as the legitimate government of China and pursue the one-China policy. This is de facto recognition of China’s sovereignty over Taiwan. To China, it is an unfinished reunification process.

The United States has its own hidden agenda to embolden the Taiwanese separatists, in the same vein as encouraging Uighur or Hong Kong separatists. We hope the G7 should advise the United States to refrain from redefining its one-China policy, thereby destroying any likelihood of an amicable arrangement for reunification.

The impending war

We are particularly concerned that Britain’s aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth II, the third-largest globally, is speeding towards Taiwan to flex its muscles at China. Instead of supporting the hawkish approach of the United States towards China, the G7 should review the futilities of wars launched since the 2001 9/11 attack. The wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Libya had caused 800,000 deaths, displaced 21 million people, wasted $ 6.4 trillion. These wars created failed states, not democracies.

The current propaganda war complementing the military adventures against China are efforts to retain the United States hegemony. The flawed policy has more dire consequences than those of the last two decades. The G7 should review the previous 20 years of war launched by the U.S before contemplating to support Biden’s military-led Indo Pacific Tilt, which is the code word for China-bashing in the South China Seas area.

The stakes are so high that the advice of Bruce Kent, the veteran peace campaigner, ought to be taken seriously: “we can learn to live harmoniously as neighbours… we have to learn to live as partners.”


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1 person likes this. Showing 50 of 142 comments


Why Sarawak report and the edge reported that the 1mdb also related with slibing of xi?

2021-06-14 13:15


winterwolf :- Bravo !!1 Support your Comments !!

For those who BELIEVE any thing which is Written or Spoken , Even thought it is from " Reputable Sources " ...... Do CHECK for yourselves before subscribing to such Sources !...... The BEST and ONLY way for ONESELF is to " Experience it by SEEING it for yourselves " .

By the WAY ...Amnesty International is FUNDED by WESTERN SOURCES WHICH subscribe to WESTERN DEMOCRACY ( Funded by Rich and Powerful in the WEST ) ...... Why they did not REPORT humans ABUSE in Europe about Migrants (Muslims) in 2010 till 2020 ?? Etc ..... Then "Accuse China for Xinjiang Muslims Mistreatment" ? Even after delegates of other Nations , after visiting Xinjiang , said it is NOT TRUE ??

"" Amnesty is an independent organization for Human Rights""' .... What a load of Bull#$%#$$%@$% . ---Funded and Directed by Western Interest.

2021-06-14 13:16


a lot of people swallow the nonsense about CCP is Nazi party...... that has no basis in fact. in fact, no peace loving Muslim has thing to worry about

2021-06-14 13:28


china is building a country of harmonious living.... with no tribe left behind

2021-06-14 13:29


hate based on religious and racial differences is philosophy of Nazi party.... not the philosophy of CCP

2021-06-14 13:32


actually during the civil war, the CCP has a lot of help from the minority groups and CCP is still grateful for that.

2021-06-14 13:34


but now the Anglo Saxon countries are trying to poison the CCP with accusations of Nazi party.

2021-06-14 13:36


the CCP has no problem with differences frame the world..... religious or ethnic differences is never a real problem

2021-06-14 13:40


it's a class struggle..... during Mao time it's a class struggle not a religious struggle..... class struggle still forms a back bone within CCP today.

2021-06-14 13:42


that is why the party is still placed ahead of Alibaba and jack MA.. and why billionaires don't control the control the country....

2021-06-14 13:45


the party control the country not billionaires.

2021-06-14 13:46


I am not here to tell you anything, just go and have an open mind and read from many more other sources. A judge also need to hear from 2 sides, but the way you write your comments, it is all from one side of the coin, the side that blinkered and blinded you.

A political party, no matter what the doctrine is about or what you say, is only good if it governs well and let the people live a good and prosperous life.

