Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Hiap Teck’s factory is flooded - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021, 09:21 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Last Friday I posted my article namely “Hiap Teck trend reversal”. I bought 3.6 million Hiap Teck after I saw its share price trend reversal.

In the afternoon I posted another article namely “Hiap Teck reported disappointing result” after I saw Hiap Teck’s disappointing announcement. All investors expected Hiap Teck to make more profit since there were no more MCO lockdown during the quarter. Like all investors, I was so disappointed and I sold all my 3.6 million Hiap Teck shares yesterday.

Unfortunately, many commentators in i3investors forum were confused and complained that I have misled them. All my articles are based of facts and figures. You can point out any of my mistakes so that I can explain for all investors’ benefit. 

As I am nearly 89 years old and I am quite wealthy after having co-founded Mudajaya, Gamuda, IGB, IJM Corp, MBM R, Rubberax etc. I do not need to mislead any investor to make a little bit of money. In any case, I know that I cannot take any money with me when I die.

Former IJM Corp Chairman Tan Sri Ahmad Azizuddin passed away.

Tan Sri Ahmad Azizuddin passed away on the 15th Dec. and attended his funeral ceremony in Kelena Jaya Mosque. Ahmad was the IJM Corp Chairman when I was a director. I just posted my article namely “My friendship with Tan Sri Ahmad Azizuddin” on my blog. I recommend you to read it to learn about investment and doing business.        

As I said that I have sold all my Hiap Teck shares, I am writing this article to help all investors. Whether you buy or sell Hiap Teck does not matter to me anymore.


If you Google “Klang flooding” you can see that Klang has been raining non-stop in the last few days and has caused Jalan Meru in Klang to become flooded. Hiap Teck’s factory and Top Glove’s factory are located in Jalan Meru, Klang as shown on the map above.  

The rain which began on Friday (Dec 17) has caused many parts of Klang to become flooded with waist-high waters in some areas. Today Saturday, over 1,000 people were displaced due to the prolonged rain and flooding.

Selangor Fire and Rescue Department director Norazam Khamis said 1,011 people had to be evacuated because of floods. "As of 7am on Saturday, we have opened three evacuation centres at Sekolah Kebangsaan Telok Gong, Masjid Al-Islah and Masjid Al-Ubudiah here. He said evacuations were still ongoing and it was still raining in the affected areas.

Hiap Teck is likely to report reduced profit in the current quarter due to flooding. It has already reported reduced profit in each of the last 2 quarters. If its profit in the current quarter is also reduced, it has reduced profit in each of 3 quarters.

I know many investors who are still holding Hiap Teck shares will be angry with me for posting this discouraging article about the flooding of Hiap Teck’s factory.

My intention for posting this useful information is to help investors make logical investment decision.      


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So KYY sold the shares in Hiap Teck because, you know, Jalan Meru was flooded.

To be more accurate though, Jalan Meru is one of the main roads of Klang.

Hiap Teck's factory and HQ are based on Jalan Haji Abdul Manan, which is a turn off from Jalan Meru. (If you're heading north, you turn off to the right side).

Do you know what other factory is on Jalan Haji Abdul Manan? AYS Ventures.

That turn off where you take to the right side, take it to the left instead, AYS is there. AYS is roughly the same distance from Jalan Meru as Hiap Teck is on the other side.

Strangely enough, I don't see KYY saying he sold his AYS shares because Jalan Meru was flooded.

2021-12-20 09:31


Funny the AR comes out on Thursday and Friday morning KYY brought and only then he reads the report that is bad after buying them ???

Sikusiku had explain the logic of the AR in the Hiapteck forum, as much as I had respected KYY but it may seems dementia may had slowly creep in

2021-12-20 10:42


HAiyah flooded can claim insurance mah!

2021-12-20 10:44


stockraider are you sure ? can claim insurance ? don't say say for fun ...

2021-12-20 10:50


Old crook is scheming again.Really sick and pathetic.

2021-12-20 10:54


Can mah!

Just check out loh!

Lu tau boh ?

Flooding is cover under fire insurance mah!

Posted by uncensored > Dec 20, 2021 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

stockraider are you sure ? can claim insurance ? don't say say for fun ...

2021-12-20 10:56


Topglove factory in Klang is much worse.

2021-12-20 12:07


stockraider again you simply talk out of ignorant. I thought you only did that on method concerning CPC... ha ha ha

2021-12-20 12:07


please go & check with your insurance agents... before you talk ok ?

2021-12-20 12:08


Must tell people the truth mah!

Must learn from my integrity sifu sslee mah!

Never never lie, bluff, cheat & kon loh!

Posted by uncensored > Dec 20, 2021 12:06 PM | Report Abuse

stockraider again you simple talk out of ignorant. I thought you only did that on method concerning CPC... ha ha ha

2021-12-20 12:08


you keep on lying ...my goodness. Please don't deceived people. Dear all please Check with your insurance agents don't trust a liar stockraider ok ??

2021-12-20 12:11


stockraider is empty tin , he simply speak as though he has a high IQ ...hahaha

2021-12-20 12:13


Post removed.Why?

