Wall Street has just belittled intelligent Ben B. to a small 'boy'. They waited for him to open his mouth to the public n there they launch their attack on DOW, plunging it down to the closing bell.
These Shortists r having fun shorting in US mkt n also around the world. A known fact that too many people in US r jealous of a record breaking stock mkt. They r not happy at all. So this drop could pacify them momentarily. Might have to monitor DOW future for next few day/s.
Ben B. announced US is having a good problem. It can walk n soon starts running with less 'support'. Isn't it a Sign of good health.
Must be another chance to rebalance or even buy on dips to recent lowest.
Does Any1 disagree ?
Good Luck = Opportunity + Action.Taken
Dare to take action next few day/s !