Do you know the GDP per capita of China 40 years ago compare to today ? Do you know the task in governing 1.4 billion people compare to Malaysia's may be 35 million ( including the illegals) ?
1980...China GDP per capita was 194 USD, Malaysia 1774 USD
2000...China GDP per capita was 959 USD, Malaysia 4043 USD
2020...China GDP per capita was 10261 USD, Malaysia 11414 USD
you guess what would be the figure by 2021 ? By the way, in most part of China, especially the 3rd tier cities, the cost of living in China is 20% lower than Malaysia and this constitute about 60% of the country ?

You think Sarawak Report and the Edge print gospel truth ? were all these claim verified ? Till today, the country is said to lose 50 billions in wealth, yet the main culprit is still enjoying a good life roaming the various coffee shops and eateries, free willingly and you go barking at a foreigner thousand of miles away. Some where there is a claim some one in Malaysia bough a mansion in UK for 350 million RM ...( unverified ), care to say anything ? LOL...

Posted by cyeec2000 > Jun 14, 2021 1:15 PM | Report Abuse

Why Sarawak report and the edge reported that the 1mdb also related with slibing of xi?

2021-06-14 13:47


the only way the billionaires can endear themselves to the people/ country is that the billionaires contribute more to develop the poorer regions of China.

2021-06-14 13:51


Supersaiyan3 ..... " China (Qing dynasty lah) invaded Vietnam 8 times already. They lose mah."
Do read HISTORY about Vietnam !! North Vietnam was PART of ancient China and was RULED by a General from China. Later He decided to be the Emperor and "Broke" away from China. His terrority was in North Vietnam with " He Nei " as its Capital. Later French in 1800 "Colonise" it and called it Hanoi . You can still see Chinese Temples and "Forbidden City " buildings in Hue and Hua Ann. ( central Vietnam ) .
As for the "Loss" by the Qing Army, in 1800 , China was servely WEAKEN by OPIUM from British since 1750 when it was TRADED there.Combined with Famine and Internal strive , China was " Weak Man of Asia " which then ALLOWED the WESTERN NATIONS (G7) to "COOK UP" the 1 and 2nd OPIUM WARS !!
see: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlZpo580bA8 PLUS many others about " The Opium Wars "

2021-06-14 14:03


Jack Ma should keep his big mouth shut & just do business mah!

Then he will get good support from the govt mah!

Posted by qqq33333333 > Jun 14, 2021 1:45 PM | Report Abuse

that is why the party is still placed ahead of Alibaba and jack MA.. and why billionaires don't control the control the country....

2021-06-14 14:04


jack has learnt his lesson.... other billionaires too.

2021-06-14 14:20


Alibaba still got a role to play...... Alibaba will not be killed.

2021-06-14 14:21



The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.

Politicians are thought of as people who will say or do anything to get elected or to gain power. A statesman is someone who does everything for the common good of the people he or she represents.

2021-06-14 14:22


Biden talk like a statesman but act like a politician mah!

Posted by Sslee > Jun 14, 2021 2:22 PM | Report Abuse


The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.

Politicians are thought of as people who will say or do anything to get elected or to gain power. A statesman is someone who does everything for the common good of the people he or she represents.

2021-06-14 14:28


Winterwolf: Most questions you cant answer?. the facts was malaysia already requested returning back of Jho Low but china has no action?The question is why they dont want to return back Jho?.Culprits are everywhere in the world, politicians are same to be scrutinized.In fact great china cant compare with Malaysia, but gpd per capita of Malaysia leading in many years will you think its impossible? is about 30 years leading.

2021-06-14 14:35


china cannot solve all your problems..... especially problems not their priority

2021-06-14 15:04


sslee is right... it's about American politicians Vs China statesmen

2021-06-14 15:05


today is congzi, in memory of China poet and statesmen and patriot

2021-06-14 15:06


china is a country that produces patriots. lots of them

2021-06-14 15:07


China is a country with lots of patriots and also lots of traitors....... can't help it.... it's because China has been so weak for 200 years

2021-06-14 15:12


whenever a country has been so weak for so long, surely a lot of traitors.

2021-06-14 15:14


Go find the answer to your dumb questions yourself. I am not here to teach you and open up your mind by spoon feeding.