2021-12-20 12:14


don't listen to liar stockraider he is a liar who simply talk hahaha

2021-12-20 12:44


hahahaha u can be wealthy for u founded ijm mudajaya gamuda etc etc....

but u always go back to your old schemes.

u tell everyone to buy then u sell.

after u sell, then u come out with further bad news to push it down so that u can buy back.

u think u can continue to manipulate the market a?

2021-12-20 14:10


Koon, your “Ong Lai” effect is so powerful. You can now see through the flood water.

2021-12-20 17:41


Golden rule no. 1 : never follow KYY's advice.
Golden rule no. 2 : never forget Golden rule no. 1.

2021-12-20 19:25


Memang betul mah!

Flooding is cover under fire insurance mah!

There is no flooding insurance loh!
But There is fire insurance that cover flooding mah!

So u must check your fire insurance to see whether, did u pay extra to cover flooding or not in your fire insurance mah!?

I m sure hiaptek will have bought fire insurance that cover flooding as well mah!
Thus they can claim insurance & not worry about the flood loh!

Not like cheapskate like uncensored loh!...he would have bought very basic fire insurance mah!

Thus no flood insurance cover on flood for uncensored, thus he need to eat sendiri & fork out own money loh!!

Posted by stockraider > Dec 20, 2021 10:56 AM | Report Abuse X

Can mah!

Just check out loh!

Lu tau boh ?

Flooding is cover under fire insurance mah!

Posted by uncensored > Dec 20, 2021 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

stockraider are you sure ? can claim insurance ? don't say say for fun ...

Posted by uncensored > Dec 20, 2021 6:34 PM | Report Abuse

stockraider liar still want to argue... dead chicken trying to open the cover HaHaHa

Do you remember what you said ?
you said "Fire insurance cover flood..."

Do standard fire insurance cover flood ?
The answer is NO. If you don't get covering for flood if you don't opt for its & paid extra premium for its.

Don't try to deceive others. Those who live in a place don't experience flood will usually not opted for covering over flood. General not many people have fire insurance covered flood, riots etc...

Liar... your deceptive sentence will get those innocent hurts...

2021-12-20 19:27


This old man KYY is forever talking KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK in I3

2021-12-20 20:10


You wrote below, the fact is nobody need your help. Whether you sell or buy it is your business. Don't need to write rubbish all the time. I don't think your realize so many in I3 despise you so much that almost all fell that you are constantly writing rubbish to mislead others. And how rich you are , nobody cares


As I said that I have sold all my Hiap Teck shares, I am writing this article to help all investors. Whether you buy or sell Hiap Teck does not matter to me anymore.

2021-12-20 20:15


Flood is natural disaster, no insurance coverage for that

2021-12-20 21:03


Unless you paid for it & specifically ask for that to be covered, then it is.

2021-12-20 21:05


Psalm 148

1 Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord from the heavens;
praise him in the heights above.
2 Praise him, all his angels;
praise him, all his heavenly hosts.
3 Praise him, sun and moon;
praise him, all you shining stars.
4 Praise him, you highest heavens
and you waters above the skies.

5 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for at his command they were created,
6 and he established them for ever and ever—
he issued a decree that will never pass away.

7 Praise the Lord from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all ocean depths,
8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds,
stormy winds that do his bidding,

Verse 4 - At His command, they...sun, moon, stars, waters above the skies were created.

3,000 years ago, the Prophet already learned/knew that there were waters above the skies. The waters from the skies can soak the earth. How great is our Creator?

Verse 8 - .....merely doing His bidding, God is running the show. No doubt.

More than 70% of the surface of the earth are covered by water.

2021-12-21 00:06


Even The angels, heavenly hosts, sun, moon, stars (millions/billions in units), dwellers in the heavens (7 levels), waters above the skies...all of them were commanded to Praise the Lord/the Creator of the universe. What are we the tiny part of the creations...Praise the Lord.

2021-12-21 00:15


US steel drop 4.03% and Steel dynamic drop 4.84% last night.

2021-12-21 08:05


Biden's $1.75 trillion stimulus bill has no hope of passing this year, plus Omicron sweeps Europe and the US

U.S. Democratic Senator Manchin does not support Biden's nearly $2 trillion Rebuild the Good Act, the bill will be forced to delay

2021-12-21 08:05


Now every companies all got risk being flooded, just buy boat & shipping companies, Shipping company sure wouldnt be flooded.

2021-12-21 08:08


He trapped investors again.. encourage ppl to rush in ,so that he clear his own tickets.. this is all the way he making money. Remember AT, supermax and many others? Hope you can hug your money well along to another far place and the different kind of notes cannot be use.

2021-12-21 08:59


how do i get rid of this old man's articles ? who care what he buy or sell

2021-12-21 09:00


You sell, the old man buy!

2021-12-21 10:20


This old man's memory is selective, his reasoning is also selective. U-turns are common. Have so much money also no use

2021-12-21 12:55


Jalan Meru is flooded but not all areas. Certain areas are not affected and some only low-level water. It cannot affect machinery if it is less than a feet from ground. The houses opposite hiap teck factory not much affected. So how do people here confidently say hiap teck is flooded? Just some pictures of flooded road in Jalan Meru? Please get your brain checked if you can't produce concrete evidence.

2021-12-21 16:53


When KYY says it is flooded....it is flooded mah!

Bcos kyy got alot of macais & spies to confirm the flooding findings mah!

Lu tau boh ?

Posted by Everybodyhuat > Dec 21, 2021 4:53 PM | Report Abuse

Jalan Meru is flooded but not all areas. Certain areas are not affected and some only low-level water. It cannot affect machinery if it is less than a feet from ground. The houses opposite hiap teck factory not much affected. So how do people here confidently say hiap teck is flooded? Just some pictures of flooded road in Jalan Meru? Please get your brain checked if you can't produce concrete evidence.

2021-12-21 16:59


stockraider liar 无赖 , Always give false buying price & target without anything in support. Obviously she does not know how to do financial analysis.

2021-12-21 17:02


he is acting like a fool & talking follish things

2021-12-21 17:02


Please ignore stockraider Liar 无赖

2021-12-21 17:03


Uncle good article. haha

2021-12-21 17:04


Stockraider. If Hiap teck is flooded, AYS will be same shoes too. But he did not mention AYS. Furthermore it was weekend flood and cleared by Monday. Minimum disruption. My spy stays there and was not affected.

Lu tau boh?

2021-12-21 17:37


When KYY said it’s flooded, it means it’s flooded. Period.

2021-12-21 17:41


I tend to believe KYY more loh!

Hiaptek is actually flooded, but this KYY has down played it, even he know could claim insurance, thus kyy decide to make a big issue out of it, like hiaptek will incurred very huge losses mah!

Kyy has vested interest to bad mouthed Hiap Tek in order to support Ays mah!

Ays could be flooded too....but of course KYY will keep quiet ,even if it is flooded mah!

Everybodyhuat should call your spy to investigate AYS to uncover & counter KYY bad mouth piece loh!!

Posted by Everybodyhuat > Dec 21, 2021 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

Stockraider. If Hiap teck is flooded, AYS will be same shoes too. But he did not mention AYS. Furthermore it was weekend flood and cleared by Monday. Minimum disruption. My spy stays there and was not affected.

Lu tau boh?

2021-12-21 17:55


KYY would not go to such a low standard lie loh!

He manipulate but he will not make obvious wide lies Mah!

Posted by abang_misai > Dec 21, 2021 5:41 PM | Report Abuse

When KYY said it’s flooded, it means it’s flooded. Period.

2021-12-21 17:57


Stockraider. There is no need to uncover whatever because if you are a kyy believer, you will believe whatever he says. I do not wish to badmouth him either. I already said flood was not too bad over that area, unlike sri muda, and happened over weekend. Make your own judgement.

2021-12-21 20:00


the most cunning people in Bursa. sekejap said this sekejap said that.
when hiaptek plant closed during mco for weeks , it reported profit , this uncle talked good about hiaptek.

now flood few days , it said this will affect hiaptek biz badly.

this uncle should be investigated by Bursa

2021-12-21 20:54


lived so long and still cunning, you dun want make money from market ?
stand in front of the mirror tonight and say this to your self.
see you believe yourself or not.

As I am nearly 89 years old and I am quite wealthy after having co-founded Mudajaya, Gamuda, IGB, IJM Corp, MBM R, Rubberax etc. I do not need to mislead any investor to make a little bit of money. In any case, I know that I cannot take any money with me when I die.

2021-12-21 20:56


Stockraider supports KYY, same gang .

2021-12-21 23:52


No wonder standard so low

2021-12-22 07:58


Read Properly lah!

Where Raider support KYY leh ?

Raider just reveal the truth mah!

Everybodyhuat... should just get his macai to check KYY counter AYS instead of just speculate mah!

Posted by stockraider > Dec 21, 2021 5:55 PM | Report Abuse X

I tend to believe KYY more loh!

Hiaptek is actually flooded, but this KYY has down played it, even he know could claim insurance, thus kyy decide to make a big issue out of it, like hiaptek will incurred very huge losses mah!

Kyy has vested interest to bad mouthed Hiap Tek in order to support Ays mah!

Ays could be flooded too....but of course KYY will keep quiet ,even if it is flooded mah!

Everybodyhuat should call your spy to investigate AYS to uncover & counter KYY bad mouth piece loh!!

Posted by Everybodyhuat > Dec 21, 2021 5:37 PM | Report Abuse

Stockraider. If Hiap teck is flooded, AYS will be same shoes too. But he did not mention AYS. Furthermore it was weekend flood and cleared by Monday. Minimum disruption. My spy stays there and was not affected.

Lu tau boh?

2021-12-22 09:32


stockraider once again being caught for telling lies....hahaha shame on you

2021-12-25 17:57


Stockraider supports KYY, same gang , likes to tell lies. Everyday Lu Tahu Boh , say Insas how good how good, also go holland

2021-12-25 18:16

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