China was sanction by USA that control the world economies since 1949 till 1972. Whereas Malaysia had all the assistance from the early days and yet you are so proud of those meagre development that we achieved ? When Malaysia had her first national car in the 80s, China cannot even afford to make one of her own, but you care to compare what is today ? You only want to use that little statistical advantage to gloat, no idea why you so indulge in this syiok sendiri behavior.

Let me tell you this, I had been to the remotest of area in both countries, and I can tell you, some of our kampungs or dwellings are no where in comparison to China's villages.

You so damn sure Jho Low is in China currently ?
he may be disguised, transformed and live amongst the crowd in Malaysia for all we know. Malaysia can make the Mongolian lady disappeared, even in immigration records, legalized so many illegals, what is so difficult to hide a young and obese guy ?

Posted by cyeec2000 > Jun 14, 2021 2:35 PM | Report Abuse

Winterwolf: Most questions you cant answer?. the facts was malaysia already requested returning back of Jho Low but china has no action?The question is why they dont want to return back Jho?.Culprits are everywhere in the world, politicians are same to be scrutinized.In fact great china cant compare with Malaysia, but gpd per capita of Malaysia leading in many years will you think its impossible? is about 30 years leading.

2021-06-14 19:38


Winterwolf; you seem to be don’t know what happening in outside world, during PH times Formal IGP already said that he is in China, so if you right then must be he is lying?why li ke qiang said 600 millions China ppl income less than 1000?is he lying?if there is so good why you are born here? Must be your ancestors wanna to be better life?why tiger yang Jie chi has home and asset in US? China isn’t better than US?And why u still be here I believe that migrate back isn’t hard right?I have studied their system, economic, why they can be better than past and it could be your choice but not mine.But I do respect your choice

2021-06-14 20:16


its ok, China is running in the right direction but Americans very unhappy.

2021-06-14 21:31


For all we know, Malaysia fugitives are more easy to blend in into Indonesia society.

2021-06-14 22:32


Posted by supersaiyan3 > Jun 14, 2021 8:33 AM | Report Abuse
Xi never completed his primary school education.

if you truly believed what you believe ,you are definitely an idixt.

2021-06-14 22:57


Some of the claims in the report are not supported by facts. For instance, it talks lightly about the problems in Xinjiang but a CGTN report indicates that there is a serious insurgency there since the 1990s. According to the report Pres Xi introduced countermeasures to deal with the insurgency in August last year which included reeducation camps and industrial training..The report also does not indicate which individuals signed on to it or how many have signed it. So the document need to be treated with a pinch of salt..

2021-06-14 22:58


The report talks about a rules based international system. But the CCP is not following the systen,for example on the International Law of The Sea with regard to the South China Sea. It also is not abiding by the decision of the ICJ on its sea dispute with the Philipines...

2021-06-14 23:03


What Do Chinese People Think Is Happening in Xinjiang?

Conversations about the Uyghurs and Xinjiang with people in China.


THE DIPLOMAT is based in WASHINGTON . read it before comment.

2021-06-14 23:12


We believe that the claim of genocide in Xinjiang is untenable as the Uighur population has increased from 5 million to 13 million since the 1950s. If China does enslave a million Uighurs, the CIA enhanced aerial surveillance technology could easily prove the allegation with video images of prisoners in the yards. They have not done so.

2021-06-14 23:19


It is a fact of life for the Chinese government and Chinese public that they will have to live with a hostile, ideologically and racially discriminatory western mass media in the immediate and foreseeable future.

Undoubtedly one of the most important players in fanning fear of the rise of China and anti-Chinese sentiment is the western English language media. Using its decades old dominance of global news outlets, mainstream Western media has set and monopolized the agenda and news coverage for audiences not only in their own countries but also around the world, especially where English is the lingua franca.

2021-06-14 23:39


“For King and Country” was once used by Western power to colonise other country

Today, the Western world wants us to believe that they are here to fight “for Human Rights and Democracy”. Be careful.

2021-06-14 23:58


Lets all not getting twisted with the playbook of the US in lies, deceives, public opinion in launching so many of their wars in the last 40 years and produced failed states. We really need to emphasize, failed states... Then again the US democracy is a failure, as everybody can see with the flip flop policies, companies lobbying, partisan splits... come on... only one thing they could agree, an outside enemy.

2021-06-15 00:28


one weapon of mass destruction in Iraq not enough.... how many more can people swallow?

2021-06-15 00:41


genocide in Xinjiang? but the Huis are also M7uslims and the Huis have for centuries been the most respected people in China

2021-06-15 00:44

Mynihar Nihar

Jika china begitu bagus kenapa chiness ni tak pindah jer dari eropah atau negara lain ke China?? adakah ini salah satu cara cina nak kuasai ekonomi dan politik negara2 yhang mereka tumpang cari makan bertahun2, Jika begutu bagus china ni harap pulang lah segera majukan lagi china.. huhu dan jangan lagi hantar anak2 china ke eropa untuk belajar hantar ke peking atau Beajing

2021-06-15 13:12


nihar.....bagus tapi masa

2021-06-15 13:19


For CGTN's view and defence of the situation in Xinjiang, google " Lies and truth: vocational education " You will get insights from the people who know best..

2021-06-15 15:03


These are facts from history:
(1) Which countries invaded and occupied Indonesia?
Ans: Netherlands for 350 years and Japan for 3.5 years.
(2) Which country was once the colony master of Malaya and India?
Ans: Britain
(3) Which countries invaded and occupied Vietnam?
Ans: France 1857 to 1940.
Japan 1940 to 1945
USA (south Vietnam) 1955 to 1975.
(4) Which countries were responsible for colonisation of the African continent?
Ans: Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

2021-06-15 16:05


(5) Which 8 countries were responsible for the occupation of China in early 20th century?
Ans: Britain, US, German, France, Russia, Japan, Italy and Austria-Hungary.
(6) Which countries are responsible for colonising and almost annihilating the Red Indians in Northern America?
Ans: Britain and France.
(7) Which country colonised and almost annihilated Aborigines in Australia and N. Zealand?
Ans: Britain.
(8) Which are the member countries of G7?
Ans: UK/Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and US.
(9) Now the million dollar question....
Why are the G7 members see China as a threat even though China is the only major nation on earth that has never invaded and occupied another country?
Ans: Ego and fear of retribution?

2021-06-15 16:12


8 foreign legions in the burning of Summer Palace 2.0

2021-06-15 16:16


The greatest threat to Europe is from Africa not China or Russia. China is not a threat to them due to geography. The reason being the West did not help Africa to develop. The West deliberately kept Africa poor. Ship loads of migrants from Africa will ultimately overwhelm the European population in the future. Every now and then, we hear Europe talking about BRI, a debt trap. If they are smart, they should thank China for helping Africa develop.

2021-06-15 20:04


Corak migrasi warga China merangkumi seluruh dunia; dari Antartika ke Arktik, di mana ada daratan, di sana juga dapat warga orang China. Dalam beberapa hari lagi, China akan menghantar angkasawan mereka ke Stesen Angkasa sendiri.

Soalan kamu itu dari minda yang amat sempit dan hanya menunjukkan betapa kurang pengetahuan diri sendiri.

Posted by Mynihar Nihar > Jun 15, 2021 1:12 PM | Report Abuse

Jika china begitu bagus kenapa chiness ni tak pindah jer dari eropah atau negara lain ke China?? adakah ini salah satu cara cina nak kuasai ekonomi dan politik negara2 yhang mereka tumpang cari makan bertahun2, Jika begutu bagus china ni harap pulang lah segera majukan lagi china.. huhu dan jangan lagi hantar anak2 china ke eropa untuk belajar hantar ke peking atau Beajing

2021-06-15 20:18


Winterwolf ...... Your BM is MUCH better than ......Mynihar Nihar. Do Improved yourself if you want a better Future. And ...Look at yourself before Criticizing Others.

2021-06-16 16:12